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Who Could Turn Down A Recommendation Like That?

, , , | Working | CREDIT: Tignya | March 3, 2023

There’s a pet store nearby that is attached to a cat adoption shelter where I used to volunteer. Because of my interest in animals, I had wanted to work at the pet store itself for a while, and as soon as I heard they were hiring again, I sent in an application. Soon after, I got the interview, but I was nervous out of my mind as this was my first ever interview for an actual job I’d get paid for.

Time went on, and I still volunteered at the adoption center attached, and although I saw the manager who interviewed me from time to time, I never actually heard back. It upset me, but hey, what can you do?

A few weeks after the interview, I was finishing up my shift at the adoption center and getting things ready for the next volunteer. Although I didn’t have any pets at the time — nor any money to get anything for them — I still liked looking at what there was and generally just browsing for a while. While I was cooing at the angry Cockatiel up for adoption, I noticed a woman who looked like she needed some help.

Me: “Can I help you, ma’am?”

She did, and since I wasn’t doing anything, I helped her out. I practically followed her around the store, recommending things she’d need from what I’d heard from others, and lifting heavy things like kitty litter or dry food into her cart. When we were done, I helped her up to the register, and who did I see cashing people out? The manager.

As I helped the woman organize her stuff to scan, she was going on and on about me to this manager.

Woman: “They are so nice! They helped me so much; they’re a great employee!”

Me: *Kindly* “Thank you, but I don’t actually work here, ma’am.” *Cheekily* “I did send in an application a few weeks ago, though.”

Woman: *To the manager* “Oh! Well, you should hire this person! They’re so kind. They’d be a great employee!”

After she checked out, she went on her own way, and I went on mine to head home.

I never did hear back about that job.

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!