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The Designated Defender

, , , , | Working | March 13, 2020

(We have been seated at a restaurant and a waitress takes our orders. When she comes back with our drinks, she puts a soda water in front of me.)

Me: “I ordered a beer.”

Waitress: “But you’re the designated driver.”

Me: “No. None of us are. We’re taking a taxi.”

(It’s clear she doesn’t believe me, and she doesn’t come back over until our food is ready. I ask again, and she reiterates her point that I am the designated driver. I ask for the owner and we explain the situation.)

Owner: “If you are the designated driver, why would you order an alcoholic drink?”

Me: “That’s the thing. I’m not. We got a taxi over, and we’re taking one back. I haven’t even got my keys with me.”

Owner: *to the waitress* “Who told you he was their driver?”

Waitress: “I did.”

Owner: “Don’t you think that is an issue if you pick the wrong person?”

Waitress: *clueless* “No.”

(The owner apologises and offers a discount. We are seen by a more competent waitress and we don’t see our original waitress until we leave and are getting into our taxi. She runs out, dragging the owner.) 


(She realised her fault and fled back into the restaurant. The owner facepalmed and apologised to us again. While I couldn’t really fault our new waitress or the owner — with perhaps the exception of hiring that waitress — we have not been back.)

I’m Drawing A Blanc, Part 2

, , , , | Right | March 3, 2020

(I am working behind the bar when a customer asks me to show him our list of red wines. I show him our selection.)

Customer: “Do you have the Sauvignon Blanc?”

Me: “Yes, sir, in the white.”

Customer: “No, I want it in the red.”

Me: “Sir, I’m afraid that Sauvignon Blanc comes only as a white wine, hence the name… blanc.”

Customer: “Actually, there is a red Sauvignon Blanc. I should know; I’ve had it before.”

Me: “Sir, I’m sorry but there really is no such wine. If it’s a Cabernet Sauvignon or a Sangiovese you’re after, then I could offer you a red, but since ‘blanc’ means ‘white,’ I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do.”

(He had a merlot and stormed off telling his wife how stupid I was.)

I’m Drawing A Blanc

This story is part of the third Wine roundup!

Read the next Wine roundup story!

Read the third Wine roundup!

In A State Of Sarcasm

, , , , , | Right | March 1, 2020

In Ohio this weekend, there is a huge country concert. People from all around attend this thing, and usually, we get a few rowdy people.

A customer comes in, and thank God he isn’t driving, as he is loaded. He also comes in with a kid, who is nice and buys his own stuff. The older guy, though, is throwing a fit.

“What the h***? I can’t find your f****** beer!”

Keep in mind that he’s at least five feet from the cooler door.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I’m from Tennessee, and we keep our beer in the coolers!”

“Well, guess what? In Ohio, we do, as well, and if you turn your head just a little bit, son of a gun, there’s beer! Wow, it’s a Tennessee miracle!”

They Pray To The Spirits

, , , , , , , | Right | February 25, 2020

I was a customer in a chain restaurant and was seated at the bar. A customer near me ordered a cocktail. The bartender/waitress made the cocktail and the customer took a sip and complained it was too sweet. The bartender/waitress apologized and explained she had had to look up how to make that drink and offered to make a different cocktail.

The customer ordered a different cocktail, a common one, and the bartender/waitress made it and gave it to the customer, who was satisfied.

The customer and dining companions then decided to move from the bar to a table for dinner. As they were moving, the customer left the too-sweet drink on the bar, and her dining companion noticed and said, “Drink it anyway! You can’t throw away alcohol; it’s against my religion!”

Somewhere It’s Beer O’Clock, But Not Here…

, , , , , , , | Right | February 24, 2020

Where I am, the law states that stores can only sell beer and wine up until 11:00 pm, and the registers will refuse all sales at 11:00 on the dot — they won’t even scan at that point until 8:00 am — and at 9:00 we lock the door so people can only be buzzed in or out. One night, at 10:50, two guys come in, of age, asking about what beer is on sale.

Me: “We have [lists brands], but you have less than nine minutes to get it to the register; otherwise, I can’t sell it to you.”

Customer #1: “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

The customer is clearly not listening. I go about my business tidying things up and doing my job. I see it’s now 10:55. They’re still looking at different beers, picking up the cases, looking at the prices, discussing, just taking their time, so I go into the beer fridge.

Me: “Hey, guys, if you want beer, you have to grab it now and come to the register. At 11:00 exactly, the registers don’t allow any sale of alcohol; it’s out of my control.”

Customer #1: “Yeah, yeah.”

Customer #2: “Hey, man, we’re deciding; just give us a minute.”

As they say this, other customers come in for random snacks, soda, cigarettes, etc., and I vaguely forget why the original two customers are in. They finally decide on a case after another five minutes, and when they come to the register, there are three people ahead of them. I see this, and when finishing with the first customer I let them know:

Me: “Hey, guys, I can’t sell you that. Please either put it back or put it down, and you can buy anything else, but both legally and literally, I cannot sell that to you until 8:00 am tomorrow.”

They don’t respond and just roll their eyes. They finally make it to the cash, and I’m hoping (incorrectly) that it’ll be easy.

Customer #1: “Hey! So, just this, and two packs of cigarettes!”

Me: “Two packs of cigarettes coming right up!” 

As I say this, I grab the case of beer, put it on the floor behind the register, and turn to grab what they asked for.

Customer #2: “Hey, man, that’s not funny. Give us our beer.”

Me: “I told you multiple times and was nice enough to warn you when you had five minutes. You’re well past the cut-off point of buying beer.”

Customer #1: “You didn’t say s***, you f****** a**hole! You’re gonna give us our beer for free now for this or I’m going to jump over that counter and f****** kill you.”

I’m used to angry people by now, so the second he got belligerent I hit the silent alarm, and the police station is literally across the street, so within seconds I can see three officers walk out the front steps and cross the street, headed straight for our door.

Me: “Our cameras record sound, too. And kudos to you if you can reach me before they reach you.”

I pointed to the officers moving very quickly towards us. It very quickly turned into the most bizarre cat-and-mouse game inside the store I’ve ever seen, with one of the idiots trying to run full speed, arms outstretched, into a pull door laughing, thinking he was making it home free.

This story is part of the Convenience Store roundup!

Read the next Convenience Store roundup story!

Read the Convenience Store roundup!