Right Working Romantic Related Learning Friendly Healthy Legal Inspirational Unfiltered

The Final Ruling

, , , , , , | Related | May 27, 2019

(For my 13th birthday party, I have a sleepover with about half a dozen of my friends, most of whom know my mom pretty well already. We’re a generally well-behaved bunch, but before she goes to bed, my mom comes into the living room to make sure we’re all right for the night. My friends and I are all feeling a little silly at this point.)

Mom: “All right, I’m going to head back upstairs. But before I go, I want you to know that I just have one rule–“

Friend #1: “No burning the house down?”

Mom: “All right, I just have two rules–“

Friend #2: “No stealing your car?”

Mom: “I just have three rules–“

Me: “No sneaking out to meet boys?”

Mom: “Stop! Okay, I have a lot of rules!”

Need To Treat Them Better

, , , , , | Friendly | May 27, 2019

(There is a farm supply store in my town that allows dogs inside. My dad often takes our dog there to buy dog food, and the ladies at the registers love to pet him and give him treats. One day, I go there to look for a certain product. They don’t have it, so I go to leave, bypassing the registers. My dog stops in front of the doors, refusing to move. I have to drag him out. We get outside, and a cashier runs outside with a treat.)

Cashier: “He didn’t get his treat. That’s probably why he didn’t want to leave.”

They’re Both Good Eggs

, , , , | Related | May 25, 2019

Me: “Dad, how long do you want your scrambled eggs cooked?”

Dad: “I don’t mind if they’re a little brown; I don’t need them to be perfect like how your mother likes them.”

(Later, when I make my mom scrambled eggs and ask her:)

Mom: “Make sure they’re yellow but not runny. Unlike your dad, I like my eggs edible.”

Got Yourself An Allocated Ringside Seat To Their Disagreement

, , , , , | Right | May 24, 2019

(I am seventeen. A few of my friends are seated for a midnight showing on opening day for the new “Lord of the Rings” movie. I’m am running late and will meet them there. The theater is absolutely sold out, and seats were all assigned by the theater when they were purchased. The first half of the story is told to me by my friends, as it happens before I arrive. There is an argument about seats in the row just in front of them. A group of four young guys is taking up the first four seats of the row, and there is one empty seat next to them. An adult couple comes up to them.)

Adult Man: “Excuse me, we’re supposed to be sitting in this row. I think you’re in one of our seats.”

Young Guy: “Nope. These are our seats.”

Adult Man: “Well, they’re assigned. Our tickets are for seats four and five.”

Young Guy: “You snooze, you lose. Sit somewhere else.”

(It’s clear that the young guys want to sit together, but one of their tickets is in another row.)

Adult Man: “No. You’re going to move so we can sit in our seats.”

Young Guy: “Make me.”

Adult Woman: *quietly to her husband* “It’s going to start soon. I’ll get an employee.”

(The young guy and the adult man begin to argue. They’re not loud or aggressive, but the young man is, I’m told, very rude. The wife hasn’t returned yet when I finally arrive. It’s relevant that I am hurrying from somewhere that required me to be in a full suit. I am in my finest outfit, but still don’t look a day over seventeen. I begin to scan the audience for my friends, and when I see them I point and begin hurrying up the aisle to them. I can’t reach my seat because of the argument is now blocking me.)

Me: “Excuse me.”

(I mean, “Let me through,” but everyone thinks I am demanding attention. The argument stops as both parties look at me. They take me for a manager. But I don’t clue in to any of this the entire time.)

Me: “Is there a problem?”

(I mean, “What are you all looking at me for?” but everyone thinks I’m asking them to explain the situation.)

Adult Man: “Yes, we’re having a disagreement about our seats.”

Me: “That can’t happen; the seats are assigned. You sit where it says on your ticket.”

Adult Man: “Seats four and five.” *shows me his tickets*

Me: “Then that’s where you sit.” *still totally oblivious as to why they would be telling this to me*

Adult Man: *to the young guys* “You heard him.”

(One of the guys slowly gets up and walks away, as the adult man sits down where he was. With them out of the aisle, I finally take my seat with my friends, who are all laughing.)

Me: “What’s going on?”

Friends: “We’ll tell you later.”

(The wife returned with an usher, and they both just shrugged as the problem was resolved.)

Had To Give It Back To Disney

, , , , | Right | May 23, 2019

(I work in a grocery store. We have a regular, a nice older gentleman, who I’m pretty sure isn’t all there.)

Me: “Hi! Do you have your shopper’s card with you today?”

Regular: “No, I left it at home with my lightsaber.”

(Almost always, I smile and laugh a bit. One day, I decide to change things up a bit.)

Me: “Hi! Do you have your lightsaber with you today?”

Regular: “No, George Lucas took it away from me.”

(He is definitely one of my favorite customers.)