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No Rest(room) For The Wicked

, , , , | Right | April 12, 2021

I’m working the closing shift at a coffee shop in a downtown area. The store closes at midnight, but since my coworker and I have to clean the machines and the entire store, we leave the front door open with a chair holding a big red sign that says, “CLOSED.” We generally have some drunk guests try and come in, but they go away easily when we explain that the store is closed. This is the exception.

Outside, we hear a small argument and a girl pushes our chair aside and comes inside, very clearly drunk.

Customer: “Can I use your bathroom?”

Me: “Sorry, but our store is closed and we can’t have guests using the bathroom at this time.”

Customer: “Oh, I’ll just be a minute.”

Me: “We just cleaned back there, and since our store is closed, I do have to ask you to leave.”

My coworker comes out after hearing the conversation. He and I know full well that we haven’t cleaned up yet, as the store has just closed.

Coworker: “Feel free to use the bathroom, ma’am, as long as you’re willing to clean it for us.”

She rolls her eyes and storms into the bathroom. About five minutes later, she comes out of the restroom.

Customer: “Your bathrooms were f****** disgusting. I can’t believe you let people use them like that.”

Me: “We aren’t currently letting people use them; you just happened to ignore our explanations that the store is closed and the bathroom inaccessible.”

Customer: “I’m calling your manager and having you both fired.”

We never heard from her again.

Whatever Happened To, “Hi, Nice To Meet You”?

, , , , , | Romantic | April 9, 2021

I’m in a coffee shop drinking a coffee, and some guy approaches my table with a glowing smile like he has spotted a close friend.

Guy: “Jamie! What’s up? Long time, no see! Remember me?”

Me: “Excuse me?”

Guy: “We used to hang out at that thing…” *Snapping fingers repeatedly* “God, I forgot the name of it. It was such a while ago… but how’s it going?” *Taking a seat*

Me: “I think you’re mistaken.”

Guy: “Jamie, right? It’s me, [Guy]. You don’t remember me, do you? That’s okay. I’m sure you’ve had a crazy schedule. How’ve you been, though? It’s awesome running into you here!”

Me: “If you are referring to the ‘Jamie’ stitched here on the front of my shirt, that’s my dad. I’m just wearing his shirt because I’m out of laundry. That’s not to mention that I’ve only been in this town for about a week because my husband and I are here visiting him. Can I drink my coffee in peace, please?”

Guy: “Oh… uh… Sorry.” *Slinking away*

Flat White Is Flat Rate

, , | Right | April 7, 2021

I work at a coffee shop where lattes come with one shot of coffee. A flat white comes with two shots. An extra shot is 50p. I don’t make the prices; I just work there.

Customer: “Can I have a flat white, but can you put it in a bigger cup with latte milk?”

Me: “Okay, so that would be a latte with an extra shot.”

Customer: *Rudely* “No, no, a flat white but in one of those bigger cups and with more milk.”

Me: *Slightly confused* “Okay, sir, that’s [price].”

Customer: “No! It’s a flat white! It should be [lower price]. I shouldn’t have to pay for an extra shot. [Totally Different Coffee Shop] has two shots in their lattes.”

Me: “I’m sorry, sir. If you want a flat white, I can charge you for a flat white. If you want a latte with an extra shot, I have to charge you for a latte with an extra shot.”

Customer: “Fine, give me a flat white.”

I made it for him and he glared at me like I was the devil the whole time. I might have done it if he hadn’t been so rude about the whole thing.

We All Suspected…

, , , , , | Working | April 5, 2021

I work at a franchise that serves food and beverages, so naturally, we had to watch a video explaining corporate’s new cleaning and hygiene policies in light of the 2020 health crisis. One line in particular stuck out at me.

Video: “Employees should wear gloves no matter what task they are doing because customers expect to see front-end employees wearing gloves.”

That was it. Nothing about germs, the importance of hand-washing, or contact with food; just a straight-up admission that the gloves are theater without even a recommendation to change them between tasks. Good to know the higher-ups are looking out for our customers’ health!

Our Great Dumbocracy, Part 4

, , , | Right | April 1, 2021

I work at a café that’s running a promotion on Election Day: show your “I Voted!” sticker and get a free drink with purchase. Nine out of ten transactions go like this.

Customer: “Hi, I’d like a sandwich with a coffee. Here’s my sticker!”

Me: “Great! Coming right up!”

But then, there’s always the few.

Customer: “Give me a sandwich and a [Soda] and it had better be free!

Manners are free, and yet…

Our Great Dumbocracy, Part 3
Our Great Dumbocracy, Part 2
Our Great Dumbocracy