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Putting A Little Joy In The Mix

, , , , , | Working | December 23, 2022

It’s near Christmas, and I have done some baking and made treat bags for my coworkers. I get to work and hand one to one of my coworkers.

Coworker: “What’s this?”

Me: “It’s cookies and Chex mix and stuff.”

My coworker starts crying.

Coworker: “I’m sorry, I’ve just had a really bad day. Thank you.”

I’m not good with people, so I’m not quite sure how to deal with this.

Coworker: “I can’t believe I’m crying over Chex mix.”

Me: “Well, I’m glad I was able to make you smile.”

And Nothing Of Value Was Lost, Part 2

, , , , , , | Working | December 22, 2022

I’ve been lucky to mostly work with great people through most of my jobs. Every now and then, however, a real piece of work slips in. This jolly fellow was actually quite pleasant to hang around with off the clock; ON the clock, however, it seemed like everything else on planet Earth was a priority besides what he was actually being paid to do.

It came to a head one day when our manager was out and, being most senior, I was technically in charge of the four resident goons despite not having an official title. It should be noted that we didn’t have individual stations; we had one desk that had the [Shipping Company #1] machine, another desk that had the [Shipping Company #2] machine, and two long benches where we stacked, scanned, and boxed orders.

Me: “Hey, [Coworker], are you gonna get those [Shipping Company #1] boxes done?”

Coworker: “Yeah, I’m on it. Don’t worry.”

Me: “Yeah, starting to worry. You’ve had those two things on the desk for fifteen minutes now. I’ve done literally twenty [Shipping Company #2] orders in that time.”

Coworker: “I’m getting to it!”

Me: “It should not have taken more than five minutes. What—”

At this point, I’d come around the desk. He had some joke-of-the-day site up, full-screened, a Word document with “script” in the title showing in the taskbar, and neither our software nor the [Shipping Company #1] software even open.

Me: Dude, we’ve got work to do!”

Coworker: “It doesn’t matter. They’re not gonna be here for what, four hours? That’s plenty of time!”

Me: “Yeah, and in those four hours, we’re gonna get about a hundred other orders, with no way of knowing how many for each carrier. We can’t just put it off to the last minute expecting things to be slow all day.”

Coworker: “Whatever. I’m going to the bathroom. I’ll do it when I get back.”

And with that, he just walked off. I finished the [Shipping Company #1] he left behind, and the rest of us continued on. And on. And on.

Fully half an hour later, with all of us wondering what had happened, [Coworker] strolled back in.

Me: “Dude, where have you been?”

Coworker: “It don’t matter.”

Me: “Uh, it does matter when you’re on the clock.”

Coworker: “IT. DON’T. MATTER. Don’t you care about what I’m doing. It don’t matter if I’m in the kitchen making coffee or if I decide to go off to the bathroom and play with myself!”

The other two guys made assorted disgusting noises, and I locked eyes with him. My tone goes ice cold and staccato when I’m angry, which I’m told is accompanied by a “Kubrick Stare.”

Me: “First off, don’t ever say that, around any of us, again. Second, yes, it does matter. I am sick and tired of having to rush at the end of the day to finish the stuff you leave behind.”

Coworker: “Bull! When do you do that?”


Coworker #2: “Pretty much.”

Coworker #3: “Yeah, we got a whole pile right now, man. Stop b****ing and get it worked down!”

Did he, in fact, start doing his job? NOPE. He “needed to cool down,” so he took a walk around the entire corporate center parking lot for ANOTHER half-hour, and when he got back, he was still almost physically shaking with anger and saying he was gonna have it out with the manager when he got back. I had already left a voicemail and email with said manager by that point, and yes, there were cameras to prove that he was gone from the warehouse for an hour straight. The manager “wasn’t allowed to tell me” that they docked him an hour’s pay for those stunts.

I’d give him the benefit of the doubt for being a fresh-faced kid with no life experience, but he was a decade older than me and ex-military! Not long afterward, he found another job and put in his two-week notice; they “let him” just leave.

And Nothing Of Value Was Lost

Just Be Glad I Said Something Nice

, , , , , | Working | December 22, 2022

[Coworker] is a bit of a pill — argumentative and difficult just for fun. I always try to get along with everyone, and as it’s so close to Christmas, it seems everyone is feeling festive.

Me: “Merry Christmas!”

Coworker: “Err, I think you will find that it’s actually ‘happy holidays’.”

Me: “Well, sure, I guess, but I know you celebrate Christmas.”

Coworker: “Ugh, that’s not the point. What if I didn’t? What if I took offence?”

Me: “Firstly, I have never met anyone who took offence, ever. And I wouldn’t have said it if I wasn’t sure.”

Coworker: “But how? How could you be sure?”

Me: “Aside from celebrating Christmas in the office for the last four years? It’s probably the fact that you are wearing a Christmas jumper with the words ‘Merry Christmas’ on it.”

Coworker: “Well, that’s not the same.”

Possibly The Biggest Ever Mood

, , , , , | Working | December 21, 2022

One early winter morning, I’m walking into work. It’s slightly before 6:00 am, and it’s still dark and quite chilly out. As I’m walking in, I see one of my coworkers sitting in his car.

Me: “Hey, [Coworker], good morning! How you doing?”

Coworker: “[My Name], tell me one good reason why I shouldn’t call the boss right now and tell him I’m sick and then go back home and sleep.”

Me: “All I’ve got is that you already spent the time and energy to wake up, get dressed, and drive over here. Otherwise, I’d be right there with you.”

Coworker: *Sighs* “Yeah, you’re right.”

[Coworker #1] Is Someone’s Kid, Too, You Know

, , , , , , | Working | CREDIT: german_big_guy | December 21, 2022

I’m a nurse. We have a system at our hospital where big shift changes (multiple days) must be done a month in advance. Single days need just some days in advance. Also, we have a system for the holidays: one year, you work Christmas, and the next year, you work New Year’s Eve and New Year’s. As a young guy without kids, I mostly try to cover other people’s Christmases so I can have New Year’s off. We celebrate with close family on Christmas Eve, anyway.

This year, I had to work New Year’s and asked around if someone want to swap. One of my coworkers directly answered.

Coworker #1: “I’ll gladly work New Year’s for you if you’ll work Christmas for me!”

We talked to our charge nurse, and she gave the green light and changed the schedule. [Coworker #1] was happy she’d get to see her family after last year’s Christmas was in lockdown, and I was happy I’d get to get hammered on New Year’s Eve with my girlfriend and friends.

But then, today happened.

[Coworker #2] is okay at her job, although she complains when she can’t leave on the dot. I’ve never had any real problems with her; we just coexist. This happens during my break today.

Coworker #2: “Hey, [My Name].”

Me: “Oh, hi.”

I’m not really paying attention; I’m eating my soup and browsing on my phone.

Coworker #2: “Can I ask you something?”

Me: “Umm, sure.”

Coworker #2: “So, I saw you and [Coworker #1] swapped holidays.”

Me: “Yeah?”

Coworker #2: Well, I thought you cancel it and cover my shift on Christmas.”

Me: “Umm… No.”

Coworker #2: “What? Why?! It’s the same for you! You have your New Year’s Eve off anyway.”

Me: “Well, yeah, maybe, but [Coworker #1] made plans with her family.”

Coworker #2: “Ugh, maybe, but I need Christmas off. I have kids and she doesn’t!”

Me: “Yeah, maybe, but she has plans, too.”

Coworker #2: “That’s not fair! I had no chance to ask you first!”

Me: “Yes, you did. I asked in our [Messaging App] work group.”

I show her the message in the group.

Me: “And sorry, it’s first come, first serve.”

Coworker #2: “Ugh, that’s so unfair! You both don’t have children, so Christmas isn’t that important to you! It’s a family holiday!”

Me: “Yeah… [Coworker #1] meets her family on Christmas; that’s why I swapped with her.”

I give her my own copyrighted “F*** you, sweetie” smile that I got from working in the soul-sucking snakepit that is my hospital.

Coworker #2: “Ugh!”

She then stomped off.

I just went back to my phone and continued to eat my onion soup (a mistake because onion breath and masks aren’t a good match).

[Coworker #1] told me that [Coworker #2] tried to talk her out of it, too, but she wouldn’t budge, either. [Coworker #2] then tried to talk to our charge nurse, but that was in vain. Our charge nurse is a work friend of mine, and we are both male nurses, so we have a secret but sacred bond to have each other’s backs.

[Coworker #2] is pissed because no one wants to swap, but that’s not my problem.