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A Fresh Pot For A Rotten Attitude

, , , , | Right | October 27, 2017

(We mark coffee pots with the time they were put on, and rotate them so the oldest pots are served first. If a pot sits longer than 20 minutes, it’s tossed. Despite all of this, I still have this conversation every time I serve this regular.)

Regular: “I want a cup of coffee. Your freshest.”

Me: “Coming right up.”

(There are two pots that were put on at the same time, but one has slightly less because I’ve already poured a cup from it.)

Regular: “No! Not that stuff; use the other pot!”

Me: “Ma’am, they were both put on at the exact same time.”

Regular: “No, they weren’t! That one’s half-empty!”

Me: “See where I’ve written on them? They both say 12:15. I just served the customer before you a cup from this one, but they were made at the same time.”

Regular: *grumbles* “Lazy little… Just gimme my d*** coffee.”

Me: *sighs*

(Every time… eventually I decided to just shut up and serve her from the full pots. A supervisor found this out and scolded me for it. Eventually, he had to serve her, too, and apologized to me, saying I was right all along.)

Air Heads

, , , , , | Friendly | October 26, 2017

(I am at the grocery store when two “stereotypical” teenage girls walk by. I catch this snippet of their conversation.)

Teenage Girl #1: “Oh, my God, like, have you ever wondered what air tastes like?”

Teenage Girl #2: “Like, I never have even thought of that. You’re, like, a total genius.”

Teenage Girl #1: “I’m, like, going to ask our science teacher this question. I bet he doesn’t know the answer, either!”

Teenage Girl #2: “Yeah, he’s going to have to totally admit you’re smart now! LOL!”

(I, too, was “laughing out loud,” but not for the same reason that they were.)

Punch It In Before I Punch You

, , , , | Working | October 26, 2017

(I’m a regular customer waiting in line at a fast food place known for its poutine. The customer ahead of me is a young man who appears to be of South Asian descent, but has no accent and is clearly a student at a nearby university.)

Employee #1: *speaking very slowly* “How… can… we… help you?”

Customer: *slightly bemused* “Um, I’ll have [menu item containing bacon], please.”

Employee #1: *blinks* Oh, are you sure?

Customer: *pauses*“Yes?”

([Employee #2] comes over and tries to take over the transaction at this point, but [Employee #1] waves her off. [Employee #2] looks visibly uncomfortable at this point.)

Employee #1: “You know there is bacon in that, right?”

Customer: “Um… Yeah. It’s right there in the name.”

Employee #1: “You’re sure?”

Employee #2: *cringes* “Okay, he’s sure. Ring it through please.”

Employee #1: “I thought you people didn’t eat pork? I’m not serving that to him; I don’t want to be responsible.” *walks into the back*

Customer: “I’ll get that to go, please.”

Employee #2: *now incredibly mortified* “Oh, my God, I am so sorry. For what it’s worth, I don’t think she means to be offensive; she’s just a dip-s***. I can throw in a free drink for not punching her in the f****** mouth, though.”

(Fortunately the customer laughed it off and didn’t seem to be upset. [Employee #1] still works there a year or two later, and without fail, whoever is working with her looks thoroughly miserable.)

A Tale As Fold As Time

, , , , , | Working | October 25, 2017

(I am shopping with my sister and my best friend, and we pop into a popular clothing store. While my sister and friend are going through piles of clothes, I start folding them back into perfect piles. An employee is watching us from the corner, probably because teenagers either cause trouble or don’t end up buying anything. She walks by and asks how we are doing.)

Me: “We’re fine; I’m just folding clothes.”

Employee: “You know, you don’t have to do that.”

Me: “I know but I work in retail. It’s ingrained in me.”

(She was much nicer to us after that.)

The Couponator 3: Rise Of The Coupons

, , , , , , | Right | October 24, 2017

(I am working at the cash register during our supper hour when we get a lot of customers coming through. Note that very recently, we have released coupons to arrive in the mail for every household, as well as printable versions. Customers are allowed to use more than one coupon at a time.)

Me: “Hi, I can help you over here.”

Customer: “I have multiple coupons today.” *pulls out her purse and proceeds to pull out five printed coupons*

(These coupons are “Buy one, get one free.” So, with a sandwich and a medium fry, one can get a second sandwich for free. She starts giving me her order, consisting of four burgers, four orders of nuggets, two chicken burgers, one large wrap, two small wraps, and five orders of fries.)

Me: “So that’ll be $51.95. Is this for here or to go?”

Customer: “That’ll be to go, dear.” *sits down and waits for her order*

(A coworker helps me deal with the rest of the customers in line. While they come and go, the first customer patiently waits for a while, staring at her remaining coupons, before coming back up to the counter. She calls me over to help her.)

Customer: “I would like to remake my order, using these coupons instead.” *she presents five printed coupons for a “two can dine for $10.49” deal*

Me: “Um… Let me ask a manager to see if they can help out.”

(I find the closest manager and explain the situation, and my manager refunds the order and hands her back her money. She then proceeds to put in the same order, using the new coupons. These coupons come with two sandwiches, two medium fries, and two medium drinks per coupon, so her order now also includes ten orders of fries and ten drinks. When asked if this is all right with the customer, she responds that it was fine.)

Manager: “So, after putting in the new coupons, your total is now $70.08.”

Customer: “But each coupon is $10; that can’t be right.”

Manager: “It’s $10 per coupon, but this is also with your drinks and extra fries, plus your wraps.”

Customer: *slams down her refund money from earlier* “Well, this is unacceptable! I want my order done the way it was before!”

(My manager had to redo the order once again, leaving my coworker to deal with the rest of the crowded lobby. Our line-up didn’t get any smaller as long as she was there, who kept us busy for about 20 minutes to make sure her order was done correctly.)