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, , , , , | Right | December 12, 2023

A few weeks back, I saw two young women on their way out of the café where I work. One of them had a really cute avocado plushie sticking out of her bag, and as I’m a huge plushie fan, I commented on it, telling her how cute it was. She laughed and told me where she’d found it, and they left.

That was that — at least I thought.

Today, they were back, getting a coffee and something to eat in our cafe. Recognising me, one of them asked me if I had gotten myself an avocado plushie yet.

Me: “No. I thought about it but decided to be reasonable. We have a bunch of plushies already, and I don’t know how my husband will take me bringing home another one…”

They smiled, got their food, and headed to their table. I didn’t see them leave, but half an hour later, they approached me again, holding an avocado plushie out to me.

Customer: “Surprise!”

They actually simply got me one and gifted it to me!

They got another round of cake on me for that, and I admit I cried a little after thanking them about fifty times.

Oh, and my husband took it in stride!

Avocado-No-No, Part 3
Avocado-No-No, Part 2

There’s Upselling And Then There’s Scamming

, , , , , | Working | December 7, 2023

While on vacation in a different city, my family and I decided to buy a biscuit that the city is known for. While I’ve encountered plenty of upselling strategies (who hasn’t?), this was an… interesting new one.

Me: *Holding a gift box to the cashier* “Just this, please.”

Cashier: “Would you like to buy a second one? It’s only MOP70 more.”

Me: “No, thanks.”

Cashier: “But your purchase will come out to MOP500, and two boxes cost MOP570. You’re losing out!”

Other Employee: “It’s true, you know. I can help you get another box, if you like.”

Because the product happened to be the most popular, a stack of them was also on the counter next to the cashier, with a price tag reading “MOP375” that could be clearly seen from where I was standing.

Me: “I’m still going to decline.”

Cashier: “But it’s not worth it to buy just one box!”

This back-and-forth went on for a bit until my father cut in.

Dad: “Actually, forget it. We have a bus to catch, so we’re in a hurry. We’re just not going to buy anything.”

Cashier: “Okay, one box it is, then. Tell you what: we’ll even give you the employee discount.”

Interestingly, the total after the discount was the exact amount on the price tag.

We Wonder How He’s Coping With Cell Phone Culture Now

, , , , , , , | Working | November 24, 2023

Maybe twenty-two years ago, I had a phone interview with a baking company. I didn’t care to have my peers know what I was up to, so I took the call on my cell phone in my car. The call was crystal clear and had no technical issues.

At one point, the interviewer mentioned the weather.

Interviewer: “How’s the weather where you are?”

Me: “I’m sitting in my car, and it’s actively snowing right now.”

Interviewer: “Are you taking this call on a cell phone?”

Me: “Yes, I am.”

Interviewer: “Do you think that’s appropriate?”

Me: “What do you mean?”

Interviewer: “I think it’s kind of rude to take a formal call on a cell phone.”

Me: “I would be more than happy to conclude the interview if talking on a cell phone is an issue. If you are interested, I’d be happy to continue it tomorrow when I’ll be at a desk.”

Interviewer: “It’s so rude that you called me from a cell phone. There’s no need to continue with the interview process.”

I disagreed with the first point but did agree with the second. 

To this day, I wonder what the h*** he was talking about and where he was coming from.

Spoken Like A Person Who Hasn’t Had To Fight For Their Rights

, , , , , , , , | Working | November 21, 2023

A post in Pride Month reminded me of a similar experience. I was a sixty-two-year-old woman with white hair and was conventionally dressed when this happened. I had moved into my very elderly parents’ home to take care of them. They lived in a relatively quiet, middle-class neighborhood in Queens, part of New York.

I shopped weekly in the local stores that my parents had frequented for decades. The woman who owned the bakery that I shopped in weekly was always complaining about something, usually the government and taxes.

My girlfriend/spouse “commuted” bi-monthly between our home abroad and my parents’ house. When the NY legislature passed the Marriage Equality Act in 2011, I proposed, and we got married on her next trip to NY.

On my next shopping trip, the bakery owner was complaining again about the stupid government.

Owner: “Gay marriage! Who needs gay marriage?! They should do something about…”

Me: *Interrupting* “I needed it. It enabled my long-time partner and me to get married. We’ve been together for years, and we finally have the same rights that you do.”

She stopped dead in her tracks, mouth hanging open, while the employee did all she could do to stop from cracking up and did manage to grin from ear to ear when she caught my eye. 

The owner eventually started stuttering an apology — after all, I was a good customer. I don’t think she ever got over it.

Hats Off To The Easily Offended

, , , | Right | November 19, 2023

At the bakery where I work, we are required to wear a hat at all times, but we have the option of wearing either the company hat or one of our own. I choose to wear my own.

I am stocking the display case and notice a woman giving me a dirty look. Since the woman doesn’t say anything, and I am generally not a confrontational person, I try to ignore her.

About two minutes later, I am doing something in the back when my manager walks up to me, looking confused.

Manager: “Hey, there’s a lady out there who says your hat is offensive and you need to get rid of it.”

I bet I know who it is.

Me: “Um, okay?”

Manager: *Shrugs* “I don’t know. I’m just supposed to tell you that. Keep it on. It’s adorable.”

What is this offensive hat, you ask? A powder-blue ball cap featuring Snoopy and Woodstock dressed as hikers and the word “explore” in big letters. Maybe that woman just hates the outdoors?