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Somehow, The Great Indoors Doesn’t Have The Same Ring To It

, , , | Right | August 12, 2012

(I work in a small checkpoint building at a campground. It acts as sort of a front desk for the campground. The building being very small, it gets very hot in the summer and has windows on all four sides of it. Three sides for ventilation, with one wicket for serving customers.)

Customer: *pulls up in an RV* “Yeah, I want a campsite for the night.” *holds out cash*

Me: “Sure, we have lots of availability. Can you come around to the front window here? This one is only for fresh air, and I can’t remove the fly screen.”

Customer: “You mean come OUT? Like OUTDOORS?” *gets panicky* “Like, where there are bugs, and dirt, and pollen?!”

Me: “Yeah, I can’t serve anyone through that window. I need you to get out and come around to this one.”

Customer: “Oh, no, I can’t do that! I think I’ll find somewhere else to camp for the night, with less outdoors!” *drives off*

Five Stars, Driver! Five Stars!

, , , , , , , | Right | July 25, 2023

I pick up a woman using the rideshare app I drive for. I play music in my car at a quiet volume, but I have signs visible to the passengers saying that I am happy to turn the music off or play a certain radio station if they prefer.

Passenger: “Can you play some music that’s a little less offensive?”

I personally don’t consider Louis Armstrong offensive, but I don’t judge people’s tastes, so I oblige and change my playlist to the radio.

Passenger: “This is even more offensive!”

Okay, Beyoncé isn’t for everyone, so I change it once again.

Passenger: “Look, if you’re doing this on purpose, I don’t appreciate it.”

Me: “Sorry, ma’am. Maybe if you want to hear something specific, I can use my Spotify—”

Passenger: “Just stop playing all this [n-word] music!”

Without hesitation, I take the nearest turn and pull up at a gas station. The passenger looks up from her phone.

Passenger: “Seriously? You should fill up your gas before you pick up a passenger.”

Me: “Actually, this is where I am dropping you off. You should be able to safely get another ride from here, but I am not taking you.”

Passenger: “What? No! I paid for this ride and you’re f****** taking me!”

Me: “The app’s terms and conditions protect the driver from passengers such as yourself. Please get out of my car.”

Passenger: “I’m gonna report you!”

Me: “That’s fine, ma’am. Please do so outside my car.”

Passenger: “I’m not going anywhere!

I immediately dial 911 and put the call on speakerphone.

Me: “Can I get the police to come to the [Gas Station] off of [exit number]? I have an aggressive and abusive passenger refusing to exit my vehicle.”

Passenger: “You f****** [n-word]! You are so gonna get f***ed up!”

Me: *Into the phone* “I trust you heard that?”

She actually did exit the vehicle, but I hung around to wait for the police, where I pointed her out — she couldn’t get another ride from this location very quickly — and they arrested her. I provided my in-car camera footage when evidence was requested as I pressed charges. 

You have to give them consequences for that behavior, or it’ll just keep happening.

This story is part of the Highest-Voted-Stories Of-2023 roundup!

Read the next story!

Read the roundup!

Don’t Vex The Unisex

, , , | Right | March 24, 2011

Me: “This is Alex. How can I help you?”

Customer: “Your name is Alex?”

Me: “Yes.”

Customer: “Oh, that threw me off. I was expecting a man, but I guess your parents were too.”

It’s Aliiiiive!

, , , | Right | April 2, 2009

Caller: “I’m having trouble registering for courses.”

Me: “Okay, let me direct you to some tutorials available on the main website so we can walk through that process. You can either view these tutorials as a module demonstration or you can click ‘Download PDF’ to view a written tutorial with pictures and steps. Go ahead and click on ‘Download PDF.'”

Caller: “Woah, wait a minute. Why is there a white arrow moving around on my screen?”

Me: “Well, whenever you move your mouse you’ll see a white arrow move around on the screen. Is that what you are referring to?”

Caller: “Ooh… ”

Me: “Okay, well, let’s go to the… ”

Caller: “Oh, my gosh, make it stop! Make it stop! Why is it adding me to courses I don’t want! I don’t want [Course]. I don’t want it! Why is it doing this!? Please, please make it stop!”

Me: “It’s okay. It’s just a demonstration to show you how the registration process works. It’s not actually adding you to those courses.”

Caller: “Ooh.”

Me: “What courses did you want to register for? I’m just going to go ahead and submit those registration requests for you…”