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Deflecting Yourself Right Out Of A Job

, , , , , , , | Working | March 16, 2022

Five or six years ago, I was working in the IT department of a non-profit. Staff started leaving after the new Chief Information Officer came in. He brought in his own management team! We were desperate to backfill Linux administrators since half the team left.

This resume came through Human Resources. The work history seems a bit off: short-term contracts, a few months there, a few months here. We had doubts even before we contacted him for a phone interview.

Coworker: “How do you rate yourself as a Linux admin, on a scale of one to ten?”

Applicant: “To be modest, I’m a ten.”

I muted the phone and we both started laughing. I unmuted the phone.

Me: “So you know the OS well. How would you extend a logical volume?”

Applicant: “Oh, I don’t do the day-to-day stuff. I just create a ticket for the other team. I mainly do architecture.”

My coworker muted the phone.

Coworker: “Is this guy serious?”

We chuckled and got back to the interview.

The next few questions were all pretty simple, but the applicant gave variations of “I have no idea” deflections.

I muted the phone again.

Me: “If he doesn’t know the basics, there’s no point in continuing the phone interview.”

But I decided to give him another chance

Me: “How would you set up passwordless SSH?”

Applicant: “Why don’t you stop asking me basic questions? Ask me about troubleshooting.”

At this point, we gave up and gestured a thumbs-down.

Coworker: “We have no further questions. Do you have questions for us?”

Applicant: “When will you decide to fill the position? I have great confidence in starting this new opportunity.”

Only Accepts A-Grade Service

, , , , , , , | Right | March 14, 2022

My manager has me call a customer regarding a recommended repair. He said she is nice but he has difficulty connecting with her; he feels she has trouble trusting him about what her car does and doesn’t need and that, as a fellow woman, she might feel more comfortable talking with me.

Me: “We finished the inspection on your minivan and overall, it’s looking good, but we did notice that one wheel has a broken lug stud. It’d be [price] to replace that stud.”

Customer: “How many studs are there on each wheel?”

Me: “Your van has five per wheel.”

Customer: “So, four out of five is like… 80%. That’s like a B. B is a passing grade, right? So do we really need to do it?”

Me: “That’s an interesting way to look at it! You can also think of it this way: over time, that missing stud puts more stress on the other four lug studs. If they break and the wheel falls off, you’ll still have three wheels. Three out of four is 75%, which is a C. C is also a passing grade, right?”

She laughed and approved the repair.

This story is part of the Editors’-Favorite-Stories Of-2022 roundup!

Read the next Editors’-Favorite-Stories Of-2022 roundup story!

Read the Editors’-Favorite-Stories Of-2022 roundup!

You Sure You Wanna Have Kids With Her?

, , , , , , | Romantic | March 13, 2022

I am agnostic and my girlfriend is an atheist. My last name is Chan.

I was just hanging out with my girlfriend and talking when, somehow, the topic of what we would name our theoretical future children came up. Neither of us took it at all seriously, and we were both trying to come up with the worst possible names we could give the poor kids.

Girlfriend: “Oh, oh! I’ve got the perfect name: Christopher!”

Me: “Why’s that perfect?”

Girlfriend: “Because we would be raising him to believe everything we believe, of course.”

Me: “So?”

Girlfriend: “So, he will be the only Chris Chan I’ve ever met that doesn’t believe in God!”

As I recall, I ended up throwing a French fry at her for that one. Years later, she is now my fiancée. No news yet on any Chris Chans, though.

Graphic Problems Require Novel Solutions

, , , , , , , | Related | March 11, 2022

My brother wants to buy a book.

Dad: “What type of book is it?”

Brother: “It’s a comic book.”

Dad: “No, you can’t get that.”

Brother: *Without missing a beat* “It’s a graphic novel.”

He did not get the book!

The Helicopter-est Of Helicopter Parents

, , , , , , | Working | March 8, 2022

Many years ago, I started working with a woman who had an advanced degree in her field. I very much enjoyed working with her as she was smart, efficient, and very nice, and she would often talk about her family: a husband and two sons. She was a per diem employee, which meant that she gave the company the hours she was available to work and they scheduled her if she was needed.

Coworker: “Starting this fall, I won’t be working as much as I have been. [Son #1] is getting ready to go to college, and I’m enrolling in his classes so I can help him.”

This puzzled me a little, as she had never mentioned that he was intellectually challenged, but I was happy for her that she was able to do this for him. I am talking with my boss a few days later.

Me: “It’s too bad [Coworker] won’t be working with us as much. I really enjoy working with her.”

[Boss] is friends with [Coworker]’s husband.

Boss: “What are you talking about?”

Me: “Well, she’s taking herself off the schedule so she can go to school with [Son #1]. I didn’t even know he was intellectually challenged.”

My boss starts laughing uproariously.

Boss: “He’s not intellectually challenged; he’s a normal eighteen-year-old with an over-clinging mother!”

I don’t know what happened — if the college stepped in or her husband put his foot down — but she never ended up going to college (again!) with her son.

Fast forward to a few years later.

Coworker: “[Son #2] is going on a pilgrimage with our church; I’m very worried about him, but the pastor and the chaperones have all told me it’s perfectly safe.”

Me: “How old is he?”

Coworker: “He’s twenty, but he’s never traveled without me before.”

Really, never? 

A month later, [Coworker] came to work.

Me: “So, how was [Son #2]’s trip?”

Coworker: *Getting visibly angry* “They abandoned him! They didn’t wake him one morning and just left him and continued on with the trip. I had to fly all the way to [Country] to rescue him! I am never going back to that church, and I have stopped talking to all my friends who went on the trip. I can’t believe they would just leave a helpless child all alone in another country!”

Later on, I was talking to my boss.

Me: “So, what’s with [Son #2]’s trip? I can’t believe the church people would just abandon him.”

Boss: *Grinning from ear to ear* “They didn’t really ‘abandon’ him. He was going off at night with the other kids his age, drinking, and staying out very late. As a result, getting [Son #2] up every morning was a major event; he slept through multiple alarms, would fall back asleep after being awakened several times, and would take an hour or so to get ready to leave. The group ended up being late for every part of the tour and even missed some events altogether because of his lateness. They sat him down several times to talk to him about his lateness, and when nothing improved, they gave him a countdown. If he made them late three more times, they would leave him and let him make his own way to the sites. Every time after that, when he was late, they would remind him, ‘You have only two chances left,’ and, ‘This is your last chance,’ and the third time, they held to their word and left him.”

Me: “Well, I don’t know what they could have done, but it still seems harsh to abandon someone who’s never traveled alone before.”

Boss: “Nah, they left him clear, written instructions about what to do once he finally woke up, along with everyone’s cell number. He was supposed to go to see the guy in charge of the accommodations, who would arrange for prepaid transportation to where the group had traveled to, and once he got there, someone would meet him and take him to the group. Instead, he called [Coworker] crying about how he’d been left all by himself and didn’t know what to do.”

Several years later, this same woman was incensed that her husband would not let her go with her son and his new bride on their honeymoon!