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When You Have Cleaning Supplies But You Still Feel Dirty

, , , , , | Right | August 2, 2020

As part of extra measures in my store, we’ve taken to cleaning the baskets and the handles. This is done by spraying the baskets with a strong disinfectant in a squirt bottle and then wiping them down and cleaning off the disinfectant. This is done on the shop floor by the entrance and is done on a rota.

I’m doing them when an older male customer comes in. I smile and greet him as I’m there.

Male Customer: “Oh, she’s a squirter!” *Winks* “What a good girl you are.”

After giving me an extra-long look, he walks off.

Colleague: *Manning the door* “Are you okay?”

Me: *Plastered smile* “I want to drown myself in bleach.”

Someone Please Explain…

, , , , | Right | August 1, 2020

A customer comes in, clearly flustered, and places two separate orders on my belt. She explains that she is shopping for two different “clients” and that she is unfamiliar with how to do it. During the explanation, she becomes somewhat frustrated before I have rung everything. I allow her to explain how she would like them rung, though it is fairly obvious, and begin to ring as we talk. The first order goes through. She is getting ready to pay.

Customer: “Okay, so the first one has food stamps; I don’t think they’re enough, but let’s see…” *swipes card*

Me: “It got declined, but there’s enough for most of this order if you want to pay the rest cash, or we can put something back…”

Customer: “No, no, we’ll just put those hot dogs on the other order and make him pay for them; that’ll fix it.”

Me: “We could have her pay what she can, take the balance off of her card, and then let him pay for his with his food stamps and the little that she has leftover, as well.”

Customer: “Huh? I just want to move the hot dogs so that she can afford the food.”

Me: “I can run this through as one order, take the right amount off of each card, have her pay more, and have him pay less, and it’ll be really easy. Trust me.”

Customer: “No. Just move the hot dogs to the other order. I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

Still not grasping how stupid this woman is…

Me: “If they were both standing in front of me, she had six dollars’ worth of stuff and was one dollar short, I could ring everything up, take her five dollars, and then take his money so that she has none left, and he didn’t have to pay any more than he should have to. Make sense? I can do that with cards, too.”

Customer: “I still don’t get it. Just move the hot dogs to the other order, so she can pay for her order.”

Me: *Resigned* “Okay.”

The customer leaves, and I take a deep breath and let it out before I say hello to the next customer. I’m clearly frustrated.

Me: “Sorry about that. How is your day going?”

Customer #2: “Much better than yours, apparently. Wow, was she stupid! Do you see that kind of thing every day?”

Me: “No, not every day. Some days are special.”

Customer #2: “Thank God, because if you did, they should put out tip jars and let you guys get paid a little more for the service. Nobody should have to put up with that every day, no matter who they are.”

Normally, the exchange with the first customer would put me in a bad mood for most of the shift, but because the next customer understood, I was able to shake it off in five minutes flat. Thank you!

This Story Got Twisted

, , , | Right | July 31, 2020

I have a coworker whose hair is naturally very curly. She hates it, so she straightens it before work every day. One day, she is running late to work so doesn’t have time to straighten it. A regular customer walks in.

Regular: “Hi. Nice perm. Where did you get it done?”

Coworker: “It’s not a perm; it’s my natural hair.”

Regular: “Don’t be silly; you have straight hair. Where do you get it done? I promise not to tell anyone else if you want to keep it a secret.”

Coworker: “No, normally, I straighten it before work.”

Regular: “That’s absurd. Nobody has hair that naturally curly! Stop lying to me!”

She storms off.

Coworker: “…”

Better Have A Big Fat Apology, Part 11

, , , , , | Right | July 30, 2020

I have recently been hit by a gluten allergy that makes me break out in hives and makes the bottom of my feet swell up, so it can be hard to walk. It means I have to be careful about everything I buy, so a lot of my items are marked gluten-free on the container. I’m putting things on the conveyer belt with a growing line behind me. Behind me is a woman who has made rude noises behind me the whole time.

Cashier: “Your total is [high total].”

Me: *Laughing* “Ouch, that’s a kick to the bank account. It kills me that they make gluten-free food so expensive.”

The woman behind me glares at my heavyset body.

Woman: “Maybe if you didn’t follow the diet trends.”

Me: “Excuse me?”

Woman: “I know you fatties think that these fad diets are going to help you. Maybe if you actually put the candy bars down and started being active, you wouldn’t need these diets.”

Cashier: “Ma’am, you’re being rude.”

The customer behind this rude woman speaks up.

Customer: “If you’d look at the spots on her arm, you’d also realize you’re an ignorant b****.”

Woman: *Offended* “Who the f*** are you to talk to me like that? Fat b**** is complaining about high prices.”

Me: “Yeah, I am, because I have to buy this food. I’m gluten intolerant. I break out in hives all over my body if I have it. So I have to eat it so I don’t build up and have my f****** tongue swell up in my mouth.”

Woman: “You’re a f****** liar.”

Me: “I have pictures of my swollen tongue on my phone if you want proof.”

Customer: “Maybe if you’d stop being judgmental, b****, you wouldn’t be making assumptions. Besides, your fat a** could also stand to lose some pounds.”

Woman: *Getting red-faced* “F*** you!”

She slams her cart into my side, which makes me have to stand on my sore foot.

Cashier: “Ma’am, you need to leave now before I call the manager over here.”

Woman: “F*** you, too! F*** all of you. I’m going to find the manager myself!”

As I left, she was standing with the manager, yelling and pointing at me. The manager approached me about hitting the woman and verbally assaulting her just as I was going out. The cashier and I explained the situation to him and he ended up calling the police when she punched him and stormed out. On the plus side, I got a free gift card to the store.

Better Have A Big Fat Apology, Part 10
Better Have A Big Fat Apology, Part 9
Better Have A Big Fat Apology, Part 8
Better Have A Big Fat Apology, Part 7
Better Have A Big Fat Apology, Part 6

PIN-Headed, Part 12

, , , , , | Right | July 30, 2020

I am working at the checkout. I finish scanning a customer’s stuff.

Me: “Your total is £12.34.”

Customer: “Wow, that’s my PIN number!”


Customer: “Oops.”

PIN-Headed, Part 11
PIN-Headed, Part 10
PIN-Headed, Part 9
PIN-Headed, Part 8
PIN-Headed, Part 7