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Thank You For Your Pretty Good Service

, , , , , , | Friendly | November 27, 2017

(I am at the grocery store, talking to a nice older lady cashier, with a young man of about 20 behind me. I am eighteen at the time and I’m in the Navy. I’m in civvies and wearing makeup. We are right next to the naval base and you can hear jets flying overhead.)

Cashier: “Hear that? That’s the sound of freedom!”

Me: *laughing* Well, there are plenty of flights scheduled today, so you’ll be hearing plenty of freedom.”

Cashier: “Oh! You’re in the Navy? I’m so proud of you, dear.”

(The cashier starts talking about her son in the Navy. Then, the man behind me speaks up.)

Man: “You can’t be in the Navy! You’re too pretty.”

Me: *weak laugh* “Well, I am.”

Man: “No, seriously, they don’t let pretty girls in the military because they won’t get married. Especially young ones like you. Such a waste in that ugly uniform.”

(I’m starting to get pretty mad, when the cashier starts laying into him for several minutes about his blatant sexism and lack of respect. He looks beyond embarrassed.)

Cashier: *as I’m leaving* “Remember, young lady: bravery doesn’t have a face.”

(It made my day to hear this, because I’m quite proud of my uniform, and it really irritated me that this man thought my career worth was based on my looks.)

Making Them See In New Directions

, , , | Right | November 27, 2017

(I work in the information centre of a shopping centre. A colleague next to me has been on a call while I’m assisting shoppers. After they leave, my colleague hands the phone over to me saying the caller needs directions.)

Me: “Hello? I believe you’re looking for directions to [Shopping Centre]?”

Caller: “Yes. That other girl is useless.”

Me: “I’m sorry to hear that. Are you local?”

Caller: “Umm, yes. I think so.”

Me: “Can you give me a vague description of where you are?”

Caller: “That’s what the other girl asked for! Why are you wanting to know where I am?”

Me: “I can’t give you directions unless I know where to start from.”

Caller: “No. You cannot know where I am. Just give me directions and stay out of my personal life!”

Me: “Can I ask if you know where [Restaurant in City Centre] is?”

Caller: “Yes?”

Me: “Would you mind giving me directions?”

Caller: “Umm, sure. You’re at [Shopping Centre]. Where is that?”

Me: “Why do you need to know? Just give me directions.”

Caller: “How else am I meant to get you there?”

Me: “Just give me the directions.”

Caller: “But, Jesus f****** Christ! How can I give you directions if…” *hangs up*

Colleague: “Doesn’t sound like you were able to help him, either.”

Me: “Oh, I helped him. He may never get here, but I certainly helped him.”

Walked Into A Happy Resolution

, , , , , | Working | November 25, 2017

(Due to various circumstances I find myself finishing work at 2:30 am one night. The rest of my team is travelling on to a different job, and are going nowhere near the hotel I’m checked in to. I’ve already tried the taxi number I was given at the hotel, but there are no cars available. I try over twenty more numbers given to me by Google, but the only company that answers doesn’t have anything available to go to a small, rural town to collect just one person. I decide that I can walk the eight miles back to the hotel instead. It’s unlit most of the way, and about two-thirds of the way there I end up on a road without a pavement, but I make it safely in just under two-and-a-half hours. The night receptionist is outside smoking when I arrive. We chat for a bit, and I explain what I’ve just done.)

Me: “Breakfast, then a nap, then home, I think. What time’s checkout?”

Receptionist: “It’s at noon, but… Yeah, do you want a later checkout?”

Me: “Nah, work won’t pay for it.”

Receptionist: “I’ll put it in as a freebie. You’ve earned it.”

Me: “Well…”

Receptionist: “You’ve just walked farther in one night than I will in a month. There! You’re booked in for a 2:00 pm checkout. Plenty of time for breakfast and a nap.”

Me: “Thanks!”

(I got enough sleep to manage the three-hour train journey home safely, thanks to that receptionist.)

Has The (Solar) Energy To Laugh

, , , | Working | November 25, 2017

(My cell phone rings from a number I don’t know, and I answer.)

Me: “Hello. This is [My Name].”

Telemarketer: “Hi there! I’m calling from [Company] to tell you the good news! You qualify for special offers to install solar panels to help reduce the energy bills for your home!”

Me: “Before I let you get too far in… I actually rent an apartment, so I don’t own a roof.”

Telemarketer: *laughs* “Well, in that case… I’m calling to tell you the bad news. Unfortunately, you do not qualify for any of our special offers at this time. Hope you have a nice day!”

Me: “You, too!”

(Having dealt with plenty of stubborn telemarketers in the past, his sense of humor in handling the call certainly brightened my day!)

It Marches In The Family

, , , , , , | Related | November 24, 2017

(My two sisters and I decide to meet at a local restaurant for dinner on Veteran’s Day. When the server arrives, my youngest sister has a question.)

Youngest Sister: “Do you have a military discount?”

Server: “We offer a Veteran’s Day discount today, 10% off. Which one of you ladies is the veteran?”

Oldest Sister: “All of us.” *pointing to herself* “Army.” *points at my youngest sister* “Navy.” *points at me* “Marine Corps.”

Server: *visibly shocked* “Really? That’s amazing!”

Me: “Yeah, mom had the recruiter on speed-dial.”

This story is part of our Veteran’s Day roundup!

Read the next Veteran’s Day roundup story!

Read the Veteran’s Day roundup!