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Untouched and raw stories: unedited, uncensored, unformatted, and sometimes unbelievable!

Unfiltered Story #289199

, , | Unfiltered | April 19, 2023

My mom is in the grocery store during the current health crisis. She sees another customer walk up really close to an elderly lady and pull down his mask.
Customer: Ah, fresh air!
He then pulls his mask back up and walks away.
My mom is later shopping in the bread aisle when the same customer walks away past her, hitting her on the shoulder. He comes really close to her, and pulls his mask down.
Customer: I love the smell of fresh bread.
He then pulls his mask back up and walks on.
My mom thought that was really weird, as the don’t bake bread at that store. It was then that she realized the customer was just being a jerk. She told an employee, who seemed concerned, and said he would tell his boss.

Unfiltered Story #289197

, , , | Unfiltered | April 19, 2023

During the pandemic, I’ve been shopping for people who can’t, or shouldn’t, go out and shop for themselves. At the beginning I had 6-8 people I was helping, but when I went back to work, I only kept 3 as the others needed Food Bank deliveries that happened on Tuesday afternoons for which I was no longer available.
The afternoon of Thanksgiving I get a call from an older woman who’s call display shows I know her from the charity – as a Food Bank recipient. (I note everyone in my phone of how I know them so it’s easier to answer.)
Caller: Hi Sissi. Are you home?
Me: Umm, its [My Name (similar to Sissi)].
Caller: Did you change your name?
Me: Nope. Always [My Name].
Caller: Are you home right now?
Me: I am.
Caller: Great, can you come over, I have a card for you.
Me: Oh wow, that’s so nice. Thank you. Can you remind me of your address because I was only there a few times in the Spring.
Caller: Don’t be silly. Just come upstairs.
Me: I- what? I’m at home.
Caller: Yeah, with your Mom, Sam.
Me: No, with my husband, Tyler.
The caller starts laughing, almost manically.
Caller: You’re lying to me. You’re home with your Mom.
Me: I’m really not.
Caller: Don’t lie to me.
Me: I don’t know what to tell you, I’m not lying.
Over and over, the not-jovial laugh kept coming while she told me to stop kidding around.
We finally ended the call with her not really believing me, but an agreement that I wasn’t coming over.
Two days later, she called me while I was at work asking me to come over, because she knew I was home.
I sat at my desk with coworkers listening in to me try and convince her she was calling the wrong person. (I’d told them the odd story at lunch so they knew what was going on.)
The next day I let her call go to voicemail so she could hear my voicemail. (It’s a professional voicemail message as only work people hear it. Friends know to text me.) She didn’t leave a message and hasn’t called since so I hope she figured it out – and found Sissi.

Unfiltered Story #289195

, , | Unfiltered | April 19, 2023

My sister-in-law lives in a suburb with similarly-numbered roads to my city. She’s in the prime MLM demographic, and (pre-virus) she invites people to a “party” for one of her selling friends. I decline, having no interest in that product or MLMs, but one of my friends likes that product and is interested. Cut to that afternoon, as I’m at the grocery store, friend calls…

Friend: Hey, are you at (sister-in-law’s) party?

Me: No, I don’t need anything from (MLM).

Friend: I’m trying to get there but I can’t find the address. It’s near you, right?

Me: She actually lives in (suburb). It’s about an hour’s drive.

Friend: Seriously? I’m not going to make it in time.

My sister-in-law forgot to list the city in the invitation… We would live within walking distance if our addresses were in the same city, though!

Unfiltered Story #289193

, , | Unfiltered | April 19, 2023

Background: this was when I was a kid. We lived next to a large pile of rocks that my sister and I would climb. I’m 2 years older then her.

We were climbing around on the rocks, and I go to stand on the biggest one. She wants up there with me, so I help her up. This is not acceptable apparently. She gets angry and wants me off.

My 7 year old self refuses, as there is plenty of room. But no, that was not ok. She goes and pushed me. Her little self pushes me.

As I trip backward, i see her falling the opposite direction, and in that direction you would fall 6 feet into a pile of large rocks. I pull her, trying to stop both of us from falling, but I lost my footing.

We both fall, but this time with her on top of me. In the split second of us being airborn, I wrapped my arms and legs around her so that I would take the brunt of the force (reminder, I’m like 7 with my sister on top of me, so 6 feet seems like a lot.) We landed in a pile of sticks and rocks. We both cry, and my mom comes running out.

I ended up with a cut running the length of my arm, scratches on my legs and back, and a badly banged up head. I am in pain. She has a cut on her arm, and a mini scratch on her forehead.

I was grounded. Not her, the person who pushed me, me. ME! The person who kept her from basing her head open on rocks, and who used my body to keep her safe and shield her from the rocks and sticks.

They said it was because I had grabbed her and pulled her toward me. First off, she was falling too, second, I was attempting to stable zero both of us.

We weren’t allowed back up there ever again.

Unfiltered Story #289191

, , | Unfiltered | April 19, 2023

I’m the OP from All Aboot Jesus, Please. I end up talking about music with someone else.

Guy: “So what kind of music do you like?”

Me: “It’s kind of weird.”

Guy: “But what kind?”

Me: “My favorite band is Christian Canadian punk rock. I also like just about anything Irish.”

Guy: “. . . When most people say they have weird taste in music, it’s actually pretty normal. But that definitely counts as weird.”

He was curious enough about what Christian Canadian punk rock would sound like that I let him listen to a song from the band that I had on my phone. He liked it.