Right Working Romantic Related Learning Friendly Healthy Legal Inspirational Unfiltered
Untouched and raw stories: unedited, uncensored, unformatted, and sometimes unbelievable!

Unfiltered Story #196547

, , | Unfiltered | June 14, 2020

(I work as a receptionist in a building that contains several businesses. While the other businesses are clearly separate from my company people have to pass by my desk on their way in and out of the building.)

Me, to couple leaving from a different business: “Have a lovely day!”
The woman pauses at my desk and turns to me.
Woman: *Hiss* “He’s a liar. He’s lying.”
Me, gobsmacked: …
The man hurries her out the door as I stare.

Unfiltered Story #196545

, , , | Unfiltered | June 14, 2020

(I was at an anime convention, my first ever. While we were enjoying the event I over heard this)
Young lady: mom I want to get some yaoi (gay material usually of an erotic nature hailing from Japan.)
Mother: what’s yaoi?
Vendor: it’s gay anime porn.
Mother: no.
( I still get a chuckle telling this story

Unfiltered Story #196543

, , | Unfiltered | June 14, 2020

When I was 15, I worked at a grocery store. At the time, I was learning about social justice, and I was becoming more accepting of people’s choices, but I wasn’t brave enough to call anyone out on their prejudices.

One day, the grandmother of a boy I liked came through my checkout, and we had a pleasant chat. Then, she pointed behind me, telling me to look at customer at another checkout: woman who may have been in her 50s or 60s, dressed in a tube top and short shorts.

Grandmother: Isn’t that disgusting?

Me: Um… I don’t know… Maybe?

Grandmother: I suppose you get all kinds of people through here.

That was the last she said about it, but, to this day, I wish I had said something to set her straight. I wasn’t bothered by what the other customer was wearing. She wasn’t breaking any laws. At least she didn’t hear what the grandmother was saying.

Unfiltered Story #196541

, , | Unfiltered | June 14, 2020

I am a night auditor and last weekend a guest approached me at the front desk not long after I had started my shift. The following is how our conversation went:

Guest: If I want to stay tomorrow night will that be a problem.

Me: I’m sorry we have no vacancy tomorrow.

Guest: Well what about another room.

Me: Sir we are completely sold out tomorrow night in all of our entire hotel every single room is reserved.

Guest: Even my room?

Me: Yes sir, even the room that you are currently staying in this evening.

I thought to myself, does he want me to call the guest that has that room reserved for tomorrow and tell them not to come because he wants to stay another night?

Unfiltered Story #196539

, , | Unfiltered | June 14, 2020

(I am the cashier in this story. The customer, a regular who appears to be in his mid 30s approaches the counter. We’re both white.)

Customer: *in hushed whisper* “You let them in here?!”
Me: *Looks around* “Who?”
Customer: *Nods his head in the direction of a young black man*
Me: *Clueless as to why we wouldn’t* “Yeah, why? Did he do something?”
Customer: “No, but he’s a ni**er!”
(He nearly shouts this, making the customer in question look up*
Me: *Speechless* “Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave. Now.”
Customer: “Why?! He’s the ni**er! Make him leave!”
Me: “Leave my store or I’m going to have to call the cops on you for causing a disruption, harassment and being an overall a**hole.”
Customer: “Fuck you, you n**ger lover!”
(He storms out throwing his items down on the floor.)
*The other customer, the one being insulted, comes to the counter, picking up the items from the floor as he does.*
Customer #2: “Do you have to deal with people like that often?”
Me: “More often than I’d like honestly. Though none to that extent. I am so sorry that happened. The guy’s a real a**.”
Customer #2: “Yeah, he is…but it’s not your fault. Thank you for defending me.” *He smiles*
Me: “Of course!”
*I ring up his items and he pays. As he’s about to leave he stops and turns back to me.”
Him: “Hey, what are you doing tomorrow?”
Me: “Well, I work until 2 but after that nothing.”
Him: “Do you wanna, possibly, hang out tomorrow?”
Me: *Smiling like an idiot, I’m sure* “That sounds awesome, actually.”
Him: *Beaming* “Awesome!”
*We exchange numbers*

(This happened 2 years ago. We’re getting married in October.)