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The Latest Series Is Pokémon: Budgeting And Accounting

, , , , , | Right | January 11, 2018

(I’m in a store that sells Pokémon cards, and I overhear this conversation between two little boys:)

Boy #1: ” Uh-oh. These ones cost more than the others!”

Boy #2: “It’s okay; I budgeted for this.”

This Is Not A Test(es)

, , | Healthy | January 11, 2018

(I work as a receptionist in a small, single-doctor veterinary practice. A first-time dog owner drops off his 6-month-old male Golden Doodle to be neutered. The surgery is routine, and the dog goes home that evening. I get this phone call the following day.)

Me: “Good morning. [Veterinary Hospital]. This is [My Name]. How can I help you?”

Client: “This is [Client]. I brought Fluffy in to be neutered yesterday. Did you also remove his testicles?”

Me: “Pardon me?”

Client: “Did the doctor remove Fluffy’s testicles yesterday when he was in to be neutered?”

Me: “Y-yes. That’s what the procedure is.”

Client: “I wish someone had explained that to me before I agreed to the surgery. Dr.

[Name] only said Fluffy would be castrated, not that his testicles would be removed.”

Me: “…”

Drama Queen Meets The Queen’s English

, , , , , , | Right | January 9, 2018

(I am just arriving at my workstation at shift change, and I catch the tail end of an irate customer’s complaint to the staff member who I am relieving. I am English, but have been a legal resident in the US for almost 20 years. I have never lost my accent.)

Customer: “…and I called here the other day, and some woman with a British accent answered the phone, and I wonder how those people can even be allowed to work for you!”

Me: *addressing my colleague in my best and most cheerful Princess Diana voice* “Good afternoon, [Colleague], and how are you today?”

Customer: *glares at me and stomps off without another word*

Label Them Stupid

, , , , | Right | January 8, 2018

(It’s a Saturday, and since Saturdays are usually pretty slow, my boss only has one of us working. It happens to be my Saturday, so I’m the only one working in the store.)

Customer: *on the phone* “Can I ship my [Competing Company] package there?”

Me: “No, we don’t ship for [Competing Company]. If you already have a label, you can call [Competing Company’s phone number] and arrange a pickup with them. If you need a label, you’ll have to call their customer service line.”

Customer: “Oh, okay, great. Well, thanks for that information! You’re very helpful!”

Me: “Oh, thanks! You have a great rest of the day.”

(We hang up. Not even 15 minutes go by before a customer comes into the store. He says hello, and I recognize his voice as the caller from a few minutes ago.)

Me: “What can I do for you?”

Customer: “Yeah, um… I called a bit ago… Maybe about half an hour, now? And I spoke with someone; I don’t think it was you, and they told me I can get a [Competing Company] label here?”

Makes You Worry How They Got That License

, , , | Right | January 8, 2018

(A customer, who is with her friend, is talking with my manager, wanting to return some things. Our policy for cash returns is that they need to show some identification.)

Manager: “Can I see some ID?”

Customer: “I don’t have one.”

Manager: “Does your friend have one?”

Customer: “No.”

Manager: “Do you know anyone at all who has one? A parent? Your friends?”

Customer: “No.”

Manager: “Well, we’re not allowed to do a cash return unless we see some ID.”

Customer: “I don’t have an ID… but I have a license. Would that work?”