Right Working Romantic Related Learning Friendly Healthy Legal Inspirational Unfiltered

Surcharged With Anger

, , , | Right | September 7, 2020

I work in an office taking orders for medical equipment. Our brochures advertise free shipping with a note that a fuel surcharge may apply.

Me: “Okay, sir, we will be covering the shipping. However, [Courier Service] has a fuel surcharge in place, so there is a one-time fee of $8.”

Caller: “But it says free shipping; this is fraud!”

Me: “It is an additional charge the courier has put in place.”

Caller: “I am a lawyer! And this is fraud! You will waive this fee immediately! If you don’t, I will sue! You’ll have a huge lawsuit and I will bankrupt you!”

Me: “Sir, only the owner has the authorization to waive the fee and he is not in the office at the moment. I only enforce the policies he puts in place and he has said to charge the courier’s fuel surcharge.”

Caller: “Well, you have been misled, missy! I deal with [Courier Service] every day for my job and they have never charged for fuel!”

Me: “Sir, may I ask, what kind of lawyer has to ship through [Courier Service] every day?”

Caller: “Uh… never mind. I’ll pay the d*** $8.” *Hangs up*

Was Not Their Light Bulb Moment

, , , , | Right | September 7, 2020

I’ve just been shopping with my mother, and I bought a replacement for a broken taillight. I decide to fix it in the parking lot. An employee comes out to gather carts and approaches me.

Employee: “Hey, you okay? Need any help?”

Me: “Nah, thanks, I got it. Just replacing the bulb.”

Employee: “Cool. You know, not many women know how to do that.”

Me: *Chuckling* “Don’t let me fool you. I didn’t know until a few weeks ago when I had my boyfriend show me.”

Employee: *Grins* “Well, hey, at least you made the effort to learn! Have a good day!”

He walks off to get his carts, and a pickup truck pulls into the space next to me. A guy in his twenties gets out and sees me.

Guy: “You need some help figuring that out?”

Me: “Nope, thanks, I’m almost done.”

Guy: *Scoffs* “There’s no way you know what you’re doing; let me do it for you.”

Me: “I said no, thank you. I am almost done. I know exactly what I’m doing; it’s a simple bulb replacement.”

Guy: “Simple or not, women don’t know how to do it. Now let me do it so you stop wasting everyone’s time!”

Me: “Sorry, man, but you’re the only one wasting time. Leave me alone, and we’ll all be happier.”

He rolls his eyes and comes up to my car, and I warn him to stay away from me. He gets closer and tries to snatch the pliers from my hands, so I smack his hand with them. By this time, the cart employee is returning with his carts and comes over.

Employee: “Everything okay here?”

Guy: “No, it isn’t! This little b**** just assaulted me for trying to help her!”

Me: “Quit your whining; it was barely a tap. Maybe next time you’ll leave a complete stranger alone when they tell you to go away.”

I turn to the employee.

Me: “We’re fine here, as long as Mister Misogyny here goes away and stops trying to take my tools.”

Employee: “Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave her alone, or I’ll call security.” 

Guy: “Go ahead, call them! I’m telling you, this f****** little whore assaulted me for no reason!”

In the end, we had to go in so security could look at the tapes. The man called the cops himself. He practically got laughed off the premises, and he got a warning to leave people alone when they don’t want help. The whole time, he kept insisting that he did nothing wrong, because “women can’t fix cars!”

Prom-pted To Do Good

, , , , , | Right | September 7, 2020

I go out to an Italian restaurant with a big group of friends before our senior prom. We are going the low-budget route where we carpool in our moms’ minivans and most of us are wearing homemade dresses. We do each other’s hair and makeup at my house before we go out, and we are dressed to the nines. 

We order our food, and our waitress skillfully manages the dozen of us with little trouble. We enjoy our meal and ask our superb waitress for the check.

Waitress: “Oh, that table over there already paid it in full! You’re all set!”

Us: “Wait, what?!

Waitress: “You don’t know them? I just assumed they were your parents or something.”

Us:No! Oh my gosh! Thank you!

People At The Other Table: “Enjoy your prom! You all look so lovely!”

We were practically crying and so excited. The total had to have been over $200. We left our waitress a big tip anyway, just because.

This story is part of our Feel Good roundup for September 2020!

Read the next Feel Good roundup story!

Read the Feel Good roundup for September 2020!

This Guy Is A Real Piece Of Work

, , , , | Right | September 6, 2020

I work at a well-known home improvement store, and it’s my job to bring in the carts and assist people in loading up their cars. I’m a young female and often people don’t think I can do the job. But today, I run into an opposite sort of problem.

Coworker: *Over the radio* “Can you come help a customer load up twenty bags of topsoil please?”

Me: “Sure, I’m on my way.”

I arrive to see the customer and the cart of forty-pound bags waiting, so I quickly begin to help load the items into the car. The customer is a male in his late thirties and perfectly fit. He loads several bags and then leaves to go fetch his second purchase. I don’t mind and continue to work. His wife begins to help me just as he returns with a small tree and stands right behind us, just watching.

Male Customer: “I love work. I would watch it all day. Good job, ladies!”

I’m almost dumbstruck at this point just at the sheer lack of chivalry. 

Male Customer: *In a whining tone* “I don’t think I can fit this tree in here; can I just cry? Oh, no, wait. I’m a guy.”

Coke Addiction Is No Laughing Matter

, , , , , , | Related | September 2, 2020

I have an aunt who doesn’t get invited to family functions very often. Stuff like this is why.

It’s my grandma’s birthday. My dad and his siblings, including my aunt, decide to treat her to a new restaurant my grandma has wanted to try ever since they opened. We make reservations, arrive, and are seated, and our server comes over to take our drink orders.

Aunt: “I’ll have a Coke.”

Server: “I’m sorry, ma’am, we only have Pepsi products. Would Pepsi be okay?”

Aunt: *HUGE dramatic sigh* “Well, I only drink Coke, so no, Pepsi’s not okay.”

Server: “I’m sorry. Is there something else I can get you? We have [other drink choices].”

Aunt: *Another HUGE dramatic sigh* “No. I only drink Coke. Nothing else. Why don’t you serve Coke?”

Grandma: “[Aunt], that’s enough! Be nice to her or leave. I don’t want you to ruin my birthday dinner just because you’re a snob.”

Aunt: “Mom, you know I only drink Coke! Pepsi just tastes awful to me. I don’t know how you people can be okay with drinking it.”

Grandma: “Then leave. Go home and buy your own Coke.”

Aunt: “Well, they could find a way to get me a Coke.”

Grandma:They don’t serve Coke! I’m not joking, [Aunt]. Shut up and order something else, or leave.”

My aunt starts fake crying, but when she finally realizes that nobody is on her side, she stands up and shouts, “I’m never coming to this restaurant again!” and storms out the door.

My grandma turns back to our server, who has been standing at our table the entire time looking like she wants to cry for real.

Grandma: “It’s not your fault, dear. She’s always been like that. My other kids, as you can see—” *gestures around the table* “—are perfectly normal, so I don’t know where she gets it from. Anyway, you’re doing great, so don’t let an entitled b**** like her get to you. If you need to take some time to calm down, that’s okay. I think we’re all still deciding what we want to eat, so you can head back to the kitchen for a while while we look through the menu.”

Our server nodded and walked back to the kitchen. The rest of the night went very well. Those of us still at the table had a great time, the food was delicious, and the server was wonderful once she realized that my aunt really was the crazy one in my family. We left her a huge tip, and we’ve gone back to the restaurant a few times for special occasions, but we’ve never invited my aunt to join us.