Right Working Romantic Related Learning Friendly Healthy Legal Inspirational Unfiltered


, , , , | Right | December 3, 2010

(At the cinema the water is really expensive. The bottle we sell costs $5.10 but anywhere else it would be $2.)

Me: “Hi, what can I get you?”

Customer: “I’ll just grab a water, thanks.”

Me: “Sure, that’ll be $5.10.”

Customer: *shocked* “$5.10!?”

Me: “Yeah, sorry, just our prices.”

Customer: “But it’s water. You know, that s*** comes from the sky, right?”

This story is part of our Water roundup!

Read the next Water roundup story!

Read the Water roundup!

Not Quite Getting To Beirut Of The Matter

, , , , , | Right | November 26, 2010

(An elderly man, his son, and a nurse stop by the hospital cafe. The man is looking at the soft drinks in the fridge.)

Man: “I want a lemonade!”

Me: “Are you allowed to have lemonade?” *to son* “Isn’t he diabetic?”

Son: “No, he’s Lebanese.”

Will Never Get Past The Conceptual Stage

, , , , , | Right | November 23, 2010

(A customer comes to my register with prenatal vitamins and a book on conception.)

Customer: “The tablets scanned at $32.50. They’re supposed to be $20!”

Me: “Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll just get someone to check the price. Won’t be a moment.” *checks* “No, I’m sorry. $32.50 is the correct price.”

Customer: “$32.50 is way too expensive! I don’t want to conceive that much!”

This story is part of the Cheapskate Customers roundup!

Read the next roundup story!

Read the roundup!

Likely Not A Fan Of Spell Checking

, , , , , , , | Right | November 15, 2010

Customer: “Excuse me!”

Me: “Yes, ma’am?”

Customer: “I want to return this laptop I bought from you yesterday.”

Me: “Oh, really? Why? Is there a problem with it?”

Customer: “Yes there is! It has witchcraft in it!”

Me: “Witchcraft?”

Customer: “Yes! When I tried to install a program on it, it said it was starting a wizard. Wizards and witchcraft are evil! I don’t know why you would sell such things at a store like this!”

Me: “Ma’am, a ‘wizard’ on a computer is just the name of the program that helps the install process. It makes it quick so that it is like magic, hence the name ‘wizard’.”

Customer: “I don’t care about your make-believe hullabaloo religion! It goes against my beliefs to have anything to do with that type of thing! Now give me my refund so I can be out of this evil place!”

Me: “Sure, ma’am, this way.”

In The Twilight Of Their Youth

, , , , | Right | October 21, 2010

(I’m serving a family at the box office. The wife keeps looking nervously at the ‘Vampires Suck’ poster we have on display.)

Me: “You’ll be in Cinema six for Tomorrow. Enjoy your movie, guys!”

Wife: “Excuse me, I just have one question.”

Me: “Yes?”

Wife: *leans in close* “Are people actually watching Vampires Suck?”

Me: “Yes, it’s very popular with young teenagers and has sold out a few times.”

Wife: “But… but… it’s insulting Twilight!”

Me: “I know; I saw it, too.”

(The husband quickly grabbed his wife by the arm before she could say anything else.)

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