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Square Plug Into A Round Hole

, , , , | Right | April 1, 2012

Me: “Hello, sir, how can I help you?”

Caller: “Hi, I’d like to take this plug and put it into that socket.”

Me: “Okay, sir. What is the shape and color of the plug and socket?”

Caller: “The plug is blue and square-shaped and the socket is a blue circle.”

Me: “I’m sorry, sir, but it doesn’t look like those plugs are compatible.”

Caller: “That’s not right. They’re both blue.”

Me: “Yes, but the plug is square and the socket is a circle. Square plugs usually won’t fit into a circle-shaped socket.”

Caller: “But they’re both blue and conduct electricity from this local area. That doesn’t make sense!”

Me: “I’m sorry, sir, I can’t help you do what you want to do. You need a square-shaped socket for it to happen.”

Caller: “Really? I’m not so sure you’re right. You sound rather confused, actually…”

Caught Red-Handed, Part 3

, , , , , , , | Right | March 26, 2012

(I work at a thrift store. It’s quite common for people to pull off price tags in an effort to get a lower price. Most of the time it works, but occasionally, we’ll catch someone doing it. This night, my boss approaches me holding a tag that says “$6.99”.)

Boss: *hands me a tag* “I just watched a family in housewares pull this tag off of a metal basket. So, if they ask what price it is, it’s $6.99.”

(Just as my boss predicted, the family comes up ten minutes later with the metal basket, just before closing. The husband begins talking to me.)

Customer: *feigning ignorance* “Oh, so, what’s the price on this basket?”

Me: “It’s $6.99.”

Customer: *indignant* “Really?!”

(I pull out the $6.99 price tag they ripped off earlier.)

Me: “Yeah, really.”

Customer: “Oh, s***.”

(I love my work sometimes.)

This story is part of our Thrift Store roundup!

Read the next Thrift Store roundup story!

Read the Thrift Store roundup!

Forget You, And Forget Me Too

, , , , | Right | March 19, 2012

(I work at a gym and recreational facility that requires a membership.)

Customer: “Hi, I have a question about my membership payment.”

Me: “Okay, are you on the annual or quarterly payment system.”

Customer: “I don’t know.”

Me: “On the bills you get from us, is it for $350 or $1400?”

Customer: “I don’t know.”

Me: “Okay, if you can give me your name and phone number, I can make sure our billing person looks up your payment and then contacts you.”

Customer: “I don’t know my phone number…”

This story is part of the Gym roundup!

Read the next roundup story!

Read the roundup!

Some Things Just Don’t Add Up, Part 4

, , , , , | Right | March 18, 2012

(I’ve just finished ringing out the customer’s items. He hands me a gift card for another store. It’s the same color as our rewards card, so I think he just isn’t paying attention and has them confused.)

Me: “Sir, this is a [Store] gift card. We can’t take this.”

Customer: “No, you can. Take the gift card.”

Me: “No, I can’t. This is for [Other Store]. You’re at [Hardware Store] right now.”

Customer: “No, take the gift card. I want to pay with that.”

(This goes on for a few more minutes, with the customer insisting I take the gift card for the other store. I even run the card through the scanner just in case.)

Customer: “Wait, that is a [Store] gift card, isn’t it?”

Me: “Yes.”

Customer: “And I’m at [Hardware Store], aren’t I?”

Me: “Yes.”

Customer: “Oh.” *takes gift card* “So, what do I owe you?”

Me: “$30.00.”

(He hands me a $20 and stares expectantly.)

Me: “And then it’s still $10, sir.”

Customer: “You’ve got the $20.”

Me: “Right, and $30 minus $20 is still $10.”

Customer: “But you’re holding the $20.”

Me: “Yes, but your total is more than $20.”

Customer: “I gave you a $20.”

(This goes on for a few more minutes, too. Finally…)

Customer: “Wait, did you say it’s $30?”

Seedless, We Promise

, , , , , | Right | February 23, 2012

(My friend and I are cleaning up at the end of the night at a frozen yogurt shop downtown. Suddenly, a guy walks in.)

Guy: “You need to buy me a piece of pizza cause I ain’t eaten all day!”

Me: “The pizza shop in the mall is closed. I can give you a sample of yogurt.”

(I pour him a sample of acai blueberry yogurt.)

Guy: “What the h*** is that?”

Me: “Yogurt.”

Guy: “Nuh uh, that’s sperm.”

Me: “This is yogurt.”

Guy: “Stop trying to give me sperm! I do scientific research and that is HORSE SPERM!” *runs away*