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They’re Going To Regret That In The Morning

, , , , , , | Right | May 8, 2020

I work at a call center for a cellular network. We are open 24/7 so everyone gets night shifts. 

A lot of callers are just drunkards, calling and talking dirty with female executives. At first, we are instructed to simply disconnect the call, but the number of calls doesn’t go down. Now, we have started logging in “caller used abusive language” and “flagging” the interaction. 

The QA on shift hears the call and if they find it abusive — which it always is — they will block the number. 

The customer will call next morning saying he isn’t able to make calls and the executive tells him that his number is blocked because of his behaviour. 

In order to unblock his number, he has to submit a written apology at his nearest cellular retail store. 

Within a month, these calls dropped.

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This story was featured in our May 2020 roundup!

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Dug Himself A Burger Pit

, , , , | Right | April 17, 2020

I’m at work as a drive-thru attendant, taking the order of an older male customer. I’m a girl and just graduated from high school, though I look much younger.

Customer: “I’d like a double cheeseburger with everything, please.”

Me: “Sure. That includes [list of condiments]. Does that sound good to you?”

The customer responds, obviously trying to sound sexy.

Customer:You sound good to me!”

Me: “Uh, excuse me?!”

Customer: *laughs* “Never mind. Yeah, that sounds fine, sure.”

I finish the order, and he pulls through to the window, so I go to cash him out.

Customer: “Oh, hey, were you the one on the speaker out there?”

Me: “Yeah.”

Customer: “Really? Because from your voice, I thought you were gonna be really hot.”

I just stare, shocked and perturbed. The customer starts talking really fast.

Customer: “But… I mean, you are! Just… not what I expected. I mean, you’re so hot you make Hannah Montana look bad!”

I stare some more as I gingerly drop change into the customer’s hand. My manager, who somehow managed to miss this whole exchange, comes by, hands the man his food, exchanges pleasantries, and then turns away from the window and says nonchalantly:

Manager: “That guy reminds me of my dad!”

I decided to pretend none of it had happened, or I’d be too disturbed to get anything else done for the rest of the day!

How To Catch A Cat-Caller

, , , , , , | Friendly | April 10, 2020

One of my friends is what I’d politely call an “agitator”. She particularly likes to try and dress and act in a “provocative” manner, specifically so that she can give a tongue-lashing to anyone who comments on it. And before someone jumps down my throat about misinterpreting things, she has straight-up told us that that is why she dresses and acts like she does. She takes quite a bit of pride in it.

Anyway, on the day of the current crisis, we’ve met up at the mall for shopping and lunch. We’ve finished up and are on our way out the doors when we hear some boys calling.

Guy #1: “Hey! Hey, gorgeous, over here.”

Guy #2: “No, no, this way! Come here.”

Guy #1: “Come here, come to papa.”

My friend immediately whirled around, all puffed up and ready to let them have it, only to pause when she actually saw them. There was a group of four teenage guys, none of them facing us, circled around a cat, offering little bits of what I think was chicken as it lazily paced around between them.

My friend let out a loud huff before turning and stomping off, upset that she couldn’t get upset over them doing some literal cat-calling.

Here’s A Tip: DON’T

, , , , | Romantic | March 21, 2020

(I work at a coffee shop. There is one customer who, for the past two weeks, has been coming into the shop, ordering a coffee, putting a twenty in the tip jar, and just staring at me. He doesn’t blink, look away, or anything; he just stares at me with a creepy grin. He gives us a lot of tips and business, so my boss refuses to throw him out. 

I don’t usually work on weekends, and I take an extra day off to take my dog to the vet. When I return, my coworker immediately pulls me aside.)

Coworker: “Hey, [My Name], your boyfriend was looking for you earlier.”

Me: “I don’t have a boyfriend.” 

Coworker: “Sure, you do.” *winks* 

(I have a bad gut feeling about this, so I remain on alert, and ten minutes later, the creepy customer comes in, coming up to me and ordering his usual.)

Customer: “When are you going to go out with me?”

Me: “I’m sorry, I don’t think this is appropriate. And would you please stop staring at me?” 

Customer: “Sorry, but you are so beautiful that I can’t help it.” 

(He starts making lewd jokes, and by now, my coworker has noticed, and so have a couple of customers sitting nearby.) 

Me: “Sir, I’ve asked you to stop. I’m not going to ask you again.” 

Customer: “Come on, you want me. If you didn’t, you would have kicked me out by now. Your boss and coworkers don’t mind.” 

Coworker: “Actually, I do. Sir, you are disturbing my coworker, me, and other customers. I regret telling you when she was supposed to come in. I’m sorry I didn’t realize how serious this was. Please leave, and don’t return, or the police will be called.”

(The customer leaves, grumbling, and the other customers, who are both men, come up and put money in the tip jar.) 

Customer #2: “If you hadn’t kicked him out, I would have. That was disturbing on so many levels.”

I Am A People Person, You’re Just Not Good People

, , , | Right | March 19, 2020

(Two rowdy men are waiting in line behind an older woman trying to purchase a lottery ticket. They’re being extremely obnoxious and making unsolicited comments to her. I explain that her lottery slip is unreadable due to a wet spot, and this sends them into paroxysms of juvenile mirth. They continue shouting at the woman as she walks away, and I ask them politely to leave her alone. They quiet down. I ring up [Guy #1]’s items and notice [Guy #2] walking out the door with a handful of popsicles.)

Me: “Excuse me!”

Guy #2: “Oh, he’s paying for these.”

Me: “That’s fine, but I still have to scan them.”

Guy #2: “You should have said something.”

Me: “I did. Just now. That’ll be [total], please.”

([Guy #2] leaves while [Guy #1] pays.)

Guy #1: “You should find a new job.”

Me: “Yeah?”

Guy #1: “Yeah. You’re no good with people.”

This story is part of the Convenience Store roundup!

Read the next Convenience Store roundup story!

Read the Convenience Store roundup!