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Unfiltered Story #289195

, , | Unfiltered | April 19, 2023

My sister-in-law lives in a suburb with similarly-numbered roads to my city. She’s in the prime MLM demographic, and (pre-virus) she invites people to a “party” for one of her selling friends. I decline, having no interest in that product or MLMs, but one of my friends likes that product and is interested. Cut to that afternoon, as I’m at the grocery store, friend calls…

Friend: Hey, are you at (sister-in-law’s) party?

Me: No, I don’t need anything from (MLM).

Friend: I’m trying to get there but I can’t find the address. It’s near you, right?

Me: She actually lives in (suburb). It’s about an hour’s drive.

Friend: Seriously? I’m not going to make it in time.

My sister-in-law forgot to list the city in the invitation… We would live within walking distance if our addresses were in the same city, though!

Question of the Week

Have you ever served a bad customer who got what they deserved?

I have a story to share!