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This Is The Right Time To Skip Politeness

, , , , | Legal | August 13, 2022

When I am in high school, I take the public bus to school every morning as it is about a ten- or fifteen-minute ride in a straight line, and it stops very near the school.

One day, I’ve left home and am walking to the bus stop as usual when I notice two shady-looking guys my own age walking behind me, looking a little suspect. 

Realizing their intent, I walk the rest of the way to the stop as fast as I can. Fortunately, a bus has just pulled up, and a queue of people is waiting to board. Seizing my chance, I jump in front of the queue and into the safety of the bus, leaving my would-be muggers disappointed.

This, however, sparks the ire of the people in line, many of whom are elderly. They start loudly complaining about young people cutting lines and how I have no respect — all the usual stuff. Being mature for my age, and having recovered from the stressful situation, I turn to them and politely explain.

Me: “I’m very sorry for cutting the line, but those two guys over there were following me and were going to mug me.”

I pointed at the two guys as I said this, and the message got relayed down the line. Cue an instant change in demeanour from everyone waiting to board, as they went from berating me to wanting to know if I was okay and telling me I had made the right decision cutting in front of all of them!

Don’t Let Your Crutches Be Your Crutch

, , , , , | Right | July 23, 2022

I’m on a bus. The driver is doing some sort of checks with paperwork. The bus is early and everyone seems to be okay waiting.

It’s a little bus, and I’m sitting right at the front, perfectly positioned to see a woman (around twenty or so) get on the bus with crutches; it looks like she has injured her ankle. She is cursing and muttering under her breath.

Woman: “One way to [Hospital].”

Driver: *Not looking up* “You need to get the next one.”

Woman: “What? Why? Kick someone off! I need to get to the hospital!”

Driver: *Flatly* “This isn’t your bus.”

Woman: “Because you’re some s***ty driver, you can bully people? I have every right to be on here!”

The driver sighs, putting down the papers.

Driver: “No, the bus to the hospital has ‘hospital’ written on it. It will be the next bus arriving. About five minutes.”

She scowls at the driver for a while, before he goes back to his work. She limps off the bus and sits at the bus stop, arms folded, face like thunder. The driver checks his watch, puts down his papers, and turns to the passengers.

Driver: “Thanks to everyone for waiting. We can leave now. Special mention to anyone hoping to get off at the hospital: leave now and wait for the next one. Although looking at the face on that one, I might suggest rescheduling the appointment.”

It got a chuckle from some of the passengers, which also caused many to turn to look out the window at her.

This only angered her more. While I couldn’t hear her, I can only imagine the language she was shouting at us all.

You Show Me Yours And I’ll Show You Mine

, , , , , , | Friendly | June 25, 2022

I once borrowed a copy of the Satanic Bible from a friend. I was on my way home on the bus when an older woman sat next to me and started chatting. For the first five minutes or so, it was all small talk. She then opened her bag and pulled out a big, very well-loved Bible.

Woman: “Have you found Jesus? Would you like to read my Bible?”

I opened my purse, pulled out the Satanic Bible, and said:

Me: “No, thank you. Would you like to read mine?”

She moved seats.

Don’t Expect Change Until You Can Make Change

, , , , , , | Right | June 23, 2022

Way back in the early 1980s, this guy would almost daily take the same bus, and at the exact same departure time, too.

A single fare back then was two Danish kroner. He’d always try to pay with a five-hundred-krone note, but because the drivers didn’t have that kind of change, and because the banknote WAS legal tender, the guy would always get a free ride.

That is, until word reached the dispatch manager one day. Said manager drained the office safe for as many coins as he could find — the smaller the denomination, the better. The next day, the jerk tried to pull the same stunt. Imagine the combined smugness and glee on the face of the driver who could now report:

Driver: “Oh, good news, sir! I can actually break that for you today!”

The jerk ended up receiving:
12 x 20 kr. (240 kr.)
15 x 10 kr. (150 kr.)
19 x 5 kr. (95 kr.)
20 x 0.25 kr. (5 kr.)
20 x 0.10 kr. (2 kr.)
12 x 0.50 kr. (6 kr.)
TOTAL: 498 kr.

All his pockets were about to burst, and he rattled like a knight in shining armour walking down the aisle to find a seat. The jerk never tried to pull that stunt again.

Buses Are The Worst

, , , , , | Working | June 18, 2022

I live in a very rural area of Wales. At the time of this story, I was sixteen and had just started college, which was a good hour and a half away. Thankfully, there was a special bus program that went through my village that consisted of two separate connecting bus routes.

I was on the second bus back one evening and my friend had gotten off, so it was me and a couple of random people. I had my headphones in and was zoning out when I suddenly realised it was taking longer than normal to reach my stop. I am very socially awkward, so I waited for a while, but eventually, I made my way up to the front.

Me: “When will we reach [My Village]?”

Driver: “This bus doesn’t go through [My Village].”

Me: *Shocked* “What bus number is this?”

He told me. It was the right bus route, but the driver insisted that this bus NEVER went through my village. We were already past the turning for the village, so I went to my seat and checked my phone. However, it was an old piece of garbage, and I’m a little forgetful, so it had gone dead. 

In the end, I got off at the next stop — a small town a ten-minute drive from my home. I planned to find a phone box, but the only one around was out of order, so I walked into a pub and asked to borrow their phone. The people were very nice and let me stay there until my parents arrived since it was pretty dark out. 

My parents were furious at the driver, and my mum called up the next day to complain. Turns out the bus only goes this route at certain times for the school run. The driver must have not worked that shift in a while and didn’t bother checking the route. I don’t know what happened to them, but hopefully, they will be more careful in the future.