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They Don’t Exactly Live For It

, , , , | Friendly | October 31, 2018

(I get off the bus and run into some British Heart Foundation volunteers offering free CPR training.)

BHF: “Hi there. Do you have eight minutes to learn how to save a life?”

Old Couple: “Oh, no, thanks, dear. We’ve lived enough already!”

Driving You Over The Edge

, , , , | Legal | October 29, 2018

I’m in my car heading home from work during rush hour. Things go fine, until someone cuts me off. I slam my brakes and push the horn. I see the driver giving me the finger. Angry, I flip one back. That turns out to be a mistake.

The other driver tries to stay in front of me. If I change lanes, he changes lanes. He often brakes suddenly, forcing me to brake, as well. I am upset, but try to remain calm and avoid an accident.

The other driver then tries to push me off the road! Panicking, I do everything to stay on the road. I take an exit earlier, hoping to get rid of him. The driver takes the same exit.

While we are driving, I suddenly see the driver turn around on his seat! He makes a slicing motion across his neck, and then uses both hands to make a gun shape, making a shooting motion. Because I am baffled and panicking, I don’t think about calling the police; I just want to get out of there.

I take another exit and the driver follows me. I know there’s a traffic light coming up and I know the pattern. I slow down. The driver rushes to the light, ends up in front of me, and opens the door, getting out.

Because I know the pattern, I know when it will hit green. I keep on rolling down the hill and when the light hits green, I hit the gas and take an empty lane. I pass the driver and manage to lose him in traffic.

When I get home, I call the non-emergency line for the police. They take my story. I remembered the make and license plate; it turns out the car was uninsured, but they can’t follow up on that without a reason. I am invited at the police station. There, I am told that because I didn’t call right away, there’s no proof of this road rage. I can press charges, but in the end it will be his word against mine. Instead, I let them take note of it. If someone else makes a complaint of this person, they will have two notes, and that will make it easier to press charges for that other person.

That same night, I buy a dash-cam.

Tricks Of The Tramway

, , , | Legal | October 27, 2018

(I am sitting in the tram, on my way home. A young man enters the tram.)

Young Man: “Excuse me, can I ask something? I lost my phone and I was sitting here before. Did you see something?”

Me: “No, I didn’t, but I could’ve missed it. Let me get up for you.”

Young Man: “No, no! That’s absolutely not needed!”

Me: “It’s okay; I need to get off soon, anyway.”

(The young man looks uneasy, as if he didn’t expect me to get up. I also notice he has a phone in his hand. Still, I step aside and the young man starts looking.)

Young Man: “Eh… I could’ve been sitting over there… Thanks, anyway.”

(The young man walked away and got off the next stop. At the next stop he apparently saw someone he knew, as the two nodded at each other. I decided to remain standing; I needed to get off the next stop, anyway. I then thought, “Wait, how does he even know this is the same tram? Wouldn’t you get on on the opposite direction, then?” At home I checked my things and everything was accounted for. Still, I decides to send a message to the tram company. They then informed me they would send my description through to security. It was most likely a trick to either pick my pockets or bag, or even try to scan my bank card — it has a chip so you don’t have to swipe it, but can hold it close to the machine, instead. He also could’ve asked me to use my phone to call his, to see if we could hear it, so he could snatch the phone from my hands, or follow me with his friend to ambush me and steal it. I am now very glad I stepped aside so he couldn’t reach my bag, that I always keep my bag closed, and that I have so much junk in there that scanning would be very difficult. Plus, I have a phone that doesn’t even have Internet.)


Will Not Be Party To This Chat

, , , , , | Friendly | October 27, 2018

I made a friend on an MMORPG who has become one of my best friends, despite us never meeting in person. We talk about everything imaginable and are very close, even knowing a lot about each other’s families.

One time we were waiting for a party to come together for a boss fight online and were chatting about random stuff. I was talking about my mom, who has had terrible teeth all her life and has terrible self-esteem from it — other reasons, too, but that’s a big one.

In the middle of our conversation, a person joined the party just as I submitted a message. I believe what I typed was, “I’ve begged her to get implants for a long time now, but she would never spend that kind of money on herself.”

Mere seconds after I sent that message, I went to greet the person who joined us, but they immediately disconnected. A second later, my friend and I realized the person probably thought I meant breast implants instead of dental implants, and fled from our weird conversation and our party. Guess we should have been using our private chat instead of the party chat. Oops.

Don’t Play With Someone Else’s Grapes

, , , , , , | Friendly | October 26, 2018

(I am shopping when a random guy I don’t know comes over, drops several boxes of food in my cart, then sticks his hand in a bag of grapes I was purchasing and starts rubbing them in a very creepy, sensual way.)

Me: “Um, what the h*** are you doing?”

Customer: *surprised* “Oh, God! Sorry. I thought this was my wife’s cart.”

(He ran over to another cart at the end of the aisle with a woman near it and began talking to her. I could just make out her saying, “Really? Again?” before they left.)