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Feeling Pretty Secure That He’ll Think Twice Next Time

, , , , , , , | Working | CREDIT: Tenguninja85 | April 6, 2023

About fourteen years ago, when [Security Company] provided security for [British Grocery Chain], I also worked for [Security Company] but was based at the airport. One morning after a twelve-hour night shift, I decided to go into a [British Grocery Chain] store I pass on the way home and get a sandwich.

I had my work uniform on, but I was wearing a grey jacket on top so people would know I wasn’t on duty. I went into the store, picked up a basket, and headed to the sandwich counter. I was browsing the selection and I heard someone say, “Excuse me,” but, not expecting anyone to be talking to me, I carried on looking for my desired sandwich.

Then, suddenly, the basket was slapped out of my hand and there was this snarling man’s face less than an inch from mine.


I was tired and very confused and could only muster the reply:

Me: “What?”

Man: “I TOLD YOU, GET TO FRONT DOORS! We’ve been open for customers for the last thirty minutes and you’ve not been at your position once, and now I find you buying snacks!”

That’s when the penny dropped.

Me: “I know the store’s open to customers; I am one. I work for the same company that provides your security, but I am not your guard.”

With those words ringing in the man’s ears, all the colour in his face drained away as he realised what he had just done to a customer. Suddenly, he became completely apologetic.

Man: “If there’s anything I can do for you, I’ll gladly help!”

Me: “I would like help carrying my basket around the store; I am tired from a long night shift.”

Man: “I’ll get someone to help you immediately.”

Me: “I don’t want someone else to carry my basket; I want you to carry it.”

I originally only intended to buy a sandwich, but to teach this guy a lesson, I spent thirty minutes in the store and went down every aisle.

Shopping Day Takes More Costume Changes Than A Broadway Show

, , | Right | March 11, 2023

I’m shopping at a large retail chain where the employees wear blue shirts. I’m wearing jeans and a blue pullover sweater, and I have a shopping cart. I stop to look at something and a woman approaches me.

Woman: *Demanding* “Take me to find [item]! I can’t find it!”

Me: “I don’t work here, ma’am.”

Woman: “What?! I’m going to tell your manager you’re refusing to help me!”

Me: “Yeah, have fun with that.”

I walk away from her and keep shopping.

A few minutes later, the woman finds me again with a manager in tow. The manager confirms that I’m not an employee.

Woman: “Well, why is she wearing blue?! She shouldn’t be wearing a blue shirt if she doesn’t work here!”

I think for fun I’m gonna wear a red hoodie to Target next.

What A Way To Speak To Someone You Want Something From

, , , , , , | Working | CREDIT: FilthyPlay | March 8, 2023

I work in a car dealership, in the offices. Employee parking is way in the back behind the service garages, but there is a walkway from that lot to the showroom. It’s the Friday before Independence Day weekend. This morning, it’s already eighty degrees (F) by 8:30 am, so I opt to cut through the main garage and service lane (where customers first pull in and sign in for appointments) to get to the showroom and my desk.

Crossing the service lane, I get waved down by a customer. Thinking nothing of it, I stop and ask her what she needs. Boy, am I in for a shock.

Customer: “Get my car! You’re already making me late!”

Me: “Excuse me?”

Customer: “GET. MY. CAR.”

She stomps her foot for emphasis with each syllable and then continues.

Customer: “I still have to go home and pack! You people are going to make us miss check-in time!”

Me: “Ma’am, I don’t—”

Customer: “Oh, yes, you do work here! I just saw you walk in from the garage!”

I’m getting irritated. At least let me finish a sentence before cutting me off. I reply as politely and firmly as possible.

Me: “Ma’am, I do not work in this department, but if you hold on for just a moment, I can get the lane coordinator to help you.”

Customer: “No! Stop being lazy and do it yourself! I’m tired of waiting.”

At this point, she is within six feet of me and jabbing her finger at me. I don’t know the service procedures for [the global health crisis], nor would I know who to ask about her vehicle status. Thankfully, the lane coordinator is coming back in from valeting another vehicle and heads over to us.

Lane Coordinator: “Is everything all right over here?”

Customer: “No, this employee is refusing to help me. One of you lazy b****es, go get my car right now! We’re going to be late because of you.”

Lane Coordinator: “Ma’am, she doesn’t work in this department. She wouldn’t know who to ask about your vehicle status. Come with me and we’ll ask your service advisor.”

The customer followed her with a sneer as I rushed to the office to finally clock in. I let my manager know what happened just in case there was a complaint from service. We laughed about it and I got to work.

Later this morning, we found out that the woman walked in at 8:00 am without an appointment demanding an oil change before leaving for a trip downstate. She was squeezed in due to an earlier cancellation but was warned that it could take longer than normal.

The Fireworks Are Starting Early

, , , | Right | CREDIT: PokeMom95 | March 8, 2023

I’m a preschool teacher. The director of my center recently gave all the teachers and aides blue T-shirts with the center’s name and logo on the front and told us from now on, every Wednesday, we were to wear these shirts.

This happened on one of these Wednesdays. It was June 30th, 2021, and I had just gotten off of work. I decided to walk to my local [Retail Chain] — about a forty-five-minute walk in the opposite direction of my home — and pick up some supplies I knew I would need for my Fourth of July camping trip. I’ve gone on this camping trip every single Fourth of July weekend since I was born, and since we moved in February, some of our camping supplies were missing, so I knew exactly what I needed to get.

Here is where I should point out that the shade of blue on my work shirt was the exact same shade of blue that [Retail Chain] has their employees wear. I didn’t have that bright yellow vest some of them will have, but I did have on that blue shirt.

I made it to [Retail Chain] and headed to the outdoor sports section, cart in hand. I loaded my cart with a small tent for my son, a large instant canopy, a cooler, and some other small supplies. As I was loading my cart, I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I didn’t look, but I instantly moved my cart thinking, “Oh, no! I must be in someone’s way!”

Oh, how wrong I was. I heard the throat clearing again, and this is when I looked up. Standing before me was a woman who looked like Barbie decided to go hunting for a day with zero hunting experience.

Me: “What do you need?”

Woman: Excuse me?! Is that how you greet customers here, young lady?!”

Me: “I’m sorry?”

Woman: “Yeah, you should be! You’re not standing at the register like you should be! Instead, you’re walking around the aisles like you’re on a leisurely stroll!”

Me: “I’m sorry, ma’am. I’m just doing some shopping.”

Woman: “Well, you can wait until after your shift is over. Now get over to the locked case. I need one of those BB guns for my baby.”

Me: “Listen, lady. I don’t know who the heck you think you are, but you need to back off.”

Woman: “How dare you?! You need to treat customers with some more respect! Especially your elders! Why are teenagers so disrespectful?”

Me: “LADY! One, I’m twenty-five! Two, respect is earned! You’ll get it when you give it! And three, do you see [Retail Chain] on my shirt? No? Then go f*** off! Now! I DON’T WORK HERE!

Normally, I’m nonconfrontational, but after dealing with tiny hurricanes of snot all day, my whole body hurt and I was ready to check out and call for my cab.

The woman got a look on her face as if she’d just seen something terrifying and sped away.

This story is part of our Fourth-Of-July-themed roundup!

Want to read the next Fourth-Of-July-themed roundup story? Click here!

Want to read the Fourth-Of-July-themed roundup? Click here!

Who Could Turn Down A Recommendation Like That?

, , , | Working | CREDIT: Tignya | March 3, 2023

There’s a pet store nearby that is attached to a cat adoption shelter where I used to volunteer. Because of my interest in animals, I had wanted to work at the pet store itself for a while, and as soon as I heard they were hiring again, I sent in an application. Soon after, I got the interview, but I was nervous out of my mind as this was my first ever interview for an actual job I’d get paid for.

Time went on, and I still volunteered at the adoption center attached, and although I saw the manager who interviewed me from time to time, I never actually heard back. It upset me, but hey, what can you do?

A few weeks after the interview, I was finishing up my shift at the adoption center and getting things ready for the next volunteer. Although I didn’t have any pets at the time — nor any money to get anything for them — I still liked looking at what there was and generally just browsing for a while. While I was cooing at the angry Cockatiel up for adoption, I noticed a woman who looked like she needed some help.

Me: “Can I help you, ma’am?”

She did, and since I wasn’t doing anything, I helped her out. I practically followed her around the store, recommending things she’d need from what I’d heard from others, and lifting heavy things like kitty litter or dry food into her cart. When we were done, I helped her up to the register, and who did I see cashing people out? The manager.

As I helped the woman organize her stuff to scan, she was going on and on about me to this manager.

Woman: “They are so nice! They helped me so much; they’re a great employee!”

Me: *Kindly* “Thank you, but I don’t actually work here, ma’am.” *Cheekily* “I did send in an application a few weeks ago, though.”

Woman: *To the manager* “Oh! Well, you should hire this person! They’re so kind. They’d be a great employee!”

After she checked out, she went on her own way, and I went on mine to head home.

I never did hear back about that job.