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Behaving Like A Child

, , | Romantic | July 18, 2017

(I am 18 years old and have recently started going out with a guy I met at my college. While we are getting to know each other, I find out he used to be neighbors with one of my best friends. This story happens around the time my best friend has announced on her social media that she is pregnant with her first child. I am at this guy’s house and we are sitting on the couch watching a movie, when he turns around and looks at me, smirking.)

Guy: “Do you want to make the same mistake [Best Friend] made?”

Me: “Erm, what?”

Guy: “Do you want to make the same mistake as [Best Friend] and have a baby with me?”

(I am feeling a little uncomfortable since I only have known this guy for a week and from the look on his face, I know he isn’t joking.)

Guy: “Well? Do you want to have a baby with me?”

Me: “I’ve only known you for a week. I don’t want to have a child with someone I haven’t known for that long and besides, I’m not ready to have children at eighteen.”

Guy: “I don’t understand, [My Name]. If [Best Friend] is ready to have a child then why aren’t you ready?”

(I should note that my best friend had known her boyfriend for years when they found out about the pregnancy, and were ready to have a child even if it was at a young age. Even though she was ready to have a baby, I am not, and want to focus on a bunch of other things and find the right person before I am ready. However, the more this guy keeps pressuring me, the more I feel uncomfortable and want to leave.)

Me: “Because I’ve only known you for a week!”

Guy: *getting angry* “Fine, then. I think you should. If you can’t give me what I want, then we shouldn’t be seeing each other, [My Name]. I really thought you wanted to make the same mistake as [Best Friend] did.”

Me: “The only mistake I made is going out with you in the first place.”

First Date With Bill

, , | Romantic | June 29, 2017

(I’m on a first date with a guy I met through friends. We’re having dinner and drinks in a bar I frequent a lot. He even commented on how the wait staff greeted me by my first name when we arrived, thinking it was funny! It’s come to the end of the night and I’ve been having a great time so far.)

Me: “Thank you so much for a lovely evening! I’ve really enjoyed it.”

Date: “Me, too! We should do this again sometime.”

Me: *I take out my purse* “Sounds good! We should probably ask for the bill though. I hate to cut the evening short but I’ve got work tomorrow and need to catch the last bus home.”

Date: “Yeah… hey, I’ve got this! My treat!”

Me: “Are you sure? Thank you!”

(He goes up to the bar to pay because the restaurant is very busy and there are no servers available. I take that time to double check the bus times on my phone. When he comes back we leave the restaurant together and then go our separate ways. A few days later I’m back at the restaurant for lunch when the manager approaches me…)

Manager: “Hey, [My Name]! Can I talk to you really quickly?”

Me: “Yeah, sure, [Manager]. What’s up?”

Manager: “I just need you to settle up that bill from the other night! You forgot to pay on the way out.”

Me: “What bill?”

Manager: “The bill from your date! It’s all right; we all forget sometimes! How did your date go, by the way?”

(So it turned out the guy asked the bartender to put the bill ‘on her tab’… I tried to text him about it but he blocked my number immediately and then went on to tell our mutual friends the date was ‘a disaster.’ I haven’t seen or heard from him since, but apparently my friends don’t hang out with him anymore either.)

You’re An April Tool

, , , , | Romantic | April 17, 2017

(It is April Fools Day. A girl I know walks up to me at the park.)

Girl: “Hey, [My Name].”

Me: “Hey.”

Girl: “Wanna go on a date?”

Me: *cautiously* “Sure.”


Me: “Oh, good. If I’d said it, that would’ve made ME look like the a**-hole.”

Your Argument Has No Hairy Leg To Stand On

, , , , , | Friendly | November 23, 2016

(In my early 20s I lived with three other women in an apartment. We all got along really well, even though we were from very different places, and would hang out regularly. It’s winter and three of us are hanging out chatting while our other roommate takes a nap.)

Me: “I hate shaving. I’m so glad it’s winter so I don’t have to shave and can just wear leggings and boots or long pants.”

Roommate #1: “You don’t shave in the winter?!”

Roommate #2: “Why wouldn’t you shave?!”

Me: “What’s the point? It’s not like I’m trying to impress anyone right now and no one will see anyways since I’m wearing pants all the time.”

Roommate #2: “You’re never going to find a guy if you don’t shave your legs.”

Me: “What are you talking about? My last boyfriend didn’t care at all.”

(It was my idea to break up. He proposed and I turned him down.)

Roommate #1: “He was probably lying to you. My brother came up to me a while ago and asked me to talk to his wife about how she never shaved. He hated it and didn’t know how to tell her.”

Me: “Dude, that’s totally his problem and something he should have talked to her directly about.”

Roommate #2: “That’s not the point! It’s gross and any guy who tells you it’s not is lying to you.”

Me: “Well, I don’t care! I’m not going to shave!”

(At this point, our other roommate comes into the room, yawns, and curls up on the couch with a blanket. This roommate is very beautiful, extremely sweet, and has a reputation for having guys fawn over her regularly.)

Roommate #1: “[Roommate #3]! Tell [My Name] that she needs to shave her legs and will never find a guy if she doesn’t!”

Roommate #3: “Why would I do that? Shaving sucks. I hate it and any guy who minds isn’t worth our time.”

(I guess they forgot that she was from Alaska.)

Dating Sheldon Cooper, Part 13

, , , , , | Romantic | June 23, 2015

(I am walking and having a great time with my boyfriend, who is a big nerd. We are walking along a river and I tell a joke about a scientist who wants to impress a girl on the first date.)

Me: “…and she says, ‘Okay, explain this: a cow, a horse, and a deer all eat grass, right? So, why does a cow makes those large wet cakes, a horse poops those horse donuts, and a deer makes those small round droppings?’ The man says, ‘Uh, I do not know.’ And she says, ‘What kind of conversation do you hope for when you don’t know s***?!'”

Boyfriend: *thousand-yard stare, deep in thought* “Well, a cow is a cud-chewing animal, while a horse is not; that is definitely a factor…  And a deer is a wild animal, meaning it must make hard, dry droppings to conserve water, because the wolves always wait near watering places…” *suddenly looks at me and focuses* “Uh, but you wanted me to laugh, right?”

This story is part of the Nerds In Love roundup!

Read the next Nerds In Love roundup story!

Read the Nerds In Love roundup!