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Power Struggle

, , , | Right | January 12, 2010

(A customer calls in complaining how his service is out.)

Me: “Are there lights on your modem?

Caller: “No.”

Me: “Can you check to see if the power cable is plugged in, or the power turned on?”

Caller: “I am standing knee-deep in water and you want me to check for a power cable?!”

(It turned out he had been calling from an area that had been hit by a hurricane.)

This story is part of our Customers Versus Mother Nature roundup!

Read the next Mother Nature roundup story!

Read the Mother Nature roundup!

Stupidity You Can Bank On

, , , , | Right | January 12, 2010

Me: “Hello, this is [Bank]. How can I help you?”

Customer: “Yeah, I deposited money through your ATM yesterday and it still isn’t showing up in my account.”

Me: “Okay, sir, can I just get the card number from the ATM card that you used to make the deposit.”

Customer: “I didn’t use a card.”

Me: “I’m sorry, sir, I might have misunderstood. Did you make your deposit into the ATM or the night drop box?”

Customer: “No, I put it into your machine but I didn’t use a card. I didn’t need one.”

Me: “Sir, I still don’t understand how you could have made your deposit into the ATM without using a card. Could you please describe the steps you went through?”

Customer: “I drove up to the machine, filled out an envelope, and stuffed it into the little door that said deposit, but I didn’t use no card.”

Me: “Sir, the deposit door on the machine will not open without a card. How exactly did you put the envelope in?”

Customer: “Whoever designed those machines is a freaking moron. I couldn’t figure out how to open the little door so I got my pocket knife out and pried the door open. Then I stuffed the envelope with my deposit in there as best I could and drove away!”

This story is part of the Ignorant About Money roundup!

Read the next Ignorant About Money roundup story!

Read the Ignorant About Money roundup!

Maybe If George Lucas Got His Hands On Them

, , , , | Right | January 12, 2010

(A bookstore customer hands me a copy of the re-release of ‘101 Dalmatians.’)

Customer: “What does re-mastered mean?”

Me: “They just made the colors brighter and the sound better.”

Customer: “Oh, so it’s the same as before?”

Me: “Yeah, just brighter colors and better sound.”

Customer: “They didn’t change the story or anything?”

Me: “No, it’s just brighter colors and better sound.”

Customer: “Did they make the dogs cuter?”

Economy Class Is Now In Session

, , , , , | Right | January 12, 2010

(Halfway into a three hour and forty-five minute flight, a well-dressed and seemingly educated passenger rings her call button. She is frantic.)

Me: “Hi, how can I help you?”

Passenger: “I’m going to miss my connecting flight!”

Me: “No, we’re on time. All connections will be made.”

Passenger: “No! I’m going to miss my connection!”

Me: “All reservations are made so as to give you plenty of time to make your connecting flights, even if we’re a little late. But we’re scheduled to arrive on time today.”

Passenger: “Well, if we arrive on time, then I will miss my connection!”

Me: “May I see your ticket, please?”

Passenger: “I. Don’t. Think. You. Understand! It is a three-hour and 45-minute flight. So if we left Philadelphia at 9, then we won’t get into Denver until 12:45. MY flight leaves at noon. SO, YOU SEE, I AM GOING TO MISS MY FLIGHT!”

Me: “Oh, oh… No… Denver is on Mountain Standard Time. We arrive 10:45.”

Passenger: “10:45?! How is that possible? Do you even know what you’re talking about?!”

Me: “Philadelphia is on Eastern Standard Time.”

Passenger: *blank stare*

Me: “Philly and Denver are in different time zones. There’s a two-hour time difference.”

Passenger: *blank stare*

(I try to explain to this 40-something woman the concept of time zones. When that doesn’t work, I explain that it’s not the same time everywhere in the world at the exact moment of every day. She doesn’t get it until I explain that that is why we have night and day.)

Passenger: “Oh. Whew. Thank you!”

Even Rabbits Go Through Bad Patches

, , , , | Right | January 12, 2010

Customer: “Where can I find your carrot tops?”

Me: “We don’t sell carrot tops, but you can buy the whole carrot.”

Customer: “But I need to feed my rabbit her carrot tops!”

Me: “If people buy carrots, would you like me to ask them if they’d like their carrot tops cut off, and I can save them for you?”

Customer: “Oh, that’d be lovely! I’ll come back next week after her therapy session. Her therapist thinks she has an anxiety disorder.”

This story is part of our crazy pet owner roundup!

Read the next crazy pet owner roundup story!

Read the crazy pet owner roundup!