Right Working Romantic Related Learning Friendly Healthy Legal Inspirational Unfiltered

Stuck In The Lot, Stuck In The Fifties

, , , , , , , | Friendly | July 26, 2020

I am female, which seems to play a part in this story.

Heading from the store to my car, I heard a man ask another man for a jumpstart. I slowed down in case [Man #2] said no.

[Man #2] answered, “I can’t do that. It will drain my battery.”

[Man #1] and I just stared as he walked away. 

I then turned to [Man #1] and said, “That’s not how it works.” 

He nodded.

I offered to help and told him I had jumper cables in the back of my car.

He refused my offer because, “Girls don’t know nuthin’ ’bout cars.”

If That’s A Surprise For You Then You’ve Lived A Boring Life

, , , , , , | Right | July 24, 2020

Due to the health crisis, we have a slightly reduced menu. This is always fun to explain to drive-thru customers.

Customer: “Can I get a strawberry banana smoothie?”

Me: “Unfortunately, I just ran out of bananas for the night. I can still do the regular strawberry smoothie if you want, though.”

Customer: “That’s fine. And I’ll take a small one of those, not the large.”

Me: “Okay. Just so you know, all of our smoothies only come in one size. Is that okay?”

Customer: “Jesus Christ! Are there any other surprises you want to pull on me? I mean, do you even have cups to put them in?! Why am I here?! Whatever! Just, fine.”

My eyeball is twitching as the menu states this.

Me: “That’ll be [total] at the window, thank you.”

Hit The Road, Pepper Jack

, , , | Right | July 23, 2020

The restaurant I work in has a salad bar. One woman is going through making a salad when she starts yelling at me.

Customer: “Sir! SIR!”

Me: “Yes, ma’am, how can I help you?”

The customer is loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear.

Customer: “There is mold in the swiss cheese! This cheese is moldy! I will not be eating moldy cheese and I demand my money back!”

Me: “Oh, my goodness, I am so, so sorry about this. Let me run and get my manager, just one second.”

I run to find my manager but can hear the customer telling other customers that the swiss cheese is moldy and that no one should eat anything off of the bar.

My boss makes his way over to the woman and asks what the issue is, and she tells him about the moldy cheese.

Manager: “That’s pepper jack cheese. Those are little peppers in there. Not mold.”

Old Flames Going Up In Smoke

, , , , , , , | Romantic | July 18, 2020

Just after my husband and I were married, we lived with his parents while searching for a place of our own. Their house was old and had a few problems.

Our bedroom had a closet in which one wall was the bricks of the chimney. One day, while we were away, there was a fire. Luckily, not much was damaged.

Or so we thought.

We had a box containing about two dozen letters written to my husband when he dated other women and a single letter from and a photo of one of my old boyfriends.

We soon discovered that, while all my husband’s mementos had survived, my two mementos had been completely destroyed.

Burnt to ash. 

In the same box with my husband’s uncharred items.

Yeah, my mother-in-law never liked me.

Customers Break Due To A Lunch Break

, , , , | Right | July 16, 2020

I’m at the registers. I’ve just been told to take my lunch, so I finish with my customer and sign off my register. I take two steps away when a customer starts unloading a cart FULL of stuff.

Customer: “Where are you going?!”

Me: “Ma’am, I’m sorry, but I have to go to lunch.”

Customer: “No, you’re going to serve me!”

Me: “I can’t, unfortunately, but it looks like [Coworker] can ring you out one register down!”

Customer: “No! I want you to ring me out!”

Me: “I have to go clock out, ma’am.”

My coworker tells me to just go clock out for lunch. I have to pass the customer to do so. When I go to pass her, she GRABS my arm and refuses to let go.


Coworker: “[Manager] to the front!”

I try pulling away, but the customer has a death grip on my arm. My manager comes up.

Manager: “Ma’am, let go of my employee!”


Manager: “If you don’t let go, I will call the police.”

The customer refuses. There’s a line behind her, and they all look stunned at the situation. My manager pulls out her phone and dials the police.

Manager: “Yeah, we’ve got a customer assaulting an employee—”


I am stuck there, arm in a death grip, until a couple of cops come by. They end up arresting her. As she’s being walked out…


Manager: “You wanna go home early?”

Me: “I don’t get paid enough for s*** like that. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I ended up getting the next day off.