Right Working Romantic Related Learning Friendly Healthy Legal Inspirational Unfiltered

The Marketing Reality Distortion Field

, , , | Right | January 15, 2008

Me: “…so if you cancel your other company’s long-distance plan which costs you $10/month, and take ours that’s $8/month, you’ll save $2/month.”

Customer: “Look I called up to save money, and you’re gonna increase my bill?”

Me: “Well, yes, but overall you’ll save…”

Customer: “Look I’ve studied marketing, and you’re not doing this right.”

Me: “Look… I study math.”

Fonts Gone Wild

, , | Right | January 15, 2008

Me: “Thank you for calling [Tech Support]; how may I assist you today?”

Customer: “Hi, I need a new computer.”

Me: “I’m sorry? You need a new computer?”

Customer: “Yeah, I just bought this one and it’s no good; it’s been hacked!”

Me: “This is software support. We can’t replace your hardware, but if you describe the problems you’re having, I can try to help you fix them.”

Customer: *irritated and sighing* “Some f****** hacker broke into my computer and put dirty words everywhere! Now I can’t even let my kids use the computer for their homework because of the obscene language that randomly pops up on the screen!”

Me: “Sounds like a virus. Do you have an anti-virus installed?”

Customer: “I have [Anti-Virus Software] and I already tried that TEN TIMES! It didn’t even find anything! Everything on this computer is just worthless and I’m sick of–”

Me: “Okay, sir, please calm down so I can help you. Can you tell me where you are seeing dirty words?”

Customer: “In [Messenger Program] and WordPad. Every time I open one of them it says, ‘A**HOLE,’ on the screen!”

Me: “Where?”

Customer: “I don’t know, why does that matter?”

Me: “I’m trying to figure out what’s wrong with your machine, sir. Can you please open WordPad or [Messenger Program] and tell me where you see that word?”

Customer: *grumbling* “I’m opening instant messenger… there it is! It’s not ‘a**hole,’ though; it’s ‘anal’. Same thing! How do I get rid of this?!”

Me: “Where does it say, ‘anal’?”

Customer: “When I click on my friend’s name and the box pops up, it says, ‘anal,’ right above where you type!”

Me: “Are you sure it says ‘anal’ and not ‘arial’?

Customer: “What the hell is ‘arial’?”

Me: “It’s a font sir; it’s spelled A-R-I-A-L.”

(The customer went silent for about fifteen seconds and then hung up the phone.)

This story is part of our Swearing Customers roundup!

Read the next Swearing Customers roundup story!

Read the Swearing Customers roundup!

Bridezilla On Line 1

, , , , | Right | January 14, 2008

Me: “Thank you for calling [Eye Doctor], how can I help you?”

Lady: “Hello, I want to check on the status of my glasses.”

Me: “Okay, what is your full name?”

Lady: “[First Name] Johnson.”

Me: “Okay. Hold, please.”

(I check the computer for Lori Johnson and it doesn’t come up. I then check alternative spellings things like Laurie, Lory, Lauri, etc. All to no avail.)

Me: “I’m sorry Miss, would you mind giving me your date of birth?”

Lady: “12-21-1969.”

(I do a search for that date of birth and one name comes up. [First Name] Smith.)

Me: “Would you by chance be listed under any other name?”

Lady: “NO!”

Me: “Okay, I’ll try searching by address.”

(She gives me her address and sure enough, it matches [First Name] Smith.)

Me: “I seem to have you listed in our computer as ‘[First Name] Smith’.”

Lady: “That’s not me.”

Me: “Well the date of birth matches, as does the address. Would you like me to search by social security number?”

Lady: “That’s not my name. I got married and my last name is Johnson now!”

Me: “Oh, I’m sorry, your insurance still has you listed as Smith so that’s how we got mixed up. You’ll probably want to call them.”

Lady: “That’s no excuse.”

Me: “I’m sorry. But there was no way for us to know you got married.”

Lady: “It was in the newspaper!”

Me: “Okaaaaaay.”

Repeat After Me: Names Are Your Friends

, , | Right | January 14, 2008

Customer: “Can I get a vegetarian burrito with chicken?”

Me: “You mean, a chicken burrito?”

Customer: “Well, what’s in that?”

Me: “Chicken.”

This story is part of our Vegetarian roundup!

Read the next Vegetarian roundup themed story.

Read the Vegetarian roundup!

The Epitome of Lazy

, , | Right | January 13, 2008

Me: “Thank you for calling [Store]; how may I help you?”

Lady: “I would like to make a return.”

Me: “Alright, that should be fine. We allow returns on regularly priced clothing as long as it has the tags on it.”

Lady: “Alright, great. So do I give you my phone number?”

Me: “Pardon…?”

Lady: “To do the return?”

Me: “I’m sorry, you need to come into the store to do returns. We need to get the item you’re returning back.”

Lady: “That’s ridiculous! You mean I need to get gas for my car and COME DOWN THERE?!”

Me: “Yes…”

Lady: *click*

This story is part of our Lazy Customers roundup!

Read the next Lazy Customers roundup story!

Read the Lazy Customers roundup!