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Making A Beautiful Mocha-ry Of It

, , , , , | Working | January 15, 2018

(My mother and I are driving home from a long trip. It is evening and we still have a ways to go, so we decide to go through the drive-thru of a nearby coffee shop. Note that the time is about 15 minutes to close for this location.)

Order Taker: *in a bad accent* “Hola! What can I giggity-get started for you?”

Mom: *chuckles* “Two mochas, please; hold the whipped cream.”

Order Taker: “That’s two chocos minus the sweet top. Anything else?”

Mom: “No, that’s all.”

Order Taker: “Bea-ooootiful. That’ll be 80 kabillion dollars at the next window.”

(My mom and I cracked up laughing. Thanks, silly order taker, for making our long drive a little less tiring!)

Your Story Doesn’t (Lip)Stick Together

, , , , , | Right | January 14, 2018

(A customer comes in to return two items. She does not have a receipt or the boxes for either product. She looks like a hippie version of a Jersey Shore cast member.)

Me: “Without a receipt or the original boxes, we can only do an exchange or give you the money back on a merchandise credit.”

Customer: “Oh, no, that won’t work. I really need the money, and I can’t use these products on my face because my friend just started an organic skin care line. I only use organic products on my face now. Please, I just really need the money.”

(My manager is right next to me. I explain the situation and she tells her the same thing I did. She continues to ask if we can call someone else over. We call another manager over, who tells her the same thing.)

Customer: “Please, I need the money for my rent. Can I buy something with the merchandise credit and return it and get cash back?”

Manager: “No, we can only refund in the original form of payment.”

(She decides to take the merchandise credit, which is over $100. I ask for her email for our rewards program.)

Customer: “Oh, I don’t trust computers, except for Facebook!”

(I show her some products she’s interested in. She proceeds to apply a lipstick directly to her lips without it being cleaned off and disinfected. Thinking this would be a concern, since she only wants organic products, I tell her I can clean it off for her.)

Customer: “Oh, I don’t care!”

(When she checked out, she spent the whole merchandise credit, plus $30. I thought she “really needed the money.”)

Good Thing You Didn’t Tell Them It Had A Virus

, , , , , , | Right | January 13, 2018

(I am working a slow shift at a tech repair shop in my hometown, when an angry woman marches in with a laptop.)

Me: “Hi, ma’am. How can I h—”

Customer: “Listen to me, kid!” *she opens the laptop to reveal a blackened screen with a good portion of it burned completely* “I’ve had this computer for a year, and nothing’s gone wrong. Today, the screen went blue and it wouldn’t let me keep shopping! My son said it was frozen, so I tried to thaw it out, but it just got f***** up! Fix it, d*** it!”

Me: “Ma’am… Did… Did you put an open flame on the screen?”

Customer: “Well, duh! I put it on the stove to thaw it out faster. What do you think, I’m stupid or something?”

New Mexico, Old Problem

, , , , , | Working | January 11, 2018

(It’s the end of the 90s, and my wife has moved from a small town in New Mexico to San Antonio, TX. She calls a bank to see if she can open an account.)

Wife: “I just moved here and haven’t gotten my new license yet. Can I open an account using my New Mexico driver’s license?”

CS Agent: “Yes, as long as you have your green card or other paperwork showing you are legally permitted to live in the USA.”

Wife: “What? I’m from New Mexico… a state in the US… one state west of here.”

CS Agent: “Oh… ummm… no, you need your Texas license.”

(So, out of country, no problem; same country but different state, FORGET IT! She has also been complimented on how well she speaks English when she tells people where she’s from.)

Total Eclipse Of The Brain, Part 4

, , , , | Right | January 8, 2018

(It is August 2017, a few weeks before a solar eclipse. News sources have reported that people can get solar eclipse glasses for free at libraries nationwide, misrepresenting our distribution process and availability. To make matters worse, all local retailers sell out of eclipse glasses weeks before the eclipse. Additionally, the day of the eclipse also happens to be the first day of school in our local district.)

Coworker: “Thank you for calling [Library]. How can I help you?”

Patron: “Hi, do you have any eclipse glasses available for purchase? My kids are going to be in school during the eclipse.”

Coworker: “Unfortunately, no. We are only distributing solar eclipse glasses at our solar eclipse programs to attendees. Because all of our other solar eclipse programs have already passed, we are distributing all remaining glasses at the viewing party on the day of the eclipse.”

(At this point, most patrons ask when the program will start and when glasses will be distributed. However, this patron has a better idea.)

Patron: “That’s really inconvenient, you know? Why would you have a family program like that on the first day of school? Now, none of the local students will be able to go!”

Coworker: “I’m very sorry, ma’am. We scheduled the program before the first day of school was announced.”

Patron: “If I complain to your superiors, do you think they might move the program to a different day, so that my kids can attend?”

Coworker: *pause* “You want us to move the solar eclipse viewing program to a different day?”

Patron: “Exactly!”

This story is part of the Eclipse roundup!

Read the next roundup story!

Read the roundup!