Right Working Romantic Related Learning Friendly Healthy Legal Inspirational Unfiltered

Smuggling Thin Mints Into Prison

, , , | Right | April 30, 2018

(I’m a girl scout, selling cookies right outside the front doors of a grocery store with one of my friends. Suddenly, I hear shouting, and I watch as one of the cashiers tackles a guy running out of the store with a bottle of soda. A few minutes later, a cop shows up.)

Friend: “Did that guy seriously just try to steal a soda?”

Me: “I… think so?”

(The cop comes out with the criminal, now in handcuffs.)

Me: *to the criminal* “Hey, want to buy some cookies?”

Criminal: “Maybe next year, girls!”

(Before putting the criminal in her car, the cop just glares at me.)

Friend: *laughs*

I Don’t Like Speaking Clearly!

, , , | Right | April 30, 2018

(I work the customer service desk for a grocery store chain that recently got bought out by another company. A lot of the prices and former policies have changed, and understandably, a lot of our customers are not pleased. One evening, the phone rings:)

Me: “Thank you for calling [Store]. This [My Name]. How can I help you?”

Caller: *mumbling* “…company.”

Me: “Excuse me? I didn’t catch that.”

Caller: *mumbling* “…company!”

Me: “I’m sorry, I still don’t understand—”

Caller: *suddenly yelling* “I DON’T LIKE YOUR COMPANY!”

Me: *taken aback, unsure of how to respond* “I’m… sorry?”

Caller: “YOU SHOULD BE!” *click*


Must Be Green At This Parenting Thing

, , , , | Right | April 28, 2018

(I’m a cashier, ringing up a woman’s groceries. Her young son comes up and puts some broccoli on the belt for me to scan.)

Mom: “How many times do I have to tell you that broccoli is bad for you?! Put it back!”

An Inner-Saurus Rex

, , , , , | Related | April 27, 2018

(I stop at the grocery store on my way back from class. I am browsing the shelves near a mother and her son, who is about six. The son is talking to his mom about his day at school, and she is asking him questions about it.)

Son: *frustrated* “All [Friend #1] and [Friend #2] want to do is play dinosaurs!”

Mom: “Oh? But you like dinosaurs.”

Son: *worriedly, near tears* “But Mom, I just don’t know what kind of dinosaur I am!”

(They moved to the next aisle, so I didn’t get a chance to hear where this conversation ended. I hope he was able to find his true inner dinosaur.)

Baking Up A Conspiracy

, , , , , | Working | April 27, 2018

(My first job was working in the deli and bakery for a popular grocery chain. I had just dropped out of college, because none of the classes I was taking interested me in any way whatsoever. I wanted to go to culinary school, but my parents wanted me to go into forensics. When I dropped out, I started making novelty cakes for birthdays and weddings, but I wanted more experience so I thought working around cakes would suffice. My aunt was the manager at this particular deli and bakery. She knew I was a Christian and needed Sundays off. I only worked three days a week, anyway, so this wasn’t a problem at first. I worked hard and tried my best, but the other workers were very odd around me. Day 1:)

Coworker #1: *chattering on about her life story*

Me: *half listening, trying to slice meat for a customer*

Coworker #1: “So, that’s how I ended up pregnant at the age of 26.”

(This woman is easily in her late 50s, and she’s been talking for about an hour, all the while not doing a d*** thing to help or show me the ropes. I get done with the customer and turn to my coworker.)

Me: *trying to make small talk* “So, how many kids do you have?”

Coworker #1: “Just the one I had when I was 26… unless you count his father.” *laughs hysterically*

Me: *thinking she’s laughing at the father’s maturity* “Oh, was his dad really childish?”

Coworker #1: “No, he was really a kid. He was only 16. I had a thing for younger men.”

Me: *internally screaming*

(Day 2: I’m working the bakery side, decorating some cakes, when my break rolls around. I head out from around the counter and start taking my hair net and gloves off. A woman from my church walks over with her daughter.)

Friend: “Hey, [My Name]! How are you liking the new job?”

Me: “It’s all right. I’m learning a few things I didn’t know.”

(Out of the corner of my eye, I notice [Coworker #1] crouching behind a dessert table, listening. I already think she’s weird, so I don’t acknowledge her.)

Friend: “Well, we know you’ll do great. Heck, maybe someday soon you’ll be running things back there! We’ll see you at church! Love you!” *waving bye*

Me: “Haha, yeah! Love you, too!”

Coworker #1: *pops up from the table like I didn’t know she was there the whole time* “HA! CAUGHT YOU! I KNEW YOU’D SCREW UP!” *runs back to the deli*

(On day two, all new employees must close the deli and bakery alone. Nobody has bothered to show me how to do any of this. My coworkers leave, and I give it my best shot, making sure everything is as clean as it can be and turning everything off. I end up clocking out 15 minutes late, and I go home. Day 3: Still curious about my coworker being so odd the day before, I come into work and immediately get called to my aunt’s office.)

Aunt: “We need to talk.”

Me: “Okay.”

Aunt: “[Coworker #1] tells me you’re planning on taking over the bakery.”

Me: *laughing* “You caught me! That’s been my plan all along, haha!”

Aunt: “…”

Me: “You’re serious.”

Aunt: “Yes. I can’t have my employees running around telling everyone they’re going to commit a mutiny.”

Me: “I’m not. My friend was in here yesterday and just made a comment. She didn’t mean anything by it.”

Aunt: “Just watch what you say. I have eyes and ears everywhere. Get out of my office.”

(I get to work, completely baffled by the events transpiring. I just want to keep my head down and do my job.)

Coworker #2: “You know [Coworker #1] told her you were trying to take over, right?”

Me: “I figured.”

Coworker #2: “It’ll all be okay. She can be a little much sometimes. Just follow the rules and everything will be all right.” *looking around for something* “Where’s the chicken pan?”

Me: “Oh, I washed it last night. It’s in the cabinet.”

Coworker #2: “Why did you wash it?”

Me: “It had chicken juice in it.”

Coworker #2: “You don’t have to wash it. Just wipe it out and put it up.”

Me: “But that could cause a serious illness.”

Coworker #2: “Nah.” *keeps working* “You didn’t hose down the floor last night?”

Me: “Was I supposed to? I’m sorry. I didn’t get to clock out until 8:15. I was running behind. Can you show me everything I’m supposed to do when I close?”

Coworker #2: “YOU CLOCKED OUT LATE?!”

([Coworker #2] runs to [Coworker #1] who, upon hearing this info, runs to my aunt, laughing. A few minutes later, I’m called into the office. I get reprimanded for clocking out late.)

Aunt: “If you’re not done by eight, go clock out, and then come back to finish closing!”

Me: “Um… No? That’s illegal, first of all. Secondly, if I’m working, I’m going to get paid for it.”

Aunt: “God, you’re just like your mom.”

Me: “Yeah. Can I go back to work now?”

(Days 4 to 7 are without much incident. I start to notice how nobody washes their hands, how the floor manager’s wife get handfuls of lettuce and other food, pops it in her mouth, licks her fingers, and then grabs another handful, and how they joke about spitting in people’s food. The only guy working back there likes to lock me in the giant freezer as a joke. I hear them talking about me behind my back constantly. They make fun of Christians in front of me. I don’t want to work here anymore, but my parents won’t let me quit. Day 8: My aunt texts me that she’s not coming in due to stomach flu. The text reads:)

Text: “Not coming today. Stomach virus or something. But make sure you check the new schedule, lol. Have a nice day!”

(It seemed odd but I clocked in and got my hair net and gloves on, ready to start my shift. I was opening the deli that day, so I would be alone for the first four hours. I walked over to the schedule and saw I was only working one day the next week: Sunday. She knew I go to church. At first, I thought it was a joke. But I flipped through the calendar, and she had my schedule written down for the next six months. One day a week. All Sundays. I went straight to the store’s general manager and quit. Years later, [Coworker #1] basically staged a mutiny of her own and got my aunt fired. My aunt and her family now attend the same church I go to. No apologies have been said, but I see the guilt all over her face when she looks at me.)