Right Working Romantic Related Learning Friendly Healthy Legal Inspirational Unfiltered


, , , | Right | January 24, 2008

(A customer walks up to the counter and stares at the produce.)

Customer: “Don’t you have any vegetarian sausages?”

Me: “This is a meat counter; we only have meat. We should have some prepacked, though.”

Customer: “But I want to buy from here. Why don’t you sell them?”

Me: “We only have meat on the meat counter, I’m afraid. Is there anything else you would like?”

Customer: “Do you have tofu burgers here?”

Me: “…”

This story is part of our Vegetarian roundup!

Read the next Vegetarian roundup themed story.

Read the Vegetarian roundup!

Fonts Gone Wild

, , | Right | January 15, 2008

Me: “Thank you for calling [Tech Support]; how may I assist you today?”

Customer: “Hi, I need a new computer.”

Me: “I’m sorry? You need a new computer?”

Customer: “Yeah, I just bought this one and it’s no good; it’s been hacked!”

Me: “This is software support. We can’t replace your hardware, but if you describe the problems you’re having, I can try to help you fix them.”

Customer: *irritated and sighing* “Some f****** hacker broke into my computer and put dirty words everywhere! Now I can’t even let my kids use the computer for their homework because of the obscene language that randomly pops up on the screen!”

Me: “Sounds like a virus. Do you have an anti-virus installed?”

Customer: “I have [Anti-Virus Software] and I already tried that TEN TIMES! It didn’t even find anything! Everything on this computer is just worthless and I’m sick of–”

Me: “Okay, sir, please calm down so I can help you. Can you tell me where you are seeing dirty words?”

Customer: “In [Messenger Program] and WordPad. Every time I open one of them it says, ‘A**HOLE,’ on the screen!”

Me: “Where?”

Customer: “I don’t know, why does that matter?”

Me: “I’m trying to figure out what’s wrong with your machine, sir. Can you please open WordPad or [Messenger Program] and tell me where you see that word?”

Customer: *grumbling* “I’m opening instant messenger… there it is! It’s not ‘a**hole,’ though; it’s ‘anal’. Same thing! How do I get rid of this?!”

Me: “Where does it say, ‘anal’?”

Customer: “When I click on my friend’s name and the box pops up, it says, ‘anal,’ right above where you type!”

Me: “Are you sure it says ‘anal’ and not ‘arial’?

Customer: “What the hell is ‘arial’?”

Me: “It’s a font sir; it’s spelled A-R-I-A-L.”

(The customer went silent for about fifteen seconds and then hung up the phone.)

This story is part of our Swearing Customers roundup!

Read the next Swearing Customers roundup story!

Read the Swearing Customers roundup!

A Few Beans Short Of A Latte

, , | Right | January 13, 2008

Customer: “Excuse me, but I ordered the vegetable soup!”

Me: “Yes, ma’am, I know.”

Customer: “I don’t see any vegetables in this!”

Me: “Ma’am, that’s because it’s your coffee.”

Customer: “Oh.”

(She was surprisingly nice for the rest of the meal and left a hefty tip.)

This story is part of our Soup roundup!

Read the next Soup roundup story!

Read the Soup roundup!

Making Excuses For A Lack Of Brain Cells

, , , | Right | November 28, 2007

Customer: “Okay, I’m all set.”

Me: *rings the draperies she wants up* “Okay, your total is $768.22.”

Customer: “What?! Aren’t they on sale?”

Me: “No, only the pleated draperies are on sale.”

Customer: “What’s the difference? Why aren’t these ones on sale, too?!

(The customer’s husband comes over.)

Husband: “What’s going on?”

Customer: *to Husband* “These panels aren’t on sale!”

Husband: “Oh… well, how much does it come up to?”

Customer: “They come out to like $800 bucks.”

Husband: “Well… what do you wanna do?”

Customer: *sigh* “There are signs EVERYWHERE saying that these are on sale.”

Me: “No, there are signs everywhere saying that the PLEATED draperies are on sale.”

Customer: “But that entire room has signs! They all say they’re 20% off.”

Me: “I’m sorry to say, but the signs in that room all say, ‘SALE: All Pleated Draperies 20% Off.’ Want me to show you?”

Customer: “No, it’s fine… Whatever.”

(I finish ringing up the transaction.)

Customer: *signing receipt* “Ugh, it’s just misleading, you know? There are literally a hundred signs in that room that say that the draperies are on sale.”

Me: “I’m sorry, but they do specify what kind of draperies are on sale.”

Customer: “Well, I don’t buy draperies every day, so I don’t pay attention to stupid details like that!”

Me: “Okay… I hope they work out for you. Have a good day.”

This story is part of the Customers-Ignoring-Signs roundup!

Read the next Customers-Ignoring-Signs roundup story!

Read the Customers-Ignoring-Signs roundup!

Maybe If You Click Your Heels Three Times

, , | Right | November 25, 2007

Me: *answering phone* “Welcome to the award-winning [Hotel]. How may I help you?”

Caller: “I would like a room.”

Me: “And when would you be arriving, sir?”

Caller: “Huh?”

Me: “When do you want the room?”

Caller: “Oh! Tonight…”

Me: “I’m sorry, sir, but we are completely booked tonight. Would you like me to provide the number of a nearby establishment?”

Caller: “You have no rooms? Can’t you just give me one of the emergency rooms?”

Me: “I’m sorry, sir, we don’t have any rooms like that. We sell our rooms until we are out. We don’t keep any rooms for ’emergencies.'”

Caller: “Oh. You have suites, too, don’t you?”

Me: “Yes, we do, but we are completely booked, so there are no rooms available, every kind.”

Caller: “No rooms?”

Me: “No rooms.”

Caller: “No suites?”

Me: “I’m sorry, sir. We have no rooms of any kind, suite or otherwise. Now, unless you want to book a room for another night, I am going to have to hang up.”

Caller: “No rooms?”
