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Art Always Gets A Pass

, , , , | Hopeless | September 4, 2017

(It is about seven pm and I have just walked into a museum in NYC that has my favorite painting in it. I did not know this previously, and found out after spending the day with my parents at another museum. We are tired, weary, and a tad short on funds. I approach the ticket desk to see how much it will be for one student and two seniors to enter.)

Employee: “Senior tickets are $17 each and students are $12.”

Me: *sullenly turns to my parents, who are sitting down*

Mom: “You go, we will sit here.”

Me: *turns to employee* “One student, please.”

Employee: *accepts my payment and looks thoughtful* “You know, I get free passes that I don’t use. Why don’t you all go?” *hands me three tickets*

Me: *tearfully and excitedly* “Thank you so much!”

(This was about five years ago, but I’ve never forgotten the act of kindness. I was able to see that painting with my family and take a photo with it. We really enjoyed the museum, all thanks to a kind employee!)

This story is part of our “Not Getting Art” Roundup!

Read the next “Not Getting Art” story!

Read the “Not Getting Art” roundup!

An Unhealthy Way To Wake Up

, , , , | Working | September 4, 2017

(My boss is a funny guy, and the other day he was thinking about cross-merchandising our two-liter sodas with our chips. One of our soda vendors comes in, and my boss and the vendor notice there is a space between the two-liter Coke bottles and the two-liter Mountain Dew bottles. This is how the conversation goes.)

Vendor: “So, what are we going to put there?”

Boss: *thinking* “What about Cheese-Doodles? So it’ll be Coke, a Doodle, Dew!”

This story is part of our Puns Roundup!

Read the next Puns Roundup story!

Read the Puns Roundup!

Espionage Doesn’t Cost As Much As It Used To

, , , | Working | September 4, 2017

(I’m relatively poor, living check-to-check on minimum wage, so I tend to frequent dollar and discount stores for many of my basic needs. I’m currently in a dollar store near my apartment. I pick up a few items I think I’ll need, but after wandering around for 15 minutes, decide to put some of them back. Suddenly, a worker approaches me as I’m putting back the some of the items.)

Worker: “I’m gonna have to ask you to leave.”

Me: “Oh, I’m sorry. Are you guys closing or something?”

Worker: “No. It’s not that. We just don’t want you here.”

Me: *taken aback* “What?”

Worker: “I saw you at [Other Dollar Store]. I know you work there!”

(I do not work there.)

Me: “I don’t work there. And even if I did, what’s the problem?”

Worker: “We don’t appreciate corporate espionage here, sir!”

(This is so ridiculous and unexpected a response, I actually burst out laughing.)

Me: *between laughs* “What?”

Worker: *firm* “I know you work at [Other Dollar Store]! I saw you there. I bet they sent you over to check out our prices or something. They always steal all of our business!”

Me: “Dude… it’s a dollar store. Do they really need to send someone over to spy on you in order to figure out how much most of your stuff costs?”

Worker: “I know you work for them!”

Me: “Uh, I’m sorry, but I don’t.”

(The conversation continues for about another minute, with him repeatedly accusing me of “corporate espionage” and me dismissing these ludicrous claims. Finally, he seems to relent…)

Worker: “Fine. Whatever. But I know you work at [Other Dollar Store].”

Me: *laughing* “Okay, buddy.”

(I go to the cashier to ring up the things I am buying.)

Me: “Uhh… You don’t really think I’m committing corporate espionage, do you?”

Cashier: *confused* “What?”

(I explained the situation to the cashier, who was completely dumbfounded by her coworker’s claims. I also noted that in order for him to have supposedly recognized me from the other dollar store, which admittedly I do shop at occasionally, he would have had to have been in there a lot himself… I returned to the store repeatedly several times in the following weeks and so far as I can tell, the worker who confronted me was no longer there.)

Making A Complete Boob Of Himself, Part 2

, , , , | Romantic | September 1, 2017

(My husband and I are sitting at home on a Sunday afternoon. I haven’t been feeling well.)

Me: “Ugh. My boobs are sore.”

Husband: “Why?”

Me: “I don’t know. They just are; they’re really swollen.”

Husband: “Hmm. Maybe you should go put on a bra.”

Me: “…”

Husband: “What?! That’s why I bought you comfortable ones…”

Me: “That’s… not how that works…”

(Twelve years together, and apparently I have taught him nothing.)

Making A Complete Boob Of Himself

An Inconvenient Truth

, , | Right | August 30, 2017

(I am at a store with my grandmother, picking up dog food. Since I have just gotten out of work and am only picking the food up, as it is on the way and I don’t want to backtrack, I’m still wearing my uniform, consisting of a blue shirt and tan work pants. The employees at the store wear a red shirt and black pants.)

Customer: *approaches from behind while I’m looking at a magazine, a couple feet away from my grandmother* “Excuse me. Where are the flea collars located?”

Me: *ignores her thinking that she is talking to an employee nearby*

Customer: *taps my shoulder to get my attention*

Me: *turns and looks at her* “Am I in the way? I’m sorry.” *goes to move out of her way*

Customer: “No. Where are the flea collars?”

Me: *looks confused* “I don’t know, ma’am.”

Customer: “Well, you should know, since you work here.”

Me: “I don’t work here. I’m only picking up dog food.”

Customer: “Why are you wearing a badge, then?”

Me: *looks down at my badge that clearly states the name of the store I work at on it* “I just got of work and didn’t want to make a unneeded trip. Plus, the employees here wear red shirts, not navy blue.”

Customer: “Well, aren’t you inconvenient.” *stomps off*

(Meanwhile, my grandmother was watching the entire exchange and started laughing after the woman left.)