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A Stinging Inviting

, , , , | Friendly | December 25, 2019

(For the past few years, I’ve hosted a small Christmas party and invited a few coworker friends. This is the last year I’ll be hosting because I’m moving, so I send out the invite. One friend who has attended in the past responds that she “probably can’t make it,” which I understand; everyone is busy this time of year. Fast forward about two weeks, and I and a few other people receive a message on social media.)

Friend: “Hey, [Other Friend] and I would like to have a [theme] party and you’re all invited!”

Me: “Sounds great. When is it?”

(I don’t receive a response until the next day.)

Friend: “How about [same day as my get-together that she declined]?”

Me: *eyeroll* “Can’t make it; I’m hosting something else that night.”

(I usually brush these sorts of things off, but it did sting a bit. If she didn’t want to come, fine, but she clearly wasn’t doing anything until she decided to host this new event on the same night. At least she invited me, I guess?)

All I Want For Christmas Is Michelle Obama

, , , | Right | December 25, 2019

(My mom owns her own business, selling various kinds of bags: purses, backpacks, diaper bags, etc. One of her most popular lines that she’s carried for years now is a line of purses that have photos of Michelle Obama on them. Usually, it’s a collage of magazine covers featuring her, but there are a few that just have one portrait of her on the front. She sells a TON of these bags every year, to people from all different backgrounds, races, etc. This summer, I am helping her at one of the out-of-state festivals. I’m manning the tent by myself and showing a wallet to a middle-aged white woman when she looks at the back wall of the tent and scoffs. I’ll go ahead and note that my mom and I are white.)

Customer: “Why on earth would you carry those bags?” *points to the Michelle Obama bags*

(I’ve worked in retail before, so I put on my best fake smile.)

Me: “Oh, those! That line is one of our best sellers!”

Customer: “Oh, you mean…” *leans in and stage-whispers* “With the blacks?”

(I pause for a second. I want to take the wallet out of her hands and tell this lady to buzz off, but this is my mom’s business and I don’t want to do anything like that without consulting her.)

Me: “Actually, we sell them to all kinds of people. They’re quite popular. They were her number-one seller last Christmas.”

Customer: *backtracks a little* “Oh, well, I guess my Republican brain won’t let me like them.” *laughs and hands the wallet back to me* “I’ll think about the wallet.”

(The rest of the day, we’re so busy I don’t have time to mention the incident to my mom, but that evening at dinner I tell her about it.)

Mom: “Another one? That’s been happening a lot this year. People are so ignorant.”

Me: “I wanted to tell her point-blank that we didn’t want her business, but I decided to wait until I could talk to you about it.”

Mom: “That’s exactly what you should do, [My Name]! When it comes up I’ve been saying:’ Why would I not want to sell a bag that’s obviously so popular with people? If it offends you that much to buy a purse that’s sold next to one of my Michelle Obama bags, you can go find it somewhere else.’”

Customer Service Required Even Where There Should Be No Customers  

, , , , , , | Right | December 25, 2019

(I work in a discount retail store where, since it’s getting close to Christmas, we are receiving Saturday shipments of merchandise and the usual stockroom team will not come in on the weekends, which is why I am here. I’m currently in the stockroom where I am processing clothing to go out to the floor; we are also overloading with shoe carts that need to go out to the floor. I notice a customer peeking through the small window on the stockroom door and knocking on it. My coworkers look at me since I am a senior employee. I eventually open the door to see what the customer needs.) 

Me: “Hi! Is there anything I can do for you?”

Customer: “Shoes, I need the runner to run the shoes so I can purchase them; his name is [Coworker].” 

Me: “Oh, I apologize but that employee has already left for the day. We typically can’t run anything when we are short of stock staff on the weekend, but it will be run to the floor on Monday!” 

Customer: “No, you don’t understand. [Coworker] always runs the shoes when a truck comes in.” 

Me: “Yes, ma’am, but we are on a tight budget on weekends, so [Coworker] has gone home for the day and the shoes will be run on Monday. If is there a particular shoe I can find for you?” 

Customer: “Are you f****** kidding me? How does a business expect to stay open if shoes aren’t being put on the floor?! I need [Expensive New Style of Jordans that we won’t carry for another year]! ARE YOU THE MANAGER?!”

Me: “I do apologize for the inconvenience, ma’am, but I can’t do anything for you and no, I am not the manager on duty. And no, we do not have any Jordans back here. Our merchandise should be out any later than Monday. Have a great day!” 

(I close the door and go back to my duties. The customer pushes open the door and starts browsing the selection of shoes in the cart.)


Customer: “You said you couldn’t bring them to the floor, so I thought I could just come to look at them.” 

(I got written up for the incident because I couldn’t provide proper customer service, even though I asked her if she was looking for a particular brand.)

It’s The Time For Giving (Time To Your Family)

, , , , , , | Related | December 25, 2019

It’s Christmas time and my brother flew home to spend the holidays with my son, parents, and me. Or so we thought. 

He flew in on Friday, the 22nd, and it’s currently Christmas Day. He’s been sleeping on my couch and using our cars to go visit a new girl and his friends. We’ve spent a total of three hours with him since he’s been home. He usually leaves before anyone’s awake and gets home after everyone is asleep. We’re all frustrated and upset at his behavior.

My mom decided to talk to him today when they took my niece her gift. Apparently, that didn’t stop him. As soon as they got home, he got changed and took the car and left again. He is here until Sunday. The next time I see him will probably be when it’s time to take him to the airport so he can fly back home. 

Merry Christmas to my family and me. Hope he changes his mind about spending time with us soon.

Send Christmas Cards To The Telemarketers

, , , , , | Right | December 25, 2019

(I work as customer support for a website where people can design their own Christmas cards with their photos. Occasionally, we have to call them to ask about a design or confirm their address or something. Since our number is an 800-number, a lot of people think we are just telemarketers. I am calling a woman as her email has come back invalid.)

Customer: *picks up the phone* “NO!” *hangs up* 

(I decide to call her back once more to see if I can explain I’m not a telemarketer. I hear the phone pick up but nobody says anything. All I can hear is breathing.)

Me: “Hello…?”

Customer: *breathing* 

Me: “Um… if you can hear me, I’m calling from website about your order—”

Customer: “Oh!” *suddenly pleasant* “Yes, hi. Sorry about that. I hate telemarketers so I always try to waste their time.”