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The Real Loser Is The One Trying To Commit Fraud

, , , , , | Right | August 9, 2022

A lady came in to buy about $600 in clothes. When I was ringing her up, I asked to see her ID for the credit card she used. She quickly got defensive and for some reason decided to call me a “loser” while going through her bag. I ignored the comment and waited for her to find her ID.

After a few awkward seconds of her looking:

Customer: “I must have lost it.”

I looked at her and said:

Me: “Well, who’s the loser now?”

She left without a word, and after years of dealing with customers’ s***, it felt really good that I got away with my response.

Quit Monkeying Around And Pay Already!

, , , , , , , | Right | August 5, 2022

I’m standing in line with my cart of groceries, waiting to pay. The guy in front of me is being a jerk about an expired one-dollar-off coupon, screaming at maximum volume.


Cashier: “The coupon expired three months ago, sir.” 


I’m tired and cranky, so I step around my cart and tap the guy on the shoulder to get his attention. I keep my voice at a normal conversational volume level the entire time.


Me: “Did you read the latest scientific study about howler monkeys?”


I step back behind my cart.

Me: “They found that the louder the monkey screams, the smaller its balls are.”

Guy: “WHAT ARE—”

It suddenly registers with him just what I said. He shuts up and his face turns a very angry shade of red. He makes his hands into fists and gives me a death glare.

Cashier: “Cash or card, sir?”

The guy silently pulled a card from his wallet and paid. He gave me another if-looks-could-kill glare as he wheeled his groceries away.

The Lord May Flip Tables And Crack Whips, But He Doesn’t Shoplift

, , , , , , | Right | August 4, 2022

I witnessed this exchange between a shabbily-dressed man and a cashier at a large convenience store.

Cashier: “May I see your ID, please?”

Customer: “What for?”

Cashier: “I’m required to ask for ID for all tobacco purchases.”

Customer: I am the Lord! And the Lord doesn’t need to show ID!”

The man angrily rushes around the counter. The cashier backs away in fear, but the man isn’t interested in her. He grabs a canister of chewing tobacco and runs out of the store while the cashier yells something at him about shoplifting.

After the commotion, a little old lady in line pipes up to share her opinion.

Little Old Lady: “If the Lord needed to buy chewing tobacco — which I doubt — He would certainly be willing to show ID because that’s the law. I don’t think that man really is the Lord.”

The Best Part Of This Story Is What DOESN’T Happen

, , , , , | Right | August 4, 2022

I was at my favorite grocery store late one evening. They had been short-staffed for several months now, so long lines at the checkout were expected, but this time, I approached the front of the store to find only one register open in addition to the self-checkout. I was ninth in line. Everyone ahead of me had very full carts, and two families each had two full carts. I didn’t recognize the cashier and thought she might be a new hire. I could tell it would be an even longer wait.

Fortunately, people were not particularly mad about it, even as several more joined the line behind me, which now curved around the end of the aisle and out of my sight. There was some grumbling and sighing, but no one yelled or demanded a manager.

Ten or fifteen minutes later, I had reached the third position in line. An employee approached me to say that they were opening another register and I was invited to be first in line there. I gratefully accepted, and several other people followed me. I began unloading my groceries and greeted the cashier just as she turned on the lane light.

Me: “Thanks for coming to rescue us from that long line!”

Cashier: “Of course. And thank you for being patient.”

She rang up my purchases and I paid and started bagging. The guy behind me, who had been lowkey complaining to another customer about the wait, started unloading his groceries.

Customer #1: “Hey, thanks for working so hard. I bet this job isn’t as easy as it looks.”

Cashier: “You’re right, but it’s not too bad.”

As I was leaving, the next group started unloading their groceries.

Cashier: “Sorry about the wait.”

Customer #2: “Meh, don’t worry about us. It could have been worse. You’re doing a great job.”

It was so refreshing to hear that many people just deal with a slight inconvenience patiently instead of taking out their frustration on the underpaid and underappreciated employees trying to help them.

Are They New To The Whole ID Concept, Or…?

, , , , , , | Right | August 4, 2022

I’m working at the courtesy counter at a grocery store one night.

Customer: “Can I get [Cigarettes], please?”

Since someone at another store in the chain sold cigarettes to someone they weren’t supposed to, we have to card everyone who buys cigarettes.

Me: “Can I see your ID, please?”

She looks through her bag and she doesn’t have it. She then proceeds to call her friend from the parking lot to come in so the friend can show me her ID, instead. Instant red flag.

The friend comes in and shows me her ID. Lo and behold, she’s underage. Since one doesn’t have an ID and the other is underage, I can’t sell them cigarettes. The friend then walks over to my coworker, who is standing not more than ten feet away from me and heard the entire conversation.

Friend: “Will you buy some [Cigarettes] for us?”

Coworker: “No!”

The two walk out. My coworker and I look at each other.

Coworker: “What the h*** was that?”