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Why Do People Always Act Like This Is A New Concept?

, , , , , | Right | December 8, 2023

I work at a very well-known retail chain in the USA. We also sell beer, wine, and tobacco products. The company policy is that we must see an ID/driver’s license every single time someone wants to purchase these products. There is no exception to this policy. We will get fired if we do not check ID.

I have a regular customer come to my register with a bag of chips and a bottle of wine, and she also asks for a pack of cigarettes. It’s the beginning of summer in Florida, it is already upwards of eighty degrees (almost 27C) outside, and she doesn’t look like she walked to the store in this heat.

Me: “Can I see your ID?”

She proceeds to show me her medical marijuana card.

Me: “I need to see the other one, ma’am.”

She then pulls out her concealed carry permit.

Me: “No, I mean that I need to see your state-issued ID or driver’s license.”

Customer: “I don’t have it.”

Me: “Those are not accepted forms of ID to purchase alcohol and tobacco. I have to have an ID or driver’s license issued by the state.”

Customer: “I just don’t understand. I come in here all the time.”

Me: “And every time, you are told that we need your ID.”

Customer: “Well, I just won’t be coming back here anymore.”

As she is walking out the door, I add:

Me: “And you are supposed to have your driver’s license considering you are, you know, driving.”

Three Minutes Of Oversight Become Three Weeks Of Pain

, , , , , , , , | Working | CREDIT: irritatingfarquar | December 8, 2023

I worked for a water company for twenty-five years and was one of their most productive repair crews — that is until the new manager started.

We had a monthly rota where you were on call for one week out of every four for emergency repairs out of hours.

On the day in question, I started work at 7:30 am on a Friday and finished work at 3:15 am on Saturday, so it was a pretty long shift. I got to work Tuesday morning, and [New Manager] called me into the office.

New Manager: “According to your vehicle tracker, you left the yard at 3:12 am but logged it as 3:15 am. That is an attempt to defraud the company!”

As you can imagine, I was absolutely fuming at this level of bulls***.

Me: “At the time, I was covered in mud and sweat, and I just wanted to get home after completing a monster shift for the company. Are you genuinely making a s***storm over three minutes?”

New Manager: “I’m making you aware that you could be fired for it.”

Cue malicious compliance.

Me: “If we’re going to be this petty, you can take me off the emergency contact list for extra coverage. And I won’t be starting twenty minutes early each day, either; I’ll now be clocking in at exactly 7:30 am, and I shall be heading out at exactly 5:30 pm, no deviation whatsoever. And you can explain to your bosses why productivity is down and you are struggling to get coverage for emergencies. We’ll then see how important your three minutes are when they are costing the company money.”

Little did I realise at the time that the guy’s job was bonus-related and linked to our productivity, which tanked after that because most of the other gangs followed my lead.

Three weeks went by with an absolute s***-show of customer service complaints about their work not being carried out in a timely manner. My productivity dropped from seven jobs per day down to four.

[New Manager] was called in by his bosses to try and explain what the f*** was going on. He tried to spin some BS story that I’d turned all the guys against him for no reason and that this was the result.

Little did he know that I’d actually trained his boss when he first started with the company fifteen years before. He’d wanted to come out and find out what we did and experience how hard the job was, and he’d surprised me by working a full month on the repair crews before going back to the office.

Anyhow, the boss called me in to find out what was really going on, so I explained how [New Manager] had used the tracker to monitor what time I’d left the yard and that I’d guesstimated my finish time and overestimated by three minutes because I was absolutely knackered after working a shift from Hell on call.

[New Manager] was let go for misuse of the tracking system as it was only supposed to be used for emergencies and not monitoring. We also had our on-call system reviewed to cut the hours we had to work.

It’s As Simple As That, Part 2

, , , , , | Related | December 8, 2023

My youngest brother is nine years younger than me. One night, my other brother (only two years younger than me) and I are having a conversation about sexism, and we throw around some terms that the youngest hasn’t heard before.

Youngest Brother: “What’s a misogynist?”

Me: “If you’re a misogynist, it means you think that men are better than women. If you’re a misandrist, it means you think women are better than men. And if you’re a feminist, it means you think men and women are equal.”

Youngest Brother: “Oh. I want to be a feminist, then.”

He’s going to do fine in life.

It’s As Simple As That

PIN-Headed, Part 25

, , , , , , | Right | CREDIT: fairypurplelilac | December 8, 2023

I’m seventeen and work in retail as a weekend job. In the UK, the contactless card limit is currently £45, though at some point, it’s supposed to go up to £100.

A lady and her husband come up to my till. Their shopping comes to around £70? I can’t remember, but it is definitely more than £45. The lady tries to tap her card.

Me: “Ma’am, unfortunately, the contactless limit is £45, so you will need to insert your card.”

Lady: “No, it went up to £100.”

She attempts to tap it again.

Me: “It was announced that the limit is going up to £100, but it hasn’t yet. And even if it had, our tills don’t support it yet.”

Lady: “Well, I don’t know my PIN.”

Me: “Okay, well, do you have another way to pay?”

Lady: *Raising her voice* “You tell me what my PIN is. Since you’re the one who’s making me put a number, you can tell me what it is.”

Me: “Unfortunately, I don’t know your PIN. You can either find another way to pay, put some stuff back, or leave the shop.”

Lady: “I know my PIN will come up on your screen when I put my card in, so tell me what it is!”

Me: “No, it won’t, ma’am.”

Lady: “You’re just lying about the limit not being £100 yet! Let me talk to your manager!”

My manager came over and told her the same things I had just told her.

The best part of the whole story? She finally pulled out a wad of cash and gave it to me, so it wasn’t like she didn’t have another way to pay. Also, her husband just stood there like a lemon the entire time this was happening.

PIN-Headed, Part 24
PIN-Headed, Part 23
PIN-Headed, Part 22
PIN-Headed, Part 21
PIN-Headed, Part 20

I’ll Just Scoot On Past You, Then

, , , , | Working | December 8, 2023

After a late shift, I decide to get myself a quick bite before I catch my train home. I ride my small electric scooter to the fast food joint along my way to the train station. The place is empty, and I walk in to enter my to-go order at one of the terminals. I push my scooter in with me because I don’t want to leave it in the parking lot, and it has never been an issue before.

Halfway through my selection, I hear a voice addressing me.

Employee: “Hey, you need to leave that outside!”

No “excuse me”, no “please”, just a barked order. 

Me: “Okay.”

I turned on my heel and left. Guess why that place was empty…