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Candid Camera, Candid Answer, Part 2

, , , | Right | June 25, 2010

Me: “Hi, how may I help you?”

Customer: “I’d like to swap the hard drive from this old laptop into my new one.”

Me: “Okay, not a problem.”

(I ring her up and start work on switching the hard drives. I notice on the old laptop there is a band-aid over the webcam. After finishing work on it, the lady grabs the band-aid from the old computer and puts it over the webcam on the new one.)

Customer: “I put that there so they can’t watch me.”

This story is part of our customer conspiracy theorists roundup!

Read the next customer conspiracy theorists roundup story!

Read the customer conspiracy theorists roundup!

It’s Spelled I-d-i-o-t

, , , , , , | Right | June 8, 2010

(A customer has asked me to spell the name of the city, Indianapolis.)

Me: “I-n-d..”

Customer: “I-m-b…”

Me: “No, I’m sorry, that was I-n-d…”

Customer: “I-n-b…”

Me: “That’s d, like dog.”

Customer: “Oh. Okay.”

Me: “Okay… you got that?”

Customer: “I got it.”

Me: “…i-a-n…”

Customer: “…i-a-m…”

Me: “That was an n, like Nancy.”

Customer: “I have I-m-b-i-n-d-o-k-i-a-m-n.”

Me: “Let’s start at the beginning.”

Customer: “Oh. Okay.”

Me: “I-n-d…”

Customer: “I-n-d?”

Me: “Yes. …i-a-n…”

Customer: “All right, now I have I-n-d-i-a-m-i-m-b-i-n-d-o-k-i-a-m-n – is that how you spell Minneapolis?”

Me: “No. It is not.”

Customer: “Must be all them funny Indian letters. Okay, I’ll send this to you. Goodbye.”

This story is part of the Bad With English roundup!

Read the next Bad With English roundup story!

Read the Bad With English roundup!

Seven Of Nine

, , , , | Right | June 6, 2010

Me: “Welcome to [Restaurant]. What can I get for you today?”

Customer: “Uh… how many pieces are in your nine-piece bucket?”

Me: *jokingly* “Seven. I’m taking two out for you asking that question.”

Customer: “Seven? That’s a good deal!”

This story is part of the Sarcastic Responses roundup!

Read the next Sarcastic Responses roundup story!

Read the Sarcastic Responses roundup!

This story is part of our “Customers terrible at math” roundup!

Read the next “Customers terrible at math” roundup story!

Read the “Customers terrible at math” roundup!

This Thief Is Booked

, , , , | Right | May 24, 2010

Customer: “Hey, I have an overdue charge on this book. Can I get it removed?”

Me: “I’m sorry, but if you kept the book past the due date, then I can’t remove the charge.”

Customer: “Then can I just keep the book?”

This story is part of our Libraries Roundup!

Read the next Libraries Roundup story!

Read the Libraries Roundup!

The Five-Minute Fan

, , , | Right | February 17, 2010

(At the bookstore where I work, we sell tickets for local events.)

Customer: “Hi. I’d like tickets.”

Me: “All right, for which show?”

Customer: “I don’t know. I heard about it on the radio today, but I can’t remember who it is.”

Me: “Did they say when the concert was?”

Customer: “Um…”

Me: “Was it coming up soon?”

Customer: *shrugs*

Me: “Do you remember anything at all about it?”

Customer: “I think the guy’s name was…” *spews out a couple syllables as he tries to guess a name*

Me: “Is it [Name]?”

Customer: “Yeah! That’s the one! I want tickets for that show!”

Me: “Unfortunately, that show is tonight, and it’s been sold out for the past week.”

Customer: “Huh?”

Me: “There haven’t been tickets available for a few days now.”

Customer: “You’ve got to be kidding me! I’ve been waiting ages to go see this show, and now you’re telling me I can’t? This is ridiculous!”