Right Working Romantic Related Learning Friendly Healthy Legal Inspirational Unfiltered

We’re Pretty Sure Arizona Doesn’t Like You, Either

, , , , | Right | October 3, 2020

I work in a gas station. The cashier speaks broken English but is the sweetest lady you’ll ever meet. The manager is extremely customer-oriented, known for sucking up to customers to ensure repeat business. A customer comes up and slams an item down on the counter.

Customer: “Give me my money back for this piece of s***!”

Cashier: “No problem, sir. Could I please see your receipt?”

Customer: “Whatever.”

The customer also slams the receipt down on the counter.

Cashier: “I’m sorry, sir, but this is a copy and we have to have the original receipt. Do you have it?”

Customer: “What the f*** do you mean? Why can’t you just do it with that?”

Cashier: “I’m sorry, sir, but I have to have it.”

Customer: “I hate all you f***ers in Arizona; you’re all a bunch of f****** idiots! Useless!”

He goes out to his car to get the original receipt. When he comes back, he slams it down on the counter, as well.

Customer: “There! Now give me my f****** money!”

Cashier: “Okay, sir, let me call my manager, because I’m not allowed to complete returns.”

Customer: “No, you’re f****** not! You’re gonna give my my f****** money right f****** now! This is bulls***!”

At this point, everyone in the travel plaza can hear him screaming, and the manager runs out from the office.

Manager: “I’m so sorry about that, sir. What can I help you with today?”

Customer: “Just give me my f****** money!”

Manager: “Sure thing, sir. I just need to know why you’re returning this item so I can process the return. Corporate requires it.”

Customer: “I don’t have to f****** tell you anything! I hate this g**d***ed state! You’re all idiots, every single f****** one of you!”

Manager: “You know what? I don’t need your business! Get out.”

Customer: “No, you’re going to refund my f****** money!”

Manager: “Get out, or I’m calling the cops!”

Customer: “Call the cops! I’d love to talk to them! I’m f****** security at [Fast Food Restaurant]; my badge is in the car. They won’t do s***!”

My manager calls 911, and when the customer realizes he’s serious about it, he tries to leave with his unpaid-for soda.

Manager: “Sir, you haven’t paid for that!”

Customer:Oooh! Big f****** deal!”

He slams two dollars on the counter.

Customer: “Keep the f****** change, a**hole!”

Manager: “Actually, sir, the soda is $2.17, so that’s not enough.”

The customer throws the soda.

Customer: “F*** this place!”

The customer ran outside and made faces at the manager through the window, got in his car, and made laps around the gas pumps, before flying out of our parking lot at least at 100 mph, running a red light in the process.

No Use Crying Over Spilled Soup

, , , , , | Friendly | October 1, 2020

This is before the health crisis. I am at a nice restaurant with my boyfriend and his family, and his sister and her husband are letting their kids run wild. I used to wait tables, so I understand how frustrating it is when parents do this. The kids are stealing food from other tables, petting a service dog without permission, and running around. The final straw comes when the waitress appears with some hot soup and one of the kids nearly barrels into her.

Me: “Hey, [Kid]! Come here for a second!”

The kid comes over. 

Me: “See that girl right there? She’s holding something hot. If you bump into her, she could spill it on somebody, and she would get blamed for it, even though it isn’t her fault. Do you think you can calm down?”

The kid nodded and ran in the other direction. I looked up. My boyfriend’s sister’s and her husband’s faces were bright red, and my boyfriend’s parents were smiling.

Later, the sister pulled me aside and told me that I had no right to tell her child how to behave. Their father overheard and loudly complimented me for “being a better parent than the actual parents.”

My boyfriend and I have since broken up, but I really hope I made his sister think about how to make kids behave in public.

Deaf To Reason, Part 12

, , , , , | Right | September 29, 2020

I’m a cashier at my local grocery store. I’m partially deaf in both ears so I wear hearing aids. I live in a small town so most people know each other and they know about my hearing aids. This man wasn’t familiar to anybody, so I know he isn’t from around the town.

I’m checking out a customer when the man comes up in line not really paying attention. The customer I’m helping leaves and the man is next up. I’m extremely pale; I could pass for albino at this point.

Me: “Welcome to [Grocery Store]. Did you find everything you needed?”

The customer looks up at me and starts getting visibly angry.

Customer: “Take those out of your ears, you disrespectful n*****!”

Me: “Um, I’m sorry? Take what out of my ears?”

Customer: “Those d*** earphones! All you kids are so disrespectful to your elders! D*** n*****s, don’t you know it ain’t polite to keep them in?! Where is your manager?! Does he know you’re being rude to customers?”

I realize he is talking about my hearing aids.

Me: “I’m sorry, sir, but these aren’t earphones. I’m partially deaf so I wear hearing aids.”

This guy wasn’t having it. Before anyone could do anything, he leapt over the counter and ripped them out of my ears, breaking both of them. He was immediately escorted out by some patrons in the store, all the while screaming about disrespectful kids.

I stood at my counter teary-eyed, looking at my broken hearing aids, which are not cheap. Then, the next customer in line looked at the ground and saw he had dropped his wallet. We ended up calling the police and he forcibly paid for my new hearing aids. Safe to say, I am no longer a cashier, but I still go to that grocery store and I’m always greeted with a joking, “Take your earphones out!” by the employees.

Deaf To Reason, Part 11
Deaf To Reason, Part 10
Deaf To Reason, Part 9
Deaf To Reason, Part 8
Deaf To Reason, Part 7

The More Grisly The Threat The Less Seriously It’s Taken

, , , , , | Right | September 21, 2020

A customer’s young son, maybe age three or so, is standing in the shopping trolley dancing and jumping around.

Mother: “If you don’t sit down, you will fall out. You will fall out and crack your head open when you hit the ground, and your brains will fall out, and you will need to go to the hospital and go to intensive care, and I will not take you!”

Little Boy: “Okay!”

He kept jumping around.

A Not So Warm And Cuddly Story

, , , , , , | Legal | September 20, 2020

My best friend of ten years is six months pregnant. Due to the current health crisis, among other reasons, we have not been able to catch up in person since April. I do crochet and embroidery as a hobby and have spent my free time over the last two or three months making a baby blanket, which is basically the baby’s name embroidered among stars and planets, etc.

My best friend and I are catching up in a coffee shop that’s halfway between our respective houses, for the first time in months, and I have given her the blanket for the baby. We’ve just sat down to enjoy our cuppas and a chat when we hear a woman’s voice.

Woman: “Um, excuse me, how much is that blanket?”

Best Friend: “Oh, [My Name] made it for me! It’s for my—”

Woman: *Rudely* “How much?”

Best Friend: “Um… what? It’s not for sale.”

Me: “I made it for my niece; it’s a gift—”

Woman: “I asked you HOW MUCH?” *Raises her voice* “I don’t understand why you can’t just answer me! So rude!”

Me: “Look, the blanket isn’t for sale! You can’t have it! So can you please leave us alone?”

Woman: *Gives us both a death glare* “F****** RUDE!”

She turned to walk away and we thought that was the end of it. Nope: quicker than either of us could react, she snatched the blanket off the table and made a run for the door!

Lucky for us, she tried to pull a push door and slammed head first into it, losing her balance and landing square on her backside. I grabbed the blanket out of her hands before she could react, and she started screaming about theft and assault and calling me every name in the book. At this point, I was worried she was going to have an aneurysm with how hard she was shrieking.

Even better, the cafe had security tapes and the barista had seen the woman snatch the blanket.

Cops were called, charges were filed — she spat on me and you bet I’m booking her for it — my best friend got her blanket, and I finally got a story to post on here!

This story is part of our Best Of September 2020 roundup!

Read the next story in the Best Of September 2020 roundup!

Read the Best Of September 2020 roundup!