Right Working Romantic Related Learning Friendly Healthy Legal Inspirational Unfiltered

Ouch… Sorry, Fido

, , , , | Right | May 27, 2008

Customer: “Are there any thrift stores around here that support cancer research?”

Clerk: “No, I think the only ones in town support the humane society.”

Customer: “Oh, we have asthma. We don’t want to support that.”

Clerk: “…”

This story is part of our Thrift Store roundup!

Read the next Thrift Store roundup story!

Read the Thrift Store roundup!

Ah, Marriage

, , , , | Right | May 27, 2008

Me: “Hi, welcome to [Pizza Restaurant], would you like to hear about our specials?”

Customer: “I was wondering if you could make your Delite pizzas in the family size.”

Me: “I apologize, but we only serve the Delite pizzas in the large.”

Customer: “… but I want the Delite in the family size.”

Me: “I’m sorry, but the thin crust only comes in the large size.”

Customer: “I don’t want the large size! I want the family!”

(I hear her husband yelling at her in the background.)

Customer’s Husband: “She already told you they don’t make it in the family size!”

Customer: “I know that. But I want the family size.”

Customer’s Husband: “JUST GET THE LARGE!”

(The couple continues to argue for a minute or so before I interrupt them.)

Me: “I’m sorry, but is there something else we could get you?”

Customer: “NO! I DON’T WANT YOUR GODD**N PIZZA!” *slams down phone*

This story is part of our Bickering Couple roundup!

Read the next Bickering Couple roundup story!

Read the Bickering Couple roundup!

Cue Dramatic Music

, , , | Right | May 26, 2008

Me: “Thank you for calling. How can I help you?”

Customer: “Hi, I’d like a personal pan pizza for my son.”

Me: “I’m sorry, sir, we’re all out of personal pans for the day. Can I get you something else?”

Customer: “No! I guess my son will just have to go ahead and STARVE!”

Me: “…”

This story is part of the Customers-Overreacting roundup!

Read the next Customers-Overreacting roundup story!

Read the Customers-Overreacting roundup!

This story is part of the Embarrassing Parents roundup!

Read the next Embarrassing Parents roundup story!

Read the Embarrassing Parents roundup!

Crazy To Go

, , | Right | May 26, 2008

(Late night in a very crowded restaurant, a lady cuts in front of me and stands in the well, blocking me from getting my drinks for my tables.)

Bartender: “Ma’am, you can’t stand there. Please move over to the side and I will help you.”

Lady: “I just want to get some food to go.”

Bartender: “Ma’am, please move over to the side of the bar and I can help you.”

Lady: “Can I get some food to go?”

(At this point there are three servers who are now blocked from getting their drinks from the well.)

Bartender: “Ma’am, we only do take-out orders from 5:00-6:00, or an hour before closing.”

Lady: *blank stare*

Me: “Excuse me, may I squeeze by you? I have to get my drinks for my tables.”

Lady: *turns to me* “I want to order some food to go!”

Me: “We only do food to go from 5-6. Or an hour before closing.”

Lady: “What? I need to get some food to go!”

Bartender: “Lady! You need to move out of the service well! I can’t get you any food to go right now!”

Lady: “But… but… I need to order some food…”

Me: “Right. Food to go. But we don’t do that right now.”

Lady: “Why not?”

Other Blocked Servers: “Are you f**king kidding me?”

Bartender: “Ma’am, if you will please just move to the side, I will ask if we can get you some food to go.”

Lady: “Thank you. I don’t understand what’s wrong with you people!”

Me: “Ma’am, can you please scoot over? Please?”

Lady: “I’m not going anywhere until I get my food to go!”

Manager: “Is there a problem?”

Lady: “I’m trying to order food to go and your crappy staff won’t help me!”

Manager: “Well, we don’t do food to go right now.”

Lady: “This is bulls**t! I’ll have your f**king job! I want my food to go NOW!”

Manager: “Why don’t you get the h*** out of here right now before I call the police?”

(She stormed out and the entire bar started cheering and clapping.)

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

, , , , | Right | May 26, 2008

(This is back during the PlayStation 2 era. I don’t even work at this place; I am just looking at the games with my dad but I figure I’ll help this lady out.)

Customer: “Hi, my son wants a Star Wars game. How much will that be?”

Me: “Well, there are lots of Star Wars games, because some are older than others. The older ones are more likely to be cheaper… sometimes the console changes the price as well.”

Customer: “Console?”

Me: “The thing you play it on.”

Customer: “Oh he’s got a Gamestation.”

Me: “Do you mean a Playstation or a Gamecube?”

Customer: “I don’t know, it’s black.”

Me: “Is it cube-shaped?”

Customer: “No.”

Me: “Right so, it’s a PlayStation 2. Did your son say which type of Star Wars game he wanted, or even the name?”

Customer: “No, he just said Star Wars. A shooting one, I think.”

Me:Most of them are shooting games…”

Customer: “Well, this is the one with the laser guns in it and the laser swords.”

Me: *cringing* “Laser guns and laser swords are what Star Wars is famous for.”

(My dad, who is behind me, starts laughing.)

Customer: “I’m not some Star Wars computer genius, you know! This is only the 21st century. I don’t even know why you work here if you don’t know what I should buy!”

Me: “I don’t actually work here.”

Customer: “Well, why are you wearing the employee t-shirt?!”

(She points towards my Children of Bodom t-shirt.)

Me: “Good point. Go and speak to my boss if you are unhappy about me working here.”

Customer: “I will, and you might get fired, so watch out!”