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, , , | Right | January 13, 2010

Customer: “Why was my return denied?”

Me: “Ma’am, the system is showing us that you have recently made a lot of returns without a receipt. When this happens, corporate flags your ID and you can’t make any non-receipt returns for a while. It’s to prevent theft.”

Customer: “I’m not stealing. In fact, I have a lot of money. My boyfriend is a street pharmacist and he has a lot of money.”

Me: “A what, ma’am?”

Customer: “A street pharmacist! He sells dope.”

Me: “That is more information than I want to know, ma’am. You have a good day.”

This story is part of our Yet-More-Customers-Sharing-TMI-themed roundup!

Read the next Yet-More-Customers-Sharing-TMI roundup story!

Read the Yet-More-Customers-Sharing-TMI roundup!

Talk The Talk, Balk The Walk

, , , , , , | Right | January 13, 2010

(The customer has two daughters, each with their own set of clothes for their toys.)

Customer: *to one daughter* “Since your shoes match her purse, you girls can share the two between you.”

Me: *to the same daughter* “Oh, what a good idea! Do you always share with your sister?”

Daughter: “Yeah, Mom says, ‘Sharing is caring.'”

Me: *to the customer* “Ma’am, your total is [price]. Would you like to donate a dollar to our charity?”

Customer: “No, thanks, I’ve spent enough of my money today!”

This story is part of our Customers Who Dislike Charity roundup!

Read the next Customers Who Dislike Charity roundup story!

Read the Customers Who Dislike Charity roundup!

Not A Chance In (Convention) Hall

, , , , | Right | January 13, 2010

Customer: “So the next convention in Sydney is THIS Thursday?”

Me: “Yes, sir. Would you like me to register you?”

Customer: “Ah, well, Thursday isn’t really going to work for me. Could you move the convention to Friday instead?”

Me: “I’m afraid that we have already booked the venue and the speakers and planned everything for Thursday. It’s a little late to consider changing the date, especially since we have around 70 people booked for this particular seminar.”

Customer: “So… no chance at all, then?”

This story is part of our Outrageous Requests roundup!

Read the next Outrageous Requests roundup story!

Read the Outrageous Requests roundup!

Wireless Clueless & Hopeless, Part 4

, , , , | Right | January 13, 2010

Me: “Welcome to [Company]. How can I help you today?”

Customer: “My Internet is broken. This is so ridiculous! This happened two weeks ago. Your company is to blame and I am not happy!”

(The customer supplies their account details.)

Me: “Okay, so I’ve just run a quick test on your connection here and I can see that it is logged in. You say that you just cannot get any connection on your computer?”

Customer: “Yes! I’m getting ‘No Signal’. This is so ridiculous!”

(I go through roughly twenty minutes of troubleshooting, with the customer getting more and more angry the whole time.)

Customer: “It’s broken and it’s all your fault! It keeps saying ‘Check Signal Cable’ and it won’t go away!”

Me: “It says ‘Check Signal Cable’?”

Customer: “Yes! That’s what I said!”

Me: “Is your computer plugged into your monitor?”

Customer: “Of course it… Oh…” *click*

This story is part of our Terrible Tech Support Calls roundup!

Read the next Terrible Tech Support Calls roundup story!

Read the Terrible Tech Support Calls roundup!

SkyNet: The Early Years

, , | Right | January 13, 2010

(I’m making calls to let people know that the movies they reserved are in.)

Me: “Hi there, this is [My Name] from [Store]. I’m just calling to let you know the movie you reserved is now in if you’d like to come pick it up.”

Customer: “Oh, for Pete’s sake. These stupid f****** recordings! I can’t believe even friggin’ [Store] has them now. You hear that, you stupid f****** robot? YOU F****** PIECE OF ROBOT S***!”

Me: “Um… sir? I am an actual person.”

Customer: *hangs up*