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Caught Calling The Kettle Black

, , , | Right | February 16, 2010

(“Where The Wild Things Are” has just been released at the cinema. When movies come out, the book usually skyrockets in popularity.)

Me: “Good morning, how can I help you today?”

Patron: “Hi, I was wondering if you have a copy of Where The Wild Things Are?”

Me: “I’m sure we do, but I have to warn you that since it has just come out at the movies, there will probably be a waiting list.”

(I look up the book, and sure enough, there are twelve reservations)

Me: “I’m sorry, there are currently twelve reservations in place. I can put you down for a reservation but you probably won’t get it for another four-to-six months.”

Patron: “What? That’s ridiculous! It’s such an old book. Why are people suddenly interested?”

Me: “Well, when a movie is made out of a book, people are suddenly interested in reading the book.”

Patron: “That’s stupid. I don’t see why they should want to read it just because the movie has come out.”

Me: “Why did you want to read it?”

Patron: “Because the movie has just come out!”

This story is part of our Ironic Customer roundup!

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Read the Ironic Customer roundup!

This story is part of our Book Lovers roundup!

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Read the Book Lovers Roundup!

From The Mouth Of Babes

, , , , , , , , | Related Right | February 15, 2010

(While driving a bus, I overhear this conversation between a mother and her child, right after a police car has driven by with lights and siren blaring.)

Child: “Mum, is that police car coming for us?”

Mother: “No, why?”

Child: “Because you told the bus driver I’m three and I’m really four.”

This story is part of the Adorable Kids roundup!

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Read the Adorable Kids roundup!

Booze Is Blamed When There Is No Proof

, , , | Right | February 15, 2010

Caller: “Why has my insurance been canceled?”

Me: “Well, it looks like you have made six car claims in the last four months.”

Caller: “Yeah, I had some accidents.”

Me: “That is why we can no longer insure you. It’s written in our policy statements.”

Caller: “Bull! None of those accidents were my fault!”

Me: “It says here that you drove the vehicle into a tree twice, and the oth–”

Caller: “Like I said, it wasn’t MY fault! It was the alcohol’s fault!”

This story is part of the Ignorant-About-Insurance roundup!

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Read the Ignorant-About-Insurance roundup!

This One’s A No-Brainer

, , , , | Right | February 13, 2010

Customer: “My mother is taking some medication and it is making her sick. Can you stop giving it to her?”

Me: “I’ll have to ask the pharmacist for you. What medication is it?”

Customer: “It’s a little white pill.”

Me: “You don’t know the name of it, sir? We do have many white pills in the pharmacy.”

Customer: “I think it’s for her heart… or her brain.”

This story is part of our Pharmacy Roundup!

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Read the Pharmacy Roundup!

Burn Me Twice, Flame On Me

, , , | Right | February 10, 2010

(Note: I’m a customer and overhear this conversation.)

Worker: “Hi, what can I do for you?”

Customer: “I bought this garlic bread, and I burnt my hands and my mouth.”

Worker: “Oh, how did you burn both?”

Customer: “It was too hot in my hands, so I put it in my mouth…”

This story is part of our Garlic roundup!

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Read the Garlic roundup!

This story is part of our Extra-Stupid-Customers roundup!

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Read the Extra-Stupid-Customers roundup!