Right Working Romantic Related Learning Friendly Healthy Legal Inspirational Unfiltered

Changing Languages Doesn’t Change The Facts

, , , , , , | Working | January 6, 2021

I’m in line at a Hispanic grocery store with an older Japanese woman in front of me. The cashier finishes ringing her up and the customer hands her a twenty for a six-dollar charge.

Employee: “Here you go, ma’am.”

The employee gives her four dollars in change.

Customer: “Umm, excuse me. You messed up my change.”

Employee: *Dismissively* “No, I didn’t. Now, if you could please move along?”

Customer: “Wait, please, I do need the money.”

The cashier looks noticeably annoyed.

Employee: “Look. I get that English isn’t your first language, but that’s how much change you get from a ten.”

Me: *Interrupting* “Hey, she gave you a twenty, not a ten. Why won’t you give her the right change?”

This seems to set off the cashier, who quickly walks off to get a manager. She brings the manager and talks to her, facing her and ignoring us.

Employee: *In Spanish* “This old lady keeps insisting that I took her ten dollars and won’t go away. “

Me: *Interrupting again in Spanish* “She paid with a twenty and you didn’t give her the correct change.”

The cashier glared at me, and with a huff, took the cash from the register to count it with the manager. They came back about seven minutes later, the manager looking annoyed and the cashier completely unwilling to look me or the older woman in the eyes as she gave her the correct change.

This Is Why We’re In A Recession, Part 99

, , | Right | January 6, 2021

I work in a call center for a financial institution. I get connected with a customer who has some basic questions about her account. I have previously gone over account balances, recent transactions, and recent cleared checks.

Customer: “Can you tell me what outstanding checks I have?”

Me: “Outstanding? You mean checks that you’ve written, but haven’t cleared your account yet?”

Customer: “Yes, please.”

Me: “Ma’am, there’s no way for us to know what checks you have written if they have not cleared your account yet. I can send you another check register if you need it.”

Customer: “Oh. I guess that makes sense. Have a good day!”

This Is Why We’re In A Recession, Part 98
This Is Why We’re In A Recession, Part 97
This Is Why We’re In A Recession, Part 96
This Is Why We’re In A Recession, Part 95
This Is Why We’re In A Recession, Part 94

Num-Locked Into A Vicious Cycle

, , , , , | Right | January 6, 2021

Me: “IT help line; this is [My Name].”

High-Maintenance User: “Hi, [My Name]. Remember when you did all that work on my computer yesterday? Well, I can’t log in this morning! Did you do something to the network last night?”

IT “doing something to the network last night” is the primary cause of all problems, according to this user.

Me: “Noooo…”

I am already going to unlock the account.

Me: “Let’s get you unlocked here.”

High-Maintenance User: *Frantic typing* “It still won’t let me log in! Did you do something? Let’s just reset my password!”

During this whole time, he is not letting me answer. But if he wants to reset his password, no skin off my nose.

Me: “Okay… the new password is [new password with numbers and letters].”

High-Maintenance User: *Increasingly frantic* “It’s still not working! It’s not… Oh, wait. I had the Number-Lock key off. That’s why I couldn’t log in, to begin with!”

Another satisfied customer… for now.

“Legal” Doesn’t Mean “Not Creepy”

, , , , | Romantic | January 6, 2021

I am eighteen and have recently graduated high school when I decide to go to a local anime and comic convention. It’s worth noting that I’m only five feet tall and am told I have a child’s face; I’m often mistaken for being maybe thirteen years old.

I’m finishing up a conversation with a seller at a booth when we have this exchange.

Seller: “Sorry, we don’t have that in stock, but we have a local store, actually! You should swing by and we’ll put you on a waiting list?”

Me: “Ah, nah, sorry. I’m actually not in town much longer. I move away to start college soon. Maybe at next year’s convention!”

We have been talking while walking away from each other to end the conversation before, but at my words, he instantly and almost cartoonishly stops dead and spins on his heels. He power-walks back to talk to me and stands uncomfortably close and leers at me.

Seller: “Oh, college, you say? I didn’t know you were going to college. Well, your… boyfriend… must be awfully proud of you, hm?”

I’m creeped out by this instant shift.

Me: “Uh. Yeah. He totally is. Bye!”

I high-tailed it out of there ASAP after that! He flipped from normal dude to creepy man as soon as he realized I was “legal.”

A Troll By Any Other Color Would Be As Annoying

, , , , | Friendly | January 6, 2021

I’m playing on a rather small Minecraft server when a new player approaches me.

Player: “Hey, [My Gamertag]!”

Me: “Hello! Welcome to the server.”

Player: “You’re wearing diamond gear. Can I have some?”

Me: “I’m sorry, no. I barely have enough to keep my armor repaired.”

Player: “I’m black.”

Me: “Okay, and?”

Player: “Give me diamonds.”

Me: “Look, I already said no. I can help you mine for them, but I can’t just give you my stuff.”

Player: “Racist!”

Me: “What?”

Player: “You’re not giving me diamonds because I’m black!”

Me: “No, I’m not giving you diamonds because I can’t spare any.”

Player: “[Moderator #1], [My Gamertag] is harassing me!”

The mod has read the entire exchange.

Moderator #1: “…”

Player: “[My Gamertag] is a racist. BAN HIM.”

Moderator #1: “I’m not banning him, and you need to calm down, [Player].”

Player: “You’re racist, too! This server sucks!”

Me: “Just be quiet. Nobody is buying into your crap.”

Player: “F*** you, f****t!”

Moderator #1: “Stop cursing, or you’re going to be banned.”

Player: “You can’t tell me what to do, p****-a** b****!”

The mod bans the player.

A few days later, a player with a very similar username joins.

Player: “Hi, I’m white. Give me diamonds.”

Me: “Didn’t [Moderator #1] ban you a few days ago?”

Player: “I don’t know what you mean.”

Me: “Listen, I don’t have any diamonds to spare.”

Player: “You’re a racist! You’re a hacker! You’re…”

The player proceeds to call me every name in the book and proceeds to contradict himself multiple times, saying that I hate black people and then later saying I hate white people. 

Me: “Hey, [Moderator #2]! Can you ban this guy?”

Player: “I haven’t done anything!”

I couldn’t help laughing; this guy was so stupid. [Moderator #2] banned him.

I haven’t seen him since, but I still joke about it sometimes with my friends. To this day, I wonder if he was a troll or just plain dumb. I hope it’s the former; otherwise, I would lose faith in humanity.