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Something Has Changed Within Me

, , , , , | Related | October 26, 2019

(I’m very geeky. My mother and I go to a professional production of one of my favorite musicals. I’m so excited that I almost don’t notice when I lean forward in my seat, mouth the lyrics to most of the songs, and am unable to stop smiling. When the lights come on for intermission, I turn to my mother and see her silently laughing.)

Me: “Are you liking it so far?”

Mom: “I don’t know what’s more entertaining: watching the musical or watching you!”

(Apparently, my theater geek side is more obvious than I thought.)

This story is part of our Musical Theater Roundup!

Read the next Musical Theater Roundup story!

Read the Musical Theater Roundup!

Hekate Save Me From This Teacher!

, , , , | Learning | October 25, 2019

(It is my freshman year, and my first year in a public school. My science teacher has had it out for me all year.)

Teacher: “We’re diving into evolution in the coming weeks. I know most of you have been taught the basics, but because of some people in this class, I’ll have to go over simple things.”

(I hold back from rolling my eyes. I know the teacher is talking about me, wrong though he is. Instead, I wait for him to start asking us questions to figure out what the rest of the class knows.)

Teacher: “So, let’s start. Can anyone tell me what a common ancestor is?”

(I raise my hand, because I have a chip on my shoulder at this point. I am the only student to raise their hand. Still, he doesn’t call on me. Instead, he calls on another student who is very bright but easily bored in easy classes, so she hasn’t been paying attention.)

Other Student: “What was the question?”

Me: “He wanted to know what a common ancestor is, which is the species from which two other species originated.”

Teacher: “I didn’t call on you. Where did you even learn that? You were homeschooled. What, were you rebelling against your parents and picked up a science book?”

(No one laughs at his attempt at a joke. A couple of my fellow students sigh and sit back.)

Me: “No, I had a secular homeschool curriculum. I learned about evolution.”

Teacher: “Yeah, okay. And did your parents teach you that evolution is ‘just a theory,’ and that the Bible is just as valid?”

Me: “My dad is an atheist and my mom is a pagan. I was homeschooled because we traveled a lot when I was younger.”

Teacher: “Don’t lie to me!”

Friend: “I’ve been to her house; her mom has a shrine to Hekate by the front door and her dad has his Master’s degree on the wall in the–”

Teacher: “Both of you! Out!”

(We were sent into the hall for the rest of the class, where we relaxed and laughed at how ridiculous this teacher has been all year. My parents were eventually called in to speak with the teacher and the principal, where they educated him on our family situation. The teacher left me alone for the rest of the year! That teacher made me wonder why I asked to attend a public high school, but some of the other teachers made up for his bad attitude.)

An Ounce To Pounce

, , , , | Friendly | October 24, 2019

(I’m five-foot-zero and my best friend is five-foot-eight. I’m also very peaceful and try to avoid any and all conflict. A speaker/instructor has been brought in to our gym class to teach us some basic self-defense. One of the things he teaches us to do is scream, “NO!” We go through a rotation to practice, yelling included. I take my turn and get to the back of the line to find my friend laughing.)

Me: “What’s so funny?”

Friend: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I’m just not used to you screaming and being violent! You’re so small!”

Me: “I am three ounces of pure rage!”

Don’t You Speak Asian? – Part 4

, , , , , | Friendly | October 23, 2019

(It is Tuesday evening after work. I went out to eat at a Japanese restaurant last night, but I forgot my credit card there, so I return to retrieve the card. I pull on the door handle, but the door does not open. I look down at their hours sign and realize that Tuesday is the one day they are closed. I groan in frustration but resign myself for having to wait another day to retrieve my card. A woman sitting in her truck nearby notices and calls out to me.)

Woman: “I saw someone go in there.”

(She points to the Chinese bakery two doors down from the restaurant.)

Me: “Okay… so…?”

Woman: “They might be connected.”

Me: “Why? Because they’re both Asian?”

Woman: “Uh…”

Me: “This is a Japanese restaurant, that is a Chinese bakery. Why the heck would they be connected and not completely separate entities?”

(She had no response to that, so I just walked away. I came back Wednesday and the Japanese restaurant happily returned my card.)

Don’t You Speak Asian? – Part 3
Don’t You Speak Asian? – Part 2
Don’t You Speak Asian?

You May Be Questioning But The Phone Knows

, , , , , | Friendly | October 23, 2019

(My best friend is questioning bisexuality. I am asexual. We are both female. This happens over text.)

Friend: “I’m gonna take a shower, babe.”


Me: *laughing*

Friend: “Oh, my gosh, even my phone thinks I’m a lesbian!”