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Barking Up The Wrong Tree

, , , | Right | April 15, 2010

Me: “Good morning, [Game Store]. How can I help?”

Caller: “Can you tell me what’s coming out over the next three weeks?”

Me: “Which format would you like, sir?”

Caller: “All of them.”

Me: “You want all the releases for all the formats for the next three weeks?”

Caller: “YES!”

Me: “Okay… on PS2, we’ve got Yakuza–”

Caller: “Boring.”

Me: “Um… we’ve also got The Godfather–”

Caller: “That sounds rubbish.”

Me: “Um… there’s Reservoir Dogs next week–”

Caller: “I don’t even LIKE dogs. Why would I play that?!” *hangs up*

This story is part of the Bad-Gamer-Customer-themed roundup!

Read the next Bad-Gamer-Customer-themed roundup story!

Read the Bad-Gamer-Customer-themed roundup!

Short-Sighted Fathers

, , , , | Right | April 12, 2010

(A man and his son walk into the guest services office.)

Customer: “The rides person won’t let my son get on the pirate ship ride.”

Me: “Your son doesn’t appear to be tall enough. Will you have him stand by the height chart for me?”

(I measure the child and he is a good two inches shorter than the height requirement for the pirate ride.)

Me: “Sir, your son is not within the height category. He cannot legally ride the ride.”

Customer: “Well, can’t you just stamp his hand and let him get on since I said it was okay?”

Me: “No, sir, that is illegal. Your son will not be safe on that ride as the restraints are not built for smaller riders. We do have a kid’s version of that ride.”

Customer: “I’m going to get my wife. She’s wearing heels today. He can just put those on and be tall enough.”

Me: “Any shoes that are more than two inches thick need to be removed before we can measure the child, so that won’t work.”

Son: “Daddy, why can’t we ride the rides?”

Customer: “Because that horrible lady thinks you’re a midget.”

This story is part of our dangerous parent’s roundup!

Read the next dangerous parent’s roundup story!

Read the dangerous parent’s roundup!

This story is part of our Roller-Coasters roundup!

Click here to read the next story!

Click here to go to the roundup!

Pre(Car)ious Insurance

, , , , | Right | April 2, 2010

(I rent out loaner cars at a luxury car dealership and try to loan similar cars to customers unless they are already booked.)

Me: “I’m sorry, sir, but we are out of luxury cars today. I have another vehicle that we can get you going in.”

Customer: “No. I dropped off a luxury car; I should get one as a loaner.”

Me: “I’m sorry, sir, but I don’t have any available right now. This other car is actually very nice, and quite–”

Customer: “I refuse to drive that car! It’s not safe! What if someone crashes into me while I’m driving? There are too many crazies on the road, and I demand a safe car to drive!”

(A luxury loaner vehicle returns unexpectedly and I offer it to the customer.)

Me: “Would you like to purchase the additional coverage on the loaner vehicle in case of an incident?”

Customer: “Of course not! Like anything’s going to happen!”

This story is part of our Flawed Customer Logic roundup!

Read the next roundup story!

Read the roundup!

This story is part of the Ignorant-About-Insurance roundup!

Read the next Ignorant-About-Insurance roundup story!

Read the Ignorant-About-Insurance roundup!

Not Remotely Intelligent, Part 2

, , , , , | Right | April 2, 2010

(Due to a power outage, all movies have stopped. After employees visit each theater to tell customers what is happening, the power comes back on.)

Me: “Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to get your movie back on screen in just a moment.”

(The movie starts up. Unfortunately, when a projector gets cut off in the middle of the movie, it is about two minutes later in the film than when the power cut out.)

Customer: “Rewind the movie!”

Me: “I’m sorry, there is no way to rewind a film, sir.”

Customer: “Just use the remote!”

Me: “Sir, movies on film are not like DVDs or VHS tapes. You cannot simply rewind it.”

Customer: “Shut up and give me the remote. I’ll do it!”

Not Remotely Intelligent

Santa Baby

, , , , | Right | March 30, 2010

(I am a supervisor in a daycare. It is Christmas Eve and a child’s mother has arrived to pick him up.)

Mother: “So, is it okay if I send in his presents with him tomorrow so he can open them here?”

Me: “Tomorrow? It’s Christmas Day tomorrow… We’ll be closed.”

Mother: “What? You’re closed tomorrow? But what am I supposed to do with my kid?”

Me: “Oh, do you have to work tomorrow? That’s unfortunate.”

Mother: “Work tomorrow? No, I booked it off a long time ago. Why are you closed tomorrow? You’re always open!”

Me: “Christmas Day is the only day we’re closed all year.”

Mother: “Well, I don’t want him under my feet on Christmas!”

Me: “Um…”

Mother: “You don’t want to babysit, do you?”

This story is part of the Christmas Eve roundup!

Read the next Christmas Eve roundup story!

Read the Christmas Eve roundup!