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The Good Kind Of Technological Advancement

, , , , | Right | April 25, 2022

Me: “Hi, this is [My Name], and you’ve gotten through to the tech support team. How can I help today?”

Customer: “I hope you can. You see… my phone, it’s stopped ringing. I don’t know what’s happened.”

Me: “I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll do my best to help you get it going again. Now, we’ll start with the easy stuff and go down the list, okay?”

Customer: “Oh, I hope it’s not something stupid…”

Me: *Encouraging* “Let’s test first to make sure the phone is making sounds at all. Let’s open the settings and run the ringer test.

The phone fails this test.

Me: “It’s okay, that tells me that we should be able to use that to test if any of our changes work! The first thing I’d like you to check is for a switch on the side. Do you see a switch on any of the edges?”

Customer: *Quiet for a moment* “Yes, I do, it’s just above the volume buttons.”

Me: “That’d be it! Is it showing any orange, or the same colour as the rest of your phone?”

Customer: “It’s showing orange.”

Me: “That’s a good sign. Okay, if you switch it, does it hide the orange?”

Customer: “Yes!”

Me: “Perfect. I’d love for you to test the ringer now through the settings like we did a moment ago.”

I hear the ringer as she does this, and the customer practically bursts into tears.

Customer: “Oh, no, it was so simple! You must think I’m an absolute idiot!”

Me: “No! No, you’re not an idiot! There are tons of buttons and switches on everything. You didn’t know what that one did, and now you do! I know that’s why I’m here! I’m glad I was able to find the ‘fix’ so quickly! So, this switch the silent mode for your phone. Now that you know it, you should be able to see a little icon on the screen. Go ahead! Try it with me now!”

The customer settles some and starts getting the giggles as she deliberately turns the silencer on and off.

Customer: “Oh, yes, I think I see it now.”

Me: *Practically beaming as I hear that tone* “That’s it! Now you’ll know if you’ve ever done it on purpose, and you know where that switch is for next time. For now, though, can I help with anything else?”

Customer: “No. That was perfect, thank you.”

I had a stupid smile on my day for the rest of the shift. I live for calls like that. I don’t care if you’re asking me where the power button is; I like making people feel in control of their tech!

You Helped Me Once And Now I Own You

, , , | Right | April 25, 2022

I love my job, I really do, but it’s always hard when you get above a certain level of “how did it get this far”. I’m a senior advisor, meaning that, in certain cases, I have additional steps I’m authorised to take and different setups I can enable, and I can sometimes make tickets for the engineering team. For those kinds of cases, I will have to “take over” the case and put a senior flag on it so it stays with us. It’s rare a call gets put through to me for mundane things.

I had a call months back that had multiple things that happened, but one section of it required a follow-up because I needed to check that I had all the right details with another group that didn’t work on weekends. So, for that part alone, I put a senior stamp on it, arranged a callback, and went about my business.

Once the other team was back in, I quickly found out that the information I had provided, a mix of stated documentation and a little common sense, was absolutely correct, so when the call back to the customer failed, I sent a message to say that I had tried to call and got no answer but the information I’d provided was correct so she could use that at her leisure.

A few days after that, I got a message demanding I call the customer urgently. I tried but got nothing but voicemail again. After the second time it happened with the same result, no more messages came in. I forgot about it, thinking she had followed my advice about calling in herself or had accepted what I’d told her.

Two months later, out of the blue, a new email showed up.

Customer: “Call me. Urgent.”

If you’ve ever worked in an inbound call centre, you will know that there is no such thing as “quiet time”. These emails came in right in the middle of other calls, with no way to drop everything to call right away anyhow. Since it had been such a long time, the matter we’d dealt with had been considered closed, so I sent back a message.

Me: “If this is about the same matter, click here. If this is a new matter, click here.”

I gave no other response, just a tester into the water to see if she would act on that information.

Nope, the week after, another email:

Customer: “Call me! Urgent!”

I sent the same response.

The third week:

Customer: “I can’t seem to get through to you. You need to call me back; it’s urgent!”

I send a little more blunt email.

Me: “Is this about the same issue or a new one?”

I got a prompt reply that it’s about the same issue.

I made a time to call, and I finally got the customer back on the phone. I started by laying out the facts from last time, reiterating the information I’d given. She interrupted.

Customer: “That’s not what I want to talk about!”

I found the new issue. It had some relation, so I informed her that I would try and answer those questions since they had bearing on our previous conversation, but that she really should have put these questions to the person who set up the new issue. I was able to answer most of them, though one was a “we have to wait and see because it needs to be examined” answer that, as a phone-based supporter, I literally would not be able to tell.

Then, the customer asked that I pick up a case and follow through with setting up a repair for something. Not now, of course; she wanted to do this in a few weeks. She honestly expected me to sit back and play this game with her again.

I had to stare at the phone for a few moments before trying to explain that, while I had made this case to help her on the last call nearly three months ago now, it wasn’t a senior case. I was not going to wait for her to be ready and follow her demands to call her back whenever she wanted. She spent five minutes trying to demand that it was my problem because I made a case number for it, and I countered with the fact that I was a senior and I only called back for cases that required senior attention, like the case I had been attempting to follow up on that she assured me was still the issue. I was there to take calls, not make them!

I absolutely swear that customer was convinced that I was now their personal IT support for every question they had. They started asking about new devices and new issues, and in response to each one, I would go, “You need to call back for that.” She’d say, “But I’m on the phone with you now!” Yes, because you lied.

Eventually, I was able to disconnect and thankfully, I had a break. I realised I had just spent fifty minutes on what would have been five minutes at the time of setup.

Next time, I’ll ask what specifically is happening with the original problem in the email… just to see if she even remembers why I took that side of the call in the first place. I sadly do suspect there is going to be a next time.

So… Read The Email?

, , , , , , | Working | April 25, 2022

I am the admin of a program that only a small set of people use in our company. It gives limited information but it’s needed for certain reports. I am the only one that provides usernames and passwords.

I get a request to create a new username and password for a senior VP, which I do. I send it off with very specific instructions as the program will not work unless you follow them. You must reset your temporary password in the program website before you can open the program to start using it. If you open the program first, the cache gets messed up and I have to reset them again.

I get an email the next day that the VP can’t get into the program to reset him. I send out a second template email, explaining that YOU MUST FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS and reset in the website.

The following day, I get another email that the VP can’t get in. I have a third template that has big, giant, bold letters with highlight saying to read the email, do not pass go, do not collect $200, (with corny pictures). Do this before you open the program. Most find the email funny and that’s the end of it.

The next day, the VP’s admin calls me and states that I’m doing something wrong and her boss still can’t get in. I let her know I will delete the account and recreate it. I tell her to look for a new email which I will copy her on so she can help.

I send the first email again and update the temp password to “ReadTheEntireEmail[VP]”.

I don’t get any more emails, but I do get a chocolate bar delivered to my desk with a note, “I read the email, [VP].”

Just Don’t Get A Chip On Your Shoulder About It

, , , , , , , , | Working | April 21, 2022

My work leases a laptop, monitor, and accessories for each employee through a third party. Employees submit a ticket for new equipment when the lease expires. When my current laptop is up for replacement, I don’t bother to submit a ticket for a new one. Unlike my previous laptop, this one is still working perfectly well and it seems like a waste to order a new one, especially in the middle of the global chip shortage.

About six months later, I receive an email advising me that the lease has expired, the laptop is out of warranty, and I must order a new one. No problem. I fill out the ticket and hit submit. A few weeks later, I receive an email with an update on my new laptop. Due to supply issues, any available stock is being used to fulfil orders for new staff and lost, stolen, or damaged equipment.

After not ordering a new laptop because of the global chip shortage and then being told I had to order a new one, my order was cancelled due to the global chip shortage.

So… What Did She Do For Three Months?!

, , , , , , | Working | April 19, 2022

I had a new start employee. She started on the first of September. We submitted a ticket to IT to get her a log-in for the computer system, along with about six other log-ins for various programmes. All the programme log-ins arrived fairly quickly. The computer log-in, to actually let her log in to the computer to access everything else, took longer.

I — and my manager — raised around ten tickets. 

The new start finally got her log in three months later

The IT department sent me an email with a satisfaction survey. 

I was the model of restraint. I rated them “very poor” and my only comment was, “It took you three months to provide a new start log-in.” 

My new start was very proud of me for not swearing at them in the feedback.