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Mother Has To Take Her Lumps

, , , | Friendly | December 7, 2015

(I am six. My mother has always had a lewd sense of humour which I seem to have developed. She is buying various items including men’s underwear for my dad.)

Mother: *to me* “You should ask the cashier lady if these underwear come with the lump in the front.”

Me: *having no clue, we eventually reach the checkout desk* “Do those underwear come with the lump in the front?”

(My mother turned beet red and apologized for me. She couldn’t get out of the store fast enough.)

Need To Sun-Screen Out The Inconsiderate Customers

, , , | Right | November 18, 2015

(It’s not unusual, in the middle of a transaction, for a family to notice that they’ve forgotten their sunscreen. As I’m whiter than a ghost, usually I need to wear sunscreen even in the shaded booth, so I bring my own bottle into the booth for protection. If a family who treats me nice, forgets their own sunscreen, I’ll let them use some of mine.)

Mom: “Oh, no! We forgot sunscreen!”

Dad: “Do you sell any of it in the park?”

Me: “We do, but I have to admit, it’s five dollars, it’s 15 SPF, and it’s the size of travel tube of toothpaste.”

Dad: “Oh, man!”

Me: “But… I actually have a bottle of 60 SPF for my own personal use. I’d be willing for you to use some for free.”

Dad: “Oh, thank you!”

(He turns to his wife who wasn’t paying attention to his conversation with me.)

Dad: “Honey, she says we can use her sunscreen.”

(I hand the woman the bottle, and she takes it. Suddenly, she puts it in the stroller and starts walking away.)

Me: “Wait! Wait! WAIT!”

(The dad stops his wife and grabs the bottle.)

Dad: “She meant, to borrow.”

Mom: “Oh.”

Misses The Days When Coffee Was Just Coffee

, | Related | November 17, 2015

(My parents and sisters and I are going through the drive-thru of a well-known chain coffee shop, which had just begun its fall flavour promotion. My dad is the driver, and thus the one talking to the barista.)

Dad: *as we’re waiting in the line* “Okay, what’s everyone getting?”

(My mom and I give simple orders, but my sisters love to customize their orders.)

Sister #1: “Nonfat, no sugar, pumpkin spice latte with an extra shot.”

Sister #2: “Same thing.”

Dad: “Okay, wait. A no fat, non-sugar what?”

(At this moment, our turn to order has come, and my sisters are retelling their order when the barista starts speaking.)

Barista: “Welcome to [Shop]. What can I get for you today?”

Dad: “Hi, I’ll get a coffee and—”

Barista: “What size coffee?”

Dad: “Med—”

Sister #1: “Dad, they don’t go by those sizes. You want a grande.”

(My dad is getting quite flustered by this point, but he tells the barista he wants grande, then gives my mom’s and my orders.)

Dad: “And two no-fat, extra shot, pumpkin—”

Sister #2: “No! Non-fat, no sugar!”

Dad: “Two nonfat, no sugar, extra shot, pumpkin space latte—”

(At this point my mom and sisters and I all started laughing hysterically at the mispronunciation, and my poor flustered dad had to shout to finish the order. I don’t know how the poor barista got our orders right, but my dad swore he would never go through a drive-thru with us again.)

Deliver Your Pizzas Or You’ll Have The Devil To Pay

, , , , , | Working | November 4, 2015

(As a pizza delivery driver, at the beginning of my shift I am given a supply of fives and ones to make change for customers if needed. This is known as a “bank.” At the end of the shift, I am reimbursed for my mileage, less the amount of my bank. On this night, things are pretty slow, so I actually owe the store money.)

Shift Leader: “Okay, you got a $20 bank, and your mileage comes to $13.34, so you owe us…” *gives quizzical look*

Me: “$6.66, right?”

Shift Leader: “Huh! Yeah! Too funny!” *yells to another driver* “Hey, check this out! [My Name] owes us $6.66 for his bank!”

Me: “And my soul!”

This story is featured in our Religious Customers roundup!

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A Despicable Lack Of Attention

, , , | Right | October 25, 2015

(We are allowed to wear costumes at work on Halloween. I thought this would make it easier to find out which associate helped the customers, since the customers never remember their names.)

Me: “Did anyone help you today?”

Customer: “Yes, but I forget his name.”

Me: “That’s okay. Was he wearing a costume?”

Customer: “No.”

(I put in the name of the only associate not wearing a costume. Our uniforms consist of black pants and a simple collared red T-shirt. The transaction ends.)

Customer: “Oh! It was him!”

(They pointed to an associate wearing a Gru costume from “Despicable Me”… which consists of a grey turtleneck sweater, a striped grey scarf, and a large Minion stuffy.)

This story is part of our Halloween roundup!

Read the next Halloween roundup story!

Read the Halloween roundup!