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Self-Serving Stupidity Will Not Be Served

, , , , , | Right | August 13, 2012

(I am a customer, standing third in line behind a very well-dressed woman in her 50s—we’ll call her Customer #1. The cashier, in her 70s, has just finished ringing out a young 20-something woman with pink hair. It is about 1 am and I am dead tired, literally swaying on my feet. There are three other customers behind me, which we’ll call Customers #2-#4.)

Cashier: *to Customer #1* “Oh dear, just a moment!”

(With that, the cashier runs off after the pink-haired customer, who has left behind a gift card she just purchased. Angrily, Customer #1 slams a 24-pack of canned drinks on the counter and turns to me.)

Customer #1: “I bet she is going to try to make me put this back in my cart, but I won’t. It’s a little game I like to play called, ‘Who’s Getting Paid for This?’”

(Note: Customer #1 has left a 40-pound bag of cat litter and 20-pound bag of cat food in her cart, both heavier than the drinks.)

Me: *shrugs*

(The cashier returns, panting and out of breath.)

Cashier: “Sorry about that. She left her gift c—”

Customer #1: “I don’t care. Just ring my purchases up!”

Cashier: “Oh, um… right, sorry.”

(The cashier rings the small items through, double-bagging the cans and folding the clothing with care, before using the hand scanner to ring up the drinks, the litter, and the cat food.)

Cashier: “Your total is [price], ma’am.”

Customer #1: “Well, it’s about time. Load my d*** cart so I can get the h*** out this s***hole!”

(The cashier sets the bags in the cart around the litter and cat food, and then looks at the 24-pack of drinks.)

Cashier: “You’ll have to set the pop in the cart, ma’am. I’m sorry, but I can’t lift it.”

Customer #1: “You can’t lift it? What kind of bulls*** is that? Why the h*** not?”

Cashier: “I can’t lift over 10 pounds; doctor’s orders.”

Customer #1: “That is none of my business. Why are you telling me this? Just do your d*** job!”

Customer #2: *to Customer #1* “You asked her why; that is why she’s telling you. Ugh!”

Customer #1: *glares at Customer #2* “Well, this is not acceptable. Get your manager over here now. Maybe he can load my cart since you are too lazy.”

(At this point, I’ve had enough and grab Customer #1’s 24-pack of drinks and set it in her cart.)

Customer #1: “What the f*** are you doing?!”

Me: “Lady, it is 1 am. I am tired and want to go home. I will load the d*** groceries in your car if it gets you out of the way faster!”

Customer #1: “You have no right to touch my groceries!”

Customer #2: “And you have no right to be such a b****. You didn’t have to lift it, she did…” *points at me* “…even though you obviously were able to put it in the cart and on the counter by yourself. You got your change, so get out of the way!”

Customers #3 & #4: *echoes of agreement*

Customer #1: “Well, I never—“

Me: “It is obvious you have ‘never.’ You have NEVER had to work a low-paying job with a**hole customers who get enjoyment out of making your life harder. We get it. Now go away!”

(I set my two items on the counter as Customer #1 stomps away to customer service.)

Cashier: *crying silently* “Thank you so much.”

(Customer #2 and I stand away from the register for a few minutes talking after that. Customer #1 has caused enough trouble at this point to be escorted out of the store by the store manager and security. Afterward, the store manager hugs his cashier and sends her to break so she can calm down. As it turns out, the cashier is his ailing aunt who has been working while getting chemotherapy. She really isn’t supposed to be working at all, but is unable to afford treatment otherwise.)

Store Manager: “There is only so much stupid I can tolerate!”

Too Hot To Give A Hoot

, , , , , | Right | June 11, 2012

(I work at an amusement park where one of my jobs is to hand out 3D glasses and entertain guests before a show. A guest and his wife come up the queue on a particularly hot day.)

Me: *handing them glasses* “Here you are! Enjoy the show.”

Guest: “This is a 3D movie?”

Me: “Yep.”

Guest: “And it’s inside?”

Me: “Yeah, and it’s air-conditioned, so it’s definitely worth it.”

Guest: “What’s it about?”

Me: “It’s a ten-minute movie about dinosaurs.”

Guest’s Wife: “I don’t care if y’all got a hooters show in there. If it’s air-conditioned, we’re going!”

This story is part of our 3D Movies roundup!

Read the next 3D Movies roundup story!

Read the 3D Movies roundup!

A Hearty Heart Meal

, , , , | Right | February 10, 2012

Me: “Welcome to [Restaurant]. My name is—”

Customer: *rudely* “Can we go ahead and order? I am starving.”

Me: “Go right ahead, sir.”

Customer: “I’ll have the never-ending pancake sampler, but make it all bacon and add an extra egg over easy.”

(He finishes his order, but continues to stare at me the entire time, until his food arrives. Note that his order comes with three eggs, six strips of bacon, hash browns, and three pancakes. He asks me to bring out more pancakes twice, bringing his total to eight.)

Me: *dropping off the check* “Is there anything else I can get for you today?”

Customer: “No, that was great. I’m sorry I was so rude earlier; I was just starving. I just got out of the hospital for a heart attack. They don’t let you eat anything in there!”

The Horrors Of Mispronunciation, Part 6

, , , | Right | January 7, 2012

(I work in the large children’s section of a popular independent bookstore in our area.)

Customer: “Do you guys carry those train wreck books?”

Me: “Hmmm, I’m not familiar with anything like that. Is it a series, or maybe something from non-fiction?”

Customer: “Yeah, It’s a series. The Trainwreck Kids!”

(A light bulb goes on in my head.)

Me: “Oh, wait, do you mean The Boxcar Children?”

Customer: *blushes and starts to laugh* “Yeah, that’s it!”

The Horrors Of Mispronunciation, Part 5
The Horrors Of Mispronunciation, Part 4
The Horrors Of Mispronunciation, Part 3
The Horrors Of Mispronunciation, Part 2
The Horrors Of Mispronunciation

This story is part of our Children Reading roundup!

Read the next Children Reading roundup story!

Read the Children Reading roundup!

Nuts All Around

, , , , , | Right | September 29, 2011

(I’m working at the concession stand. A woman and her grandson walk up to my register.)

Customer: “One bag of M&Ms and a drink.”

Me: “Would you like plain, peanut, or peanut butter?”

Customer: “Plain! He can’t have peanuts, he’s very allergic.”

(The transaction continues as normal, and they purchase popcorn, which is commonly made with peanut oil at other theaters.)

Me: “Just so you know, our popcorn is made with coconut oil instead of peanut oil, so he can eat that.”

Customer: *stops dead in her tracks* “No! Coco-NUT! It’s a nut. He can’t eat it.”

(I can’t manage a response before she walks off with her grandson.)

Manager: *walks over, laughing* “Did that really just happen?”