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And Here, We See The Customer In His Native Habitat

, , | Right | June 23, 2008

(I was quietly working down my aisle when a disgruntled man stops at the end and looks at me.)

Me: *resumes working as he is making no advances*

Man: “Awwharhaghhsss!”

Me: *looks up*

Man: “TOMATO SAUCE!” *angry look*

Me: “Uhhhh…”

Man: *furious look*

Me: “…aisle 10!”

Never Piss Off A Man With A Meat Cleaver

, , , , , | Right | June 23, 2008

(It is 5:45 pm on Christmas Eve, and the grocery store I work at closes at 6:00 pm.)

Customer: “Why don’t you have any big frozen turkeys? I need a 20-pound frozen turkey!”

Me: “Sir, we only have what’s left in the counter.”

Customer: “Go look in the back! I know you have some hiding back there.”

Me: “Um, sir, I put all the turkeys out already. What’s out is all we have.”


Me: “There are no more turkeys in the back.”

Customer: “I’ll just go look myself!”

(The customer proceeds to march through the “Staff Only” doors and is met by one of the butchers who stands 6′ 5″.)

Customer: “GET ME A G**D*** TURKEY!”

Big Butcher: “GET THE H*** OUT OF MY STORE!”

This story is part of the Christmas Eve roundup!

Read the next Christmas Eve roundup story!

Read the Christmas Eve roundup!

One Man’s Trash Is… Another Man’s Trash

, , | Right | June 22, 2008

Hotel Guest: *glances at front desk* “Do you have any newspapers?”

Me: “If there aren’t any out on the counter, we’re all out.”

Hotel Guest: “Are you sure?”

Me: “Yes sir, I’m sure. If I had any more, I assure you they’d be sitting there on the counter.”

Hotel Guest: “Okay, is there one in there?” *points to trashcan behind the front desk*

Me: “Um, sir… are you asking if there are any newspapers… in the trash?”

Hotel Guest: “Yes.”

Me: “Um… well… sir… I don’t think you want to look through here, there’s food and all sorts of gross–”

Hotel Guest: “I want to look through there for a newspaper.”

Me: “Um, okay…”

(He brings the trash to the front and starts digging through it.)

Hotel Guest: “UGH! This trash is DISGUSTING!” *storms off*

(There was a gas station literally 100 feet away from the hotel. This guy would rather dig through the trash for a newspaper than walk up the street and buy one.)

This story is part of our Weird Hotel Guests roundup!

Read the next Weird Hotel Guests roundup story!

Read the Weird Hotel Guests roundup!

One Loses His Allowance, The Other His Immortal Soul

, , , , , , | Right | June 22, 2008

(I am in high school working at a dollar store. It’s a small town so Sundays are usually busy after church services. This man, his wife, and his young son are in line.)

Me: “That will be $25.30.”

Customer: “I’ve only got $15… We gave $20 at the offering today. You think you could give me a break?”

Customer’s Young Son: *innocently* “We didn’t give any money at church today.”

This story is part of our Customers Caught Lying roundup!

Read the next Customers Caught Lying roundup story!

Read the Customers Caught Lying roundup!

TMI Redux

, , , , | Right | June 22, 2008

(An older woman in her 50s needs some help picking out a new MP3 player.)

Me: “Okay, so do you have any preferences?”

Woman: “Well, do you have any that are waterproof?”

Me: “Not really…”

Woman: “I had one before, but it’s broken.”

Me: “Oh, okay.”

Woman: “Yeah, it was my own fault though, I think.”

Me: “How come?”

Woman: “Well, I put it in here–” *points and looks at her breasts* “–while I was at the gym. I guess I was sweating a bit too much!”

Me: “…”

This story is part of the Customers-Sharing-TMI roundup!

Read the next Customers-Sharing-TMI roundup story!

Read the Customers-Sharing-TMI roundup!