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You Run Into Some Real Animals At The Zoo

, , , , , | Friendly | November 20, 2020

My family rents a large house for a week on Cape Cod to celebrate my grandfather’s seventy-fifth birthday. There are about fourteen of us staying here. I, as the oldest of my grandfather’s grandchildren by far, am the one looking after my younger cousins the most, but I don’t really mind, since most of the kids pair up quite nicely age-wise with one of their cousins.

One day, as a day trip, I take my aunt’s new ten-year-old stepson — [Cousin #1] — and my seven-year-old cousin — [Cousin #2] — to the zoo, which is about an hour away. They are surprisingly well-behaved so the drives there and back are quite uneventful.

It is worth noting here that [Cousin #2] was born with several disabilities, including severe lazy eye, missing fingers, and limited use of one leg. She cannot take more than a few steps at a time and usually prefers to use forearm crutches, as she was on that day.

We get to the zoo and spend most of the day there. We pick up some cheeseburgers from a drive-thru on the way to eat at lunch. We sit down in a quiet area away from the crowds to eat lunch.

As we are eating, an old lady who is there with what appear to be her toddler grandchildren walks over to us. She begins talking to [Cousin #2], saying quite rude things about how little children shouldn’t be wearing glasses, how her hair is too long to be becoming for a little girl, and how her very pale complexion indicates she ought to go outside more.

Then, she notices my cousin’s crutches, which she has propped up against the bench right next to her, and the obvious brace on her leg.

Woman: “You should stop eating that burger, dearie. Otherwise, you’ll be too heavy to use your crutches.”

Perhaps it is the really calm way in which she says it, or perhaps it’s that [Cousin #2] is really absent-minded, but she very politely and enthusiastically says:

Cousin #2: “Actually, I have a really high metabolism. That means that I eat a lot of food just to keep my body warm. My mom says that when I become a teenager I’ll probably be eating double what she eats.”

The woman looks taken aback, which the kids seem to interpret as confusion.

Cousin #1: “No, metabolism is a real thing. My dad says it’s not fair because I eat like two teenage boys and never gain weight and he eats like a normal man and is kinda fat.”

The woman doesn’t seem to have noticed [Cousin #1] up until this point. She looks at him, a short, skinny black kid, and then at [Cousin #2] and me, very pale kids with similar shades of blond hair and rather similar faces. About the only thing we have in common appearance-wise with [Cousin #1] is that his glasses looked quite similar to [Cousin #2]’s. The old woman turns to [Cousin #1].

Woman: “Are you all right, dearie? Have you been kidnapped by this man? I’ll call for help, shall I?”

Cousin #1: “No, I’m their step-cousin. My dad married their aunt.”

[Cousin #2] raises her hand, which is missing a few fingers and has a rather unconventional shape, and points at [Cousin #1].

Cousin #2: “Yeah, he’s our step-cousin, but we usually call him just our cousin because…”

She trailed off as she saw the old woman’s eyes grow wide at the sight of my cousin’s hand. The old woman picked up the toddlers and walked off in a hurry. That did hurt my cousin a bit, but after some ice cream, she seemed to have gotten over it.

Indeed, that evening after dinner, she confided in me that she had a new idea for her Halloween costume. “I’m gonna be a pirate,” she said, “because if my normal hand scares adults away already, then if I get a hook hand, I can scare all the adults! Then, my friends and I will get all the candy!” She then attempted her scariest evil laugh, which would have been more threatening if she weren’t wearing glasses, her mouth had all its teeth in it, and she wasn’t giggling while she did it.

Broadcasting The Not-So-Broad Definition Of Purchasing

, , , , , , , | Right | November 20, 2020

One day, a somewhat strange announcement comes over the intercom at my store.

Coworker: “Attention, shoppers. I just wish to inform you that you are required to pay for your shopping. Cashiers are available at the front of the store to assist you with your payment for the goods you receive.”

A couple of customers near me laughed, and we moved on, and I ended up tracking down my coworker later to ask what the announcement was about.

Apparently, he’d caught a lady trying to walk out with a full cart, and she had tried to play dumb and claim that she hadn’t realized she needed to pay for them. She just repeated that, over and over, making no move towards the registers, so my coworker picked up the nearby radio and made the announcement while staring her down.

He said she turned the most satisfying shade of red at having her “supposed ignorance” broadcast like that and ended up immediately sulking over to the cashier stand he had been trying to direct her to without any more fuss.

This story is part of our Best Of November 2020 roundup!

Read the next story in the Best Of November 2020 roundup!

Read the Best Of November 2020 roundup!

Too Old. Does Not Compute.

, , , , , | Learning | November 20, 2020

I am an assistant teacher in an elementary school. I am outside with a first-grade class for PE. It’s my first day with this group — we’ve just had yet another schedule change — and I’m still getting to know the kids.

Little Boy: “Miss, how old are you?”

I always love getting this question, because kids have no sense of age and give hilarious answers.

Me: “How old do you think I am?”

Little Boy: “Seven!”

Me: “Bigger.”

Little Boy: “Eight?”

Me: “Bigger. Think grown-up numbers.”

Little Boy: *Thinking really hard* “NINE!”

Me: *Laughing* “Actually, buddy, I’m twenty-six.”

The boy is clearly confused by a number that big.

Little Boy: “Uh… Watch me throw my Frisbee!”

Pooling Together All Your Answers

, , | Right | November 20, 2020

I work at a pool that offers kids’ swim lessons. Sometimes, I have to call customers to update billing information. I’ve had to add more and more details to my regular spiel since customers so frequently forget who we are. This is a common occurrence.

Customer: *On the phone* “Hello?”

Me: “Hi, this is [Pool], concerning swim lessons.”

Customer: “Who?”

Me: “[Pool], I’m calling concerning swim lessons.”

Customer: “I’ve never heard of you. You have the wrong number.”

Me: *Reading off the file* “Is this [Customer]?”

Customer: “Yes?”

Me: “I have here that your daughter [Daughter] takes swim lessons.”

Customer: “Yes.”

Me: “This is [Pool], with the swim lessons.”

Customer: “Oh, is this [Pool]?”

Me: “Yes.”

How Dare You Not Know Everything On Day One?!

, , , | Right | November 20, 2020

A lady comes in with a pair of shoes to return. I’m still pretty new at the job.

Customer: “Hi, I’d like to return these shoes.”

I recognize the box as one of our shoeboxes but she approaches us at the folding table. Nevertheless, I try to help her.

Me: “Okay, was there something wrong with them?”

Customer: “No, I just want a different pair for my son.”

I open the box to see a pair of shoes I’ve never seen before, but they are the style we sell.

Me: “Well, I’m still pretty new here and I’m not 100% sure of our return and exchange policy, so I can’t guarantee that we can exchange these for you.”

Customer: “What?! But I called your corporation on the phone this morning before I came in and they said I could!”

Me: “Oh, well, if they said that you can, then you should have no problem. One of our sales associates in the back can help you get the shoes you want.”

My coworker and I went about our shift as normal, and then one of my managers approached us. She explained our return and exchange policy to us and then told me that the customer tried to tell her that I had practically forbidden her from trying to return the shoes. Luckily, my coworker had seen the whole thing and vouched for me, and my manager knew that I wouldn’t have made any decisions without asking her about it. But apparently, she had tried to get me fired because I was new and didn’t know our exchange policy.