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You Have To Un-Coordinate Your Outfits These Days

, , , , | Right | February 21, 2023

This happened many a year ago when I wore a dark blue mechanic’s style shirt on the daily for my tech job. I was on my lunch break and went to my local [Retail Chain] to pick up a new electronic gadget of some sort. I found a helpful fella in electronics, and together we walked to the case where they were kept under lock and key, and he began rifling through keys to open up the case for me.

Cue a random loud woman approaching the two of us. She was clearly speaking to me, in a very sassy tone.

Woman: “Hellooo… Are we on break, or… just standin’ there watching him work?”

Me: “Huh?”

Woman: “Does that really need the two of you there? Looks like he’s got it handled. If you’re done watching him work, I need help finding [list of stuff].”

Me: “I… What?”

Employee: “Ma’am, when I’m done serving this gentleman, I’ll be happy to help you with that.”

Woman: “Oh, no, I was talking to him, not you!”

She pointed at me as if proving a point.

Employee: “Yes, ma’am, that’s the gentleman I’m helping.” *To me* “I can ring you up for this right over here, sir.” *To the woman* “I’ll be with you in a moment, ma’am.”

Woman: “Oh, well… Why do you… You have a blue shirt…”

Me: “Yup! I sure do.”

The woman silently turned away, glaring at me angrily as if I had gravely offended her.

Me: *As I’m paying* “Wow… That was, uh… interesting…”

Employee: “Yeah, man… You got an undershirt under that blue button-up? You might want to take it off until you get back to your car. People aren’t too observant around here!”

Me: “It’s not even a vest, though.”

Employee: “Yup. Yet they’ll hesitantly ask me if I work here, and I’ve been wearing the vest for years!”

We had a good chuckle. I was so shocked at the woman’s immediate rude attitude that I couldn’t process a snarky comeback at the time. Seriously, why do people think it’s okay to be nasty?

Politics Can Get So Ugly

, , , , | Right | February 21, 2023

My coworker is very good-looking — to the point he once caught some teenage girls stealthily taking photos of him. He once had an older guy in a red hat with a particular political slogan on it go on a prolonged pro-[Politician] rant. Then, the guy winked and told [Coworker] in a weirdly seductive voice:

Customer: “You’re obviously too pretty to be a Democrat.”

It came out of nowhere and was… creepily flirty.

And I’m pretty sure [Coworker] IS a Democrat.

Both An Abundance And A Total Lack of Caution

, , , , , , , | Working | February 21, 2023

I work at a store in Minneapolis. During the George Floyd Protests, we locked up and went home, and headquarters hired contractors to clad the windows in wood to protect them.

Frankly, I don’t think it was necessary, because when we returned to work, the wood was untouched. It was clear that no one had tried to break in. We did an inventory, and not a single item was missing. The wood had not even been spray-painted.

But the funniest thing was that when we returned to work several weeks after the protests broke out… we discovered that the front door had been left unlocked the entire time.

You’re The One Who Chose To Shop Here, Dude

, , , , | Right | February 21, 2023

I work for a large, well-known retail chain. A customer is upset that his holiday items aren’t ringing up on sale.

Me: “I can manually do the discount for you.”

Then, he makes a snide remark to his wife.

Customer: “Well, this is [Store].”

He says that like he expects this kind of problem at [Store].

Me: “Let’s not go there.”

Customer: “Oh, we’re going there.”

It went quickly downhill from there, and he continued to be rude.

Me: “Sir, I’m not going to do the additional discount for you if you’re going to be so rude.”

A manager walked by and heard the customer.

Manager: “Quit disrespecting my cashier and leave.”

It was awesome. He later came and praised how I’d handled the customer and asked if I was okay.

This Is What Working In Retail Does To You

, , , | Right | February 21, 2023

I’ve just finished serving a customer.

Me: “Thank you, and have a nice day!”

Customer: “Talking to yourself?”

Me: “No? I’m talking to you.”

Customer: “Do you answer yourself?”

Me: “No. Again, I was speaking to you.”

Me: *Under my breath* “Jerk.”

Customer: “What was that?”

Me: “Oh, nothing. TALKING TO MYSELF.”