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If You’re Naughty, We’ll Cart You Off

, , , , | Right | August 1, 2012

(A mother with two young children enters the store. Upset because she can’t ride in the car-shaped cart, the little girl sits on the floor and throws a fit.)

Mother: “Come on, honey. We don’t have all day.”

Daughter: *continues to pout*

Mother: *exasperated* “Seriously, come on or I’ll leave you here!”

Daughter: *continues to pout*

Me: *to the daughter* “You know what we do with kids who aren’t with their parents? We put them to work… hard work! We will make you go get carts. It is no fun…” *a coworker getting carts comes inside, so I turn to him* “Just ask him!”

Coworker: “My mom left me here five years ago!”

Daughter: *darts up and runs to her mother*

Mother: *to us* “Thank You!”

They Won’t Move A Muscle, Although They Can Move You To Tears

, , , | Right | July 26, 2012

(We have an aisle at our grocery store that is split down the middle by food displays, making two very narrow aisles on the sides. One aisle is blocked by my coworker, who is busy is explaining to several customers how to tell if food is safe since we just lost power after a large storm. The other aisle is blocked by another customer looking at the labels of juice bottles. I am trying to get down the aisle and excuse myself past the customer.)

Me: “Excuse me?”

Customer: “I shouldn’t have to be the one to move. I’m the customer! He should have to move.”

Me: “Oh, well I—”

Customer: “I mean I’m the customer! He’s blocking the way! Employees should be moving, not the customers!”

(I walk past the lady and start picking up groceries further down the aisle. The customer then decides to go after my coworker, who is still busy helping other customers.)

Customer: *to my coworker* “Sir, you really need to move! You’re blocking the aisle!”

Other Customer: “Ma’am, it’s not that big of a deal.”

Customer: *to my coworker* “No, you need to move! I’m the customer! I shouldn’t have to move!”

Coworker: “Ma’am, I’m very sorry. I’m moving out of the way.”

Customer: “That’s right! Customers shouldn’t have to move!”

Your Eating Habits Give Us Paws

, , , | Right | July 26, 2012

(I’m working at a supermarket giving out free samples of food. I’ve just prepared a frozen meal of chicken, ravioli and garlic sauce into small sample servings. I sit the samples onto a tray next to some sporks for customers to take and enjoy.)

Me: *to a customer* “Hello! Would you like a sample of chicken, ravioli and garlic sauce from [brand]?”

(The customer looks at product for a moment, and then suddenly grabs the meat and sauce with her bare hands and shovels it into her mouth.)

Me: “You know, I do have eating utensils for your convenience.”

Customer: “Nah, that’s okay. I can use my paws!” *wipes garlic sauce-covered fingers all over her clothing and leaves*

This story is part of the Free-Sample Station roundup!

Read the next Free-Sample Station roundup story!

Read the Free-Sample Station roundup!

Greetings & Confrontations

, , , | Right | July 24, 2012

(An older customer walks into the store. We usually try to greet every customer as they walk in.)

Me: “Hi!”

Customer: “Hi there. How are you?”

Me: “I’m pretty good. How about yourself?”

Customer: “Well, you might as well say you’re freaking fantastic, because no one really cares how you are anyways!” *walks off*

Y-O-U Stand For Stupid

, , , , , , , | Working | July 23, 2012

(I am waiting in a long line at the customer services counter for a price adjustment. When I get up to the counter, the cashier asks me for my receipt.)

Cashier: “I need to put your refund back on your credit card. Can I see your VISA again?”

Me: “Huh? I don’t believe I paid with my VISA.”

Cashier: *shoves my receipt in my face* “Yes, you did! You see this here? A-M-E-X! That stands for VISA!”