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How Is This Person Still Alive?, Part 2

, , , , , , | Right | September 20, 2023

Customer: “The cash machine (ATM) by your entrance is broken.”

Me: “Oh, no! Thanks for letting us know.”

Customer: “Yeah, I tried to take out £1,000, but it wouldn’t let me.”

Me: “Oh! Well, I think it’s different for each bank, but most banks have a cash withdrawal limit of £250 or £300 a day.”

Customer: “Oh, that must be it. Thanks.”

I nod and assume that’s the end of it. A few minutes later, they’re back.

Customer: “No, still not working. You know, it’s not nice to have a sign up saying it can give you cash but then not have it work!”

Me: “The machines are operated by a bank, not us, but I’ll pass on the message to get them to check on it. For my notes, can you tell me what issue the machine is giving you?”

Customer: “Well, it says, ‘Free Cash’, so I try to press the numbers to say how much I want, but nothing comes out!”

Me: “Just so we’re clear, you know that ‘Free Cash’ means that you won’t be charged by the bank to withdraw money from that cash machine, right?”

Customer: “Yeah, because it’s free money.”

Me: “Well, it’s still your own money, sir. You’re just not being charged to have access to it.”

Customer: “But I don’t have any money. That’s why I wanted the free cash!”

Me: “Sir, what did you expect to happen if you inserted a bank card with no money on it?”

Customer: “What card?”

Yes. This customer saw a cash machine with the “Free Cash” sign above it and simply walked up to it and started pressing numbers, expecting it to dispense that same number in cash.

Without a bank account.

For free.

How Is This Person Still Alive?

All Who Use That Spot Will Pay, One Way Or Another

, , , , , , | Friendly | September 16, 2023

When I rented, the parking lot was assigned parking. The first space was complimentary, but my wife and I both had cars, so I had to pay for the extra spot.

We came home around 1:00 am one night, and some idiot was parked in my spot. Not having it and not wanting to deal with an overnight parking ban on the street, I parked behind him perpendicularly to block him into my spot. The neighbouring spot belonged to my caretaker, who was the chillest guy I’ve ever rented from. I shot him a text explaining and asking him to call me if he needed to get his car out before me in the morning. He laughed and said all was good.

After about an hour of watching TV, at 2:00 am, I went out for a smoke and noticed that the car in my spot was running. I watched the driver frantically looking around for whose car was parked behind him. He saw me and started complaining about it, not knowing it was mine.

Driver: “Ugh! I just want to go home! I don’t understand why some people gotta be such a**holes!”

Me: “Maybe the owner of the car was mad because you were in his spot. Some people pay extra monthly for another spot.”

He gave up and went back into his buddy’s unit. I went inside and went to bed.

I went out in the morning to go out for a bit, and the guy was sitting on his buddy’s doorstep. I waved, got in my car, and left. I made that a**hole sit trapped all night until 9:00 am. The look on his face as I entered my car was priceless.

Back Seat Callers

, , , , , | Right | September 15, 2023

I get a call from a caller who has left their key inside the car.

Me: “Can I get your membership number?”

Caller: “Oh, I don’t have my card to hand.”

Me: “That’s okay. I can take your name and—”

Caller: “Oh, wait, it’s in my bag!”

I hear the sound of a car door opening, a bag being rummaged in, and then a car door closing.

Caller: “My membership number is [number].”

Me: “Wait, sir, how did you get to your bag?”

Caller: “It was in the back seat.”

Me: “The back seat of the car you’re locked out of?”

Caller: “Yes.”

Me: “…”

Caller: “…”

Me: “…” 

Caller: “…F***’s sake.” *Click*

We Just Want To Go Postal On This Creep

, , , , , , | Working | September 15, 2023

CONTENT WARNING: Sexual Harassment


I started an apprenticeship after high school to gain some work experience. I worked in a postroom for a large company. The company was based locally with a few buildings located in the town centre. To save extra costs, they used internal porters to transport the post between buildings.

I worked in the Town Hall which, as you can imagine, was a very old building and was not an open space office, as all the other buildings were. My colleagues were a lot older than me — in their fifties — except for one who was a year or two older than me. I am a heterosexual female and [Colleague] was a gay male.

The building had CCTV in the corridors only, so the room [Colleague] and I worked in did not have any CCTV at all. Sometimes we were alone working in that room whilst the others did the external post in the other office. The older colleagues had a separate office from us as they held more senior roles.

We had one porter who would do the afternoon post run. He was fairly new to the job, was a similar age to my other colleagues, was quite overweight, and always had a funny smell about him. He would always flirt with the older colleagues and wander into their office first whilst collecting the post.

During a quiet shift, [Colleague] came up to me and said that the porter flirted with him and touched him inappropriately when collecting post and he felt uncomfortable. I thought he was joking, as that was the sort of person he was. I would leave the post bags on the countertop for collection and work from the other office, so I never really saw or spoke to the porters. This particular porter, however, insisted that someone physically hand him the post. My naive young mind never thought anything of this. Maybe he couldn’t find the large, brightly-coloured bags? I’m not sure.

I was working in that office myself one week as internal post was extremely busy. The porter came in and started making small talk whilst I bagged the post. What I didn’t realise was that he kept getting closer and making sexual jokes. I finished bagging the post and, before turning around, I felt something touch my bottom. I turned around ninety degrees with my back to the corner of the countertop. The porter moved his hand back but showed no sign of guilt or anything — just a creepy smile on his face. I quickly gave him the post and bolted out of there. I tried telling my older colleagues, but they dismissed this as a joke and said he was only being friendly and wouldn’t do that. After that, on a few other occasions, he came in and slapped me on my behind and squeezed which made me even more uncomfortable. 

When I next saw [Colleague], I apologised and told him what had happened to me. The next day, we decided to work together in the office. The same porter came in again. We looked at each other with a “Now what?” sort of look. [Colleague] stood behind me whilst I bagged the post. But as it was a corner countertop, it looked like we were side by side. I turned to get the bags, my colleague turned to take them from me, and the porter decided this was the best time to press his whole body into [Colleague]’s back. His “joke” was, “Are we making a sandwich?”

We both stayed quiet as we were scared we would be in trouble if we said anything. It was our word against his. 

The final straw came a week before Christmas. Everyone was sending Christmas cards internally so internal post wasn’t filled with much else and bags were very light. The porter came to collect the bags and complained to our colleagues that I was “hiding out” in the back office. [Colleague] was on lunch at the time.

This time, I decided to give him the bags in the corridor as they were extremely light. I made sure to stand slightly to the side, facing my back toward the camera so he would be facing the camera. He had his trolley with him and decided to bend down in front of me to put his bags in the trolley, made a nasty sexual gesture with his tongue and fingers, and inhaled.

In writing this, it sounds like it took longer than it did, but in reality, he was very quick about it. I wondered if it had happened or not. I was in shock. I was extremely grossed out and stepped back. At that moment, I felt like crying. Luckily for me, I knew there was CCTV there and he had been caught.

Once he left, I spoke to [Colleague] about this and we reported it to Human Resources, who asked if we wanted to take this further. Now I feel like I should have, but at the time, we were both younger and didn’t want to cause trouble as our older colleagues already doubted us. We felt like little kids in the office. In the end, the porter was fired and post was left in the room for pickup or an older colleague would deal with the porters.

There Is No Magic Button To Make Bad Customers Go Away

, , , , , , | Right | September 14, 2023

I get a call from a customer having a software issue. It’s a known issue, and in all honesty, it’s solved by simply logging out and logging back in again. I advise them to try this, but even that seems to be too much effort for them.

Caller: “Can you push the big button or something?”

Me: “Excuse me, but what button?”

Caller: “The button you press to make the problems go away!”

Me: “I don’t have a button that can do that, sir, but I can help you solve the issue. First, you’ll need to log out and then log back in again so we can make sure it’s not a more complicated issue.”

Caller: “Are you sure you can’t just push the button?”

Me: “No, sir.”

Caller: “Hmph. Fine, let’s try it that way first.”

I hear the computer going through the log out sounds, and then he logs back in again.

Caller: “Oh, wow! It’s working again!”

Me: “Yes, sir! I suspected that would solve it.”

Caller: “You pressed the button, didn’t you?”

Me: “No, sir. It was simply a case of—”

Caller: “Why are you lying about the button?! Put me through to your supervisor! I want to tell them that you’re keeping the button all to yourself!”

Seriously, I can’t win…