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A Customer By Any Other Name…

, , , , , | Working | June 4, 2020

I’ve recently changed my name, but I opened my bank account with my original name and went through the whole process with my local bank when I got it legally changed, so most of the tellers are aware of me having two names. I just put both names when signing and it’s all good. 

My payments from work have always been direct deposits up until this summer where I received a check after attending a training.

I go to my bank with this check and there is a teller I have never seen before. It’s already taken about fifteen minutes to even get through the line. When I finally get to the counter, I kindly explain that the check has my old name and I’ve signed both names on the back of it.

First, she claims I can’t get cash back on the check unless I deposit and then withdraw in two different transactions. Okay, cool.

Second, she claims I can’t withdraw at all from my check and then goes to speak with a supervisor. Dumb, but I can just use the ATM after.

Returning, she then tells me I can’t deposit the check at all and tells me to call the number on my check and tell them to send me one with my name on it. That’s something I can’t do until I make the four-hour trip out of town to change my social security card, and I need the money now.

When I tell her I’ve never had an issue since the change with anyone else, she tells me there’s nothing she can do. When I tell her I’ll just go over to the other branch, she just gives me a short “Okay!” and throws my slips into the shredder without so much of a second glance. This whole thing has already taken another twenty minutes.

I then have to go downtown where — Surprise! — they deposit and let me withdraw without batting a lash, and then I come back into town. With an hour wasted now, I call the bank back and the senior teller there is pissed.

Apparently, it shows both my names on my account. Why the teller couldn’t just look at the screen and see that… we both aren’t sure.

Small Business And Small-Minded

, , , , | Right | May 28, 2020

My sister-in-law works for a bank. The government has issued out loans to small businesses to help stay afloat during this crisis. She is getting flooded by these small business people who all want money and are very angry to find out that the bank building isn’t stocked with enough money to give out to EVERY small business in the area.

After dealing with angry client after angry client, my sis-in-law finally loses her cool at a particularly rude client.

Sister-In-Law: “Well, ma’am, I’m sorry, but this is my first ever global plague, so we’re bound to get a few things wrong along the way. But the next one I will be ready for. The very next global plague!

This story is part of our Small Business roundup! This is the last story in the roundup, but we have plenty of others you might enjoy!

15 Times Employees Were Pushed So Far They Had To Quit!


Read the next story in this roundup!

Read the Small Business roundup!

Spreading Sparkles Of Justice

, , , , , | Right | May 19, 2020

I’m walking up to a coffee shop. A group of rowdy but harmless-looking teenagers are sitting outside.

Male Teenager: *To me* “Hey! I’m Sparkles!”

I reply in my best “grownup-talking-to-a-small-child” voice.

Me: “Well… Yay for being Sparkles, sweetie!”

Male Teenager: “I love her! I love this woman!”

I walk inside, still smiling, and I’m about to suggest the employees provide no more caffeine to the teens outside when I see the employees are clearly distressed and trying to calm a man in the store shouting and berating the barista.

Customer: “I wanted this iced! You are useless!”

Suddenly, he looks at me, trying to drag me into the ordeal.

Customer: “I’ll bet even she knows what I want when I say I want a ‘breve’ latte!”

Again, I call forth my best “grownup-talking-to-a-small-child” voice.

Me: “Yes, I do. It means that you want a latte made with hot half-and-half instead of milk… unless, of course, you ordered it iced.”

The man now realizes the error was his and waits quietly while the barista — now fighting back laughter instead of tears — prepares him the breve latte he ordered. He leaves.

Barista: “Thank you so much! Your drink is on me tonight!”

As I walk outside, the male teenager again shouts:

Male Teenager: “I’m still not over this woman! I love her!

I walked to my car sipping my free drink, feeling loved!


, , , , , | Learning | May 18, 2020

My freshman year in college, there is a foreign exchange student from Kenya also attending the school. After a while, the two of us strike up a little friendship and hang out from time to time. She tells me about Kenya, and I answer questions about the US.

One day, I notice she is looking a bit annoyed.

Me: “Is something wrong?”

Friend: “I have been trying to get people to stop calling me African-American. I am not American! I am Kenyan! I’d like it if people would just call me Kenyan. Or call me Black. But not American!”

Me: “I can see how that would be annoying.”

Friend: “And today, someone called me African-American-African!”

This story is part of our Black Lives Matter roundup!

Read the next Black Lives Matter roundup story!

Read the Black Lives Matter roundup!

Parenting May Make You Cry

, , , , , | Related | May 18, 2020

My niece takes a class in high school where you’re given a robotic baby that cries and records when you feed it, change it, turn it off, or whatever. For the most part, the baby is really easy. On the last night, however…

It’s around two in the morning. My mom and I are both night owls, so we go to the kitchen for a snack. My niece is still awake, and it’s a school night… and the robot baby has been crying for hours.

Niece: “This isn’t like a real baby! Real babies go to sleep!”

My mom and I start laughing.

Me: “You’ve never heard of colic?!”

Mom: “Your father didn’t stop crying or sleep through the night for two years! And I had to take your brother twice a week so your mom could get some sleep since he was making her sick with exhaustion!”

Four years later, my niece got married and had a baby. The baby is a year old and still hasn’t slept through the night. I guess real babies don’t stop crying, either!

He doesn’t cry all day and is super adorable. He just doesn’t sleep through the night.